Hey guys,

I just registered but have been surfing these forums for a good 3 years. I'm 23 and just took my first shot of test/deca last nigh in the thigh. I've lifted for 5 to 6 years.

Im running spectro test at 400mg and tokkoyo deca at 300mg.

I did my first shot of 2ml's of test and 1ml of deca last night in the thigh.

Here's the problem, 30 minutes after the shot my thigh started to become sore and built up toward the end of the night. I woke up so sore and stiff in the thigh. I have to walk with a limp because i feel my thigh is gonna give way. I can't even take a shi*t without feeling like my thigh is gonna tear when i squat.

Whats happening.

Thanks guys!