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  1. #41
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    One up on you
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat

    You'll want to check the scoreboard:

    I'm a 250 lb. solidified illusion, you're 160 lbs. of immature confusion.


    OMG that was f*cking great!!!!

  2. #42
    S R H's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matto20
    Amen, SC. This whole forum is like one big time-trap to me. I try to post every now and again to help get rid of some misinformation around here and I always get lured back into the same, never-ending arguments. To hell with arguing with the ignorant...
    K.. im not ignorant, maybe not ready, But not ignorant. You think because wanting to do steroids at my age is ignorant? I dont think so, maybe if i just went and bought juice and started injecting without knowing anything, that would be ignorant. Coming on here and telling you what i was thinking of doing and taking your advice into consideration, how is that ignorant?
    I just want to do it because maybe i would feel accomplished with something i actually did in life. Going to the gym everyday and training hard and eating nonstop to see barely any gains does NOT make me feel accomplished or happy with myself whatsoever.

  3. #43
    SMYL_GR8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat

    I'm a 250 lb. solidified illusion, you're 160 lbs. of immature confusion.

    SC, what is this, bro? First, you rock some dunk contest. Then, you change your avatar to that Sean Paul look. Now you're shuttin' dudes up in rhymes! I think by next year this time your avatar's gonna look like this:

  4. #44
    S R H's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoomShaker

    I realise I am a newbie here, just started today actually, but I have been a member of many boards.(just trust me) I think you are asking yourslef "why won't anyone help me"???? right??? The reason is they don't feel right about putting you on a path that may lead down hill fast. But rather to try and let you realise for yourself that "nature" is the best for you right now. Then when you have matured physically and exhausted all your natural means(by age 23-25) I'm sure the guys here will help you bro. Try to take it as a compliment that they don't want to screw you up right now. Cool Bro?
    yea man... i appreciate it. Thats the kinda advice i was hoping for if anything.

  5. #45
    SMYL_GR8's Avatar
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    Bro, when I was 18, I was working out like mad, eating like crazy, basically doing all the things you're supposed to. I was 6'2", 150lbs, not a typo, 6'2" 150lbs and I stayed there!

    Then, changing my diet a little and workout program a little and I gained 50 lbs in 1 year. All natural. I'm as ecto as they come, but I was dedicated 110%. If I did it, you can.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by BduBbz
    K.. im not ignorant, maybe not ready, But not ignorant. You think because wanting to do steroids at my age is ignorant? I dont think so, maybe if i just went and bought juice and started injecting without knowing anything, that would be ignorant. Coming on here and telling you what i was thinking of doing and taking your advice into consideration, how is that ignorant?
    I just want to do it because maybe i would feel accomplished with something i actually did in life. Going to the gym everyday and training hard and eating nonstop to see barely any gains does NOT make me feel accomplished or happy with myself whatsoever.
    The reason you are ignorant is because you don't believe you can gain weight naturally. This is totally ignorant. I applaud you for coming on here and debating with us and doing the research, but if you don't realize that you can gain weight without popping needles in your ass you are blind to the sad truth.

    I don't care if you're a hardgainer. As I said before - I am too. I'm defintely an ectomorph. But there still shouldn't be any problem with you packing on weight if you do it smart, make it a priority, and use a little will-power.

    Again, if you really think weight gain for you is totally impossible naturally than something is wrong with you and you should see a doctor.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Bro, here's a quick/harsh realization for you before I go, because of your petty comment above.

    I don't give a flying f*ck what you think of me. I am not the one w/the issues. I've got respect coming out of my AZZ from 1000's, what one confused pimple-faced high-schooler thinks of me, is about as important to me as the temperature in Buttf*ck Iowa. The way in which you throw in your little "two cents" when you can't see that valuable information is smackin' you in your (__!__) is a "case in point" as to why you are too young, physically as well as mentally, to be even discussing gear usage.

    Let us not forget that YOU are the one who needs the advice/help, I've got my sh*t straight.

    You'll want to check the scoreboard:

    I'm a 250 lb. solidified illusion, you're 160 lbs. of immature confusion.

    I think the 160 lbs of your 250 is your ego. Im glad you dont care what little respect i have for you as a person. Im glad the 1000's that do give u respect because of your poetic ability that u got from the back of a cereal box, makes u feel better about ur image. Cheers to your solidified ego

  8. #48
    statuZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Bro, here's a quick/harsh realization for you before I go, because of your petty comment above.

    I don't give a flying f*ck what you think of me. I am not the one w/the issues. I've got respect coming out of my AZZ from 1000's, what one confused pimple-faced high-schooler thinks of me, is about as important to me as the temperature in Buttf*ck Iowa. The way in which you throw in your little "two cents" when you can't see that valuable information is smackin' you in your (__!__) is a "case in point" as to why you are too young, physically as well as mentally, to be even discussing gear usage.

    Let us not forget that YOU are the one who needs the advice/help, I've got my sh*t straight.

    You'll want to check the scoreboard:

    I'm a 250 lb. solidified illusion, you're 160 lbs. of immature confusion.

    wow dude, reality check your not the coolest person on the net bro even though you probably think you are and so do the 1000's that back you. your ego is through the roof.

  9. #49
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    This argument isn't about who respects who or anyone's ego. It's about an 18 year old kid who claims he needs steroids to gain weight because he thinks its impossible for him to do it naturally. Which is totally wrong.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by BduBbz
    K wtvr... ill try and wait... But the whole respect thing.. Yea its mutual.
    Bro, you've been a member here longer than I have and you should know that Swole doesn't mouth off to anyone that doesn't have it coming. Your above comment was a slap in his face. There are a lot of douches on here that are very immature and not articulate at all. Mouth off to them if you must, not the ones that are valuable sources/friends.

  11. #51
    statuZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matto20
    This argument isn't about who respects who or anyone's ego. It's about an 18 year old kid who claims he needs steroids to gain weight because he thinks its impossible for him to do it naturally. Which is totally wrong.
    im not taking sides but im just saying, if he is saking for help and he is set that he is going to do it, then why not just give him the advice? Maybe he will ****himself up less than if you didnt help him at all. Like its responsible to try and help him, but if he is determind to do it then you shoudl atleast give him some insight and stop giving him the bs that he doesnt want to hear, cause no amtter what you say, its not going to change his mind.

  12. #52
    BoomShaker's Avatar
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    No problem bro, personally i dont think your ignorant,(just very unclear) but just try to listen to the guys who have been around for a while, if they wont help you, then they must know something, never take any NO's from the old timers as a flame or a shine on you or your age, but rather take the advice and hold it near to you, the advice you throw away today may cost you tomorrow. Good Luck Bro!

  13. #53
    SMYL_GR8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMYL_GR8
    Hey guys, need a little advice here:

    Is the best way to commit suicide shooting myself in the temple or under my chin. I've got the gun and bullet and just some tips. Thanks! Oh and please no lecture on 'my life is worth living', just the advice.

    This is why

  14. #54
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    I'm still getting over the idea of an 18 year old not being able to put on weight naturally.

    That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard.

    Where do you live? Somalia?

  15. #55
    slizzut's Avatar
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    He did do a lot of research, and you guys do seem to forget that respect works both way. Right off the bat you showed him none. I don't want to get involved in the argument but just because he's youg doesn't mean he doesn't deserve respect. I'm aware you are giving him your opinions and suggestions but theres no need for insults.
    Last edited by slizzut; 09-19-2004 at 07:46 PM.

  16. #56
    LimitsAreNothing's Avatar
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    LoL Some funny ****. I am impressed at the level of sincerity around here. Everyone here is really looking out for people. I respect that, most other people out there on other boards would have told this guy " yea, sure, 800 mg of test a day and you dont need any puss# nolvadex ".
    This board is great. Honest, inteligent, and lookin out for peoples best interest's. cool, very cool.

  17. #57
    BoomShaker's Avatar
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    anyone know how much protein is in a fried cat in Somalia? BBBWWAAAAAAA

    (ok, that was gross) :-)

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoomShaker
    anyone know how much protein is in a fried cat in Somalia? BBBWWAAAAAAA

    (ok, that was gross) :-)

  19. #59
    Matto20's Avatar
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    ya'll missing the point again...

    Quote Originally Posted by slizzut
    He did do a lot of research, and you guys do seem to forget that respect works both way. Right off the bat you showed him none. I don't want to get involved in the argument but just because he's youg doesn't mean he doesn't deserve respect. I'm aware you are giving him your opinions and suggestions but try to be more sincere and not so harsh.
    Quote Originally Posted by Matto20
    This argument isn't about who respects who or anyone's ego. It's about an 18 year old kid who claims he needs steroids to gain weight because he thinks its impossible for him to do it naturally. Which is totally wrong.

    Night guys - I've got some studying to do. T'was a fun debate!

  20. #60
    BoomShaker's Avatar
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    I'm assuming Matto20 was reffering to the fact that you cant get big or grow if your living in Somalia, and i was assuming ,,, aaaaahhhhh what the heck never mind, it's late and i put in to many hours at the hospital today,,, hehe

  21. #61
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by statuZ
    wow dude, reality check your not the coolest person on the net bro even though you probably think you are and so do the 1000's that back you. your ego is through the roof.
    Sorry, but who are you?

    Get outta the kool aid kid, you have no idea what the flavor is!


  22. #62
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
    "dont argue with idiots... they'll drag you down to thier level and beat you with expirence.." - Elliot
    Cmon guys, if you get an answer you dont like you have to make up excuses and keep asking until you get an answer you want! Isnt that right?

  23. #63
    little-one's Avatar
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    dbudz, I think it is because of that lame joker smokn a joint in your avatar that no one will help you. That avatar is so dam annoying. Maybe if you had someone beating that guy in the head with a bat it would be cool.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by little-one
    dbudz, I think it is because of that lame joker smokn a joint in your avatar that no one will help you. That avatar is so dam annoying. Maybe if you had someone beating that guy in the head with a bat it would be cool.
    **** yours is alot better bro you are right its all becuase of his avatar that people arent helping him.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by statuZ
    **** yours is alot better bro you are right its all becuase of his avatar that people arent helping him.
    whats up your azz dude??
    It was a joke

  26. #66
    statuZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by little-one
    whats up your azz dude??
    It was a joke
    i was joking too bro, maybe i shoul dhave included a smiley haha

  27. #67
    little-one's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by statuZ
    i was joking too bro, maybe i shoul dhave included a smiley haha
    ya that would have helped out

  28. #68
    CanthookitLs6's Avatar
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    My Thread 2 Years Ago
    Yeah you sound alot like me 2 years ago..I still haven't done a cycle and I now weigh 194, and am @ 11% BF. Im glad I listened to everyone on this board and used all the resources on here to gain a good amount of muscle naturally.

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