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  1. #1
    jmiro is offline Associate Member
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    Los Angeles, CA 90024

    Effects of becoming a vegetarian

    I am seriously considering becoming a vegetarian, not for cluture fad or greenpeace reasons, but because I think I beleive it is a healthy life style. I have been on diets most of my life and none really work so Im thinking Ill give vegetarians a chance, not completely because Ill still eat eggs and fish and milk, but no pork chicken, meat etc... protein will be a problem, I just gained about 30lbs in this last cycle and wouldnt mind losing half or whole of it. The size doesnt matter I just want to be lean. Are there any vegeterian bb out there.

  2. #2
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Cool I'm not a veggie, but . . .

    Two pieces of feedback that might be helpful:

    First, if you do not go the full-fledged vegan route (no animal products at all), don't sweat the protein issue. You can get adequate protein from fish, especially if you're still doing eggs and milk. The omega-3 fatty acids will, of course, be healthier than the fat you get from meat and poultry.

    Second, if you have always lived on meat/poultry, etc., be sure to monitor your Vitamin B12 levels. Literally - you do it through a standard lab test. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause a host of symptoms ranging from pernicious anemia to neuropathy and paresthesias (numbness/tingling of the limbs). This deficiency is esaily correctable through monthly Vitamin B12 injections (specifically, cyanocobalimin, the injectable form of B12), but is not corrected by oral Vitamin B12.

    Finally, if it's a matter of losing some poundage, consider a plain ol' diet - just cut calories all around, and be sure to add cardio to your workout routine if you are not already doing so. But if you want to experiment with a more veggie lifestyle, here's hoping that you enjoy the experience.

  3. #3
    jmiro is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, CA 90024
    diet and cardio have been the pillar of my life for the last 4 years, I have been on a plateau ever since I lost 80lbs, I was 200 pre cycle and now Im 220 down from 234 peak at cycle.

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