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  1. #1
    D00fy's Avatar
    D00fy is offline Anabolic Member
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    diet question for 1st cycle


    Cycle im planning in the long run is(1st cycle)

    400mg/2ml test
    400mg/2ml eq

    weight 150ish (BUT WILL START GEAR WHEN I REACH ABOUT 160ish and good body structure,about 5months)

    Goals:Gain Muscle , Not to increase in body fat over 13-15% since it took me very long to get to 11% around <-6months,(I GAIN FAT VERY FAST,Im kinda like a endomorph)
    lifting 2 1/2 years

    As for the question
    Should i follow a diet ,a day by day meal plan while on gear? i know u might say some stupid "REMARKS" but i was thinking as long as i have 6meals a day with good protein sources and complex carbs,fat i should be good? as opposed to eating the same meals everyday?

    so in my case should i just worry more about getting about 300-350 protein a day ? and for carbs im not to sure ,since i dont want to increase body fat but what do you think 150-200carbs reasonable amount? as long as its clean good complex carbs? if i have the ability to create a diet routine during college than by all means i will stick to it,i have been on my current diet since SEPTEMBER2001,and seen improvement but while on AS i figured as long as i just get the GOOD PROTEIN and GOOD COMPLEX CARBS and EFAs' over 6-7meals a day im good to go??

    thank you for taking the time to read this,i do know how to orginize a diet just wondering if its really necessary ?

    thx,and be safe

  2. #2
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    Nov 2001
    As a true endomorph I will tell you that be concerned about your protein intake, but if you put on fat fast then watch your carb intake. I eat complex carbs like farina, oatmeal and fruits for breakfast with protein, but I taper down to just protein after 1pm. My advise as being a former fat ass until I learned what worked was if you want pasta eat it for breakfast, look at the general population on how they eat and reverse it. Your biggest meal should be breakfast and post workout you should get plenty of protein and also some carbs like a yam or an apple to restore the glycogen reserves. As far as the rest goes I say stick with LOW carbs, not no carbs cause you need them to function, but you'll see a difference if you eat them early cause you will have all day to burn them off, your strength won't suffer and either will others around you due to no carbs make people bitchy. If you got any other ?'s feel free to pm me, always happy to help out.

  3. #3
    D00fy's Avatar
    D00fy is offline Anabolic Member
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    thx for the advice

  4. #4
    G-S Guest
    Way to young.

  5. #5
    D00fy's Avatar
    D00fy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dirty South
    who knows when im gonna start?

  6. #6
    moto is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2001
    imo 18 is a bit young to start as wait till you finish growing

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