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Thread: dnp

  1. #1
    gorilla's Avatar
    gorilla is offline Associate Member
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    south florida


    i just read the drug profile on DNP . it seems to be crazy shit!!!! what is the reality of the stuff. does it work like no other!!! Is it not worth the fact that you might kill yourself trying to get shredded???

  2. #2
    The Iron Game Guest
    it does work very effectively yes, and as with most things that work there are side effects. certain precautions can be taken to limit these sides but in general you will feel tired, lazy, you will have food cravings but they wont matter, you will sweat, you will soak your bed sheets at night. and you will burn fat like no other.

    You can cause yourself serious harm but its danger is overated, I am not recommeding this just saying it does work

  3. #3
    CYCLEON Guest
    I have used a butt load of this and it does work quite well - it also is uncomfortable, how intensly varies with dosage. Check out my sticky post on DNP

  4. #4
    juiceon's Avatar
    juiceon is offline Associate Member
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    heading west
    I am interested in DNP also, but have been hesitant to try it. It sounds like it would be hard to sleep on. I have a hard time sleeping now anyway, so that is why I am most hesitant. Does it make you tired or does it make you anxious, or neither?

  5. #5
    CYCLEON Guest

  6. #6
    The Iron Game Guest
    read? are you mad

    200mgs daily for 10 days is what I would recommend for a beginner wishing to try dnp

  7. #7
    CYCLEON Guest
    what - you dont have 3 spare hours? besides better appreciate it, unlikely to be getting any more wisdom (or anything else) from him

    a good print out and read on the toilet post i think

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