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  1. #1
    Brandon042513 is offline New Member
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    Talking is this any good

    hey im brandon i am contimmplating takin stuff and i was just wondering what was the best to take now im about 2 take finaject and winstrol stacked onto each other do u think thats a good idea plz let me no....i got this sugested by a friend who goes to school here with me who juices.....i also wanted to know anyones thoughts about juice and tests, do they have 2 test exactly for juice or will juice show up on any drug test, cause at my school they test for drugs every 2 weeks randomly...(military school) anyway if ud let me no it would be greatly appreciated


  2. #2
    SplinterCell's Avatar
    SplinterCell is offline Senior Member
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    Dude, No offence and i honestly hope none is taken but you sound like you dont know too much about what you might do...juice is some serious **** bro, Your only 19 and my personal oppinion is that you dont have enough knowledge or training to start gearin up...hell bro Im 18 and although I've been scouring the internet for info on juice for 6 months and Im nowhere near ready to start injectin. Granted I've only been training for 8 months...How long have you been lifting? Is your diet in check? Is your friend reliable? What about his source? Its my understanding that cerain roids can stay in your blood for up to 18 months (might have to check up on that one) basically, you should really consider these questions before you start injectin bro...winny and fina is the real deal and the sides that you could incur (be it both physical as well as social) should be thought out well...very well. Peace.

  3. #3
    Brandon042513 is offline New Member
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    listen i have been liftin for 2 and a half years and reading up on these different things for almost a year the only reason i asked these questions was to find out waht other thought about this and what results they got if they take it. my diet is in check, and this friend is quite reliable i see rapid results in him and he has been doin it for a while now and did it before he came here and looks outstanding... i mean thank u for the reply i take it into serious consideration the things u have said

    thanks again

  4. #4
    houseofpain's Avatar
    houseofpain is offline Banned
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    judging by your grammer i dont think you need to be juicing until you do some RESEARCH. first of all NO TEST=NO CYCLE. do some research, this is not a game. and no juice does not show up on regular drug test, it cost a lot of money to do steroid test.

  5. #5
    angelxterminator's Avatar
    angelxterminator is offline Senior Member
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    ya you say you've done a lot of research but it is blatantly obvious you haven't, or just can't read! fina and winny is probably one of the worst first cycles you could run! you need to do much more searching before you take the plunge!

  6. #6
    Brandon042513 is offline New Member
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    judging from my grammer i was writing that very fast but thank you for your imput i had a lot of homework to do thats why i am writing so quickly why do you say that fina and winny is the worst first cycle though i heard taht act very proficiently together becuase winny will cut u well and fina bulks you up.....granted i do have muscle on me but im sick of getting these kinds of results after two and a half years

  7. #7
    GetPumped's Avatar
    GetPumped is offline Senior Member
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    Listen to the other bros. You should read up some more and educate yourself instead of just listening to your friend. What if your friend just "listened" to one of his friends who really didn't know what they were talking about and he passes his "knowledge" on the subject to you. You would be getting bad advice, if you get my drift. Winny and fina are two of the most strongest side effect drugs and shouldn't be run for a first cycle. Also, some type of test in any cycle is a MUST, why put yourself at that risk? If I were you I would wait a while and read up more, but you most likely have it in your mind to do it, if you do, you should do a BASIC first cycle to see how your body reacts to gear. Try something like this:

    wks 1-10 500mg test enan
    wks 1-10 nolva 10mg ED
    PCT 2 weeks after last injection with nolva and clomid

    With this cycle you will be able to see how your body reacts to a single steroid . If you take two different steroids and realize your body isn't reacting the way it should, you won't know which one is causing it. Good luck bro.

  8. #8
    houseofpain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon042513
    judging from my grammer i was writing that very fast but thank you for your imput i had a lot of homework to do thats why i am writing so quickly why do you say that fina and winny is the worst first cycle though i heard taht act very proficiently together becuase winny will cut u well and fina bulks you up.....granted i do have muscle on me but im sick of getting these kinds of results after two and a half years
    i meant the way you talked about juicing. you sound very inexperienced. you can tell yourself what you want to but in all reality you do not know what you are talking about. do your own HW and let your friend be a dumb ass if he wants to.go from here, NO TEST=NO CYCLE.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    ok ok .... hey Brandon, Listen .... DO NOT do that stack on your first cycle.. PERIOD!!!

    your 19 right?? your test is sky rocketing as we speak without that juice. Why even take the chance and screwing yourself up? you could damage your growth plates among other body parts. That stack your gonna take is way to harsh on your system.. If your as stubborn as me then you wont listen but these guys are just tryiong to help in there own little way.

    you want to do roids then go ahead but maybe you should try a smaller stack//
    like sustenon250/deca with some Dbol (which is harsh too)
    seriously save the fina for a while it'll still be good when your ready for it.


  10. #10
    Georgie's Avatar
    Georgie is offline Member
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    [QUOTE=Brandon042513]hey im brandon i am contimmplating takin stuff and i was just wondering what was the best to take now im about 2 take finaject and winstrol stacked onto each other do u think thats a good idea plz let me no....i got this sugested by a friend who goes to school here with me who juices.....i also wanted to know anyones thoughts about juice and tests, do they have 2 test exactly for juice or will juice show up on any drug test, cause at my school they test for drugs every 2 weeks randomly...(military school) anyway if ud let me no it would be greatly appreciated

    Its a terrible idea. You can't run winstrol for very long (6 weeks max). Its very toxic to the liver. Its used at the end of a cycle. I'm not very knowledgable about fina, but i do know its not testosterone . And you shouldn't be running a cycle without a test base, regardless of what your friend tells you. There are a lot of "gym" idiots who juice and don't have any clue as to what they are doing or the risks. These people run winstrol only cycles for 12 weeks with no PCT and end up needing a liver transplant. Make sure you have a proper understanding of PCT before you start. Winstrol will shut you down, and you will need clomid or nolva to get you going again. There are a few articles around here talking about the benefits of running nolva only for PCT and getting rid of the clomid. Read up on it. Also realize that winstrol needs to be injected every single day. Thats a lot of shots for a beginner. You can drink the stuff, but IMO the results are not as good.

  11. #11
    bigbadbootydaddy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon042513
    hey im brandon i am contimmplating takin stuff and i was just wondering what was the best to take now im about 2 take finaject and winstrol stacked onto each other do u think thats a good idea plz let me no....i got this sugested by a friend who goes to school here with me who juices.....i also wanted to know anyones thoughts about juice and tests, do they have 2 test exactly for juice or will juice show up on any drug test, cause at my school they test for drugs every 2 weeks randomly...(military school) anyway if ud let me no it would be greatly appreciated


    finaject? didn't think that stuff was still around (legit anyways)

  12. #12
    Brandon042513 is offline New Member
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    well heres my cycle that i had planned on doing

    winstrol tabs one a day for 6 weeks
    1 ml of fina injected for 3 weeks 3 times a week

    my roomates cycle hes gunna take

    1 ml sustanon 250 for 2 shots a week 5 weeks

    1 ml fina same as me

    what are your takes on this becuase im not sure if its that harsh or not but i think i should get some test if thats what you all think let me no plz i want to become more knowledgeable about this before i do it and im sorry to bug everyone but you all are a lot more knowledgeable than i am.....BR

  13. #13
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    If youre getting $hitty results naturally after 2 1/2 years my first impression is that its your diet. Post up a sample diet or at least your daily calories and pro/fat/carb grams for us to take a look at.

  14. #14
    Latino~Heat's Avatar
    Latino~Heat is offline Junior Member
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    148 everyone else has been saying...RESEARCH! This Forum is full of answers, though I post my own questions, I know what I want in my cycle so I spend about 4-6 hrs researching! THen I ask..but even then, if you dont do it right the 1st time, it'll hurt you in the long run...

  15. #15
    Brandon042513 is offline New Member
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    well since im at a military school its not that easy to get a good diet going but heres a basic day of what i try and eat

    morning breakfast
    eggs scrambled and sometimes yogurt

    around 10
    odawalla vitamin c bar

    a small portion of whatever is on the table

    mid afternoon before football
    another odawalla (protein)

    a small portion of noodles or meat and a salad loaded with veggies

  16. #16
    houseofpain's Avatar
    houseofpain is offline Banned
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    i would suggest some prop or sust in your cycle and drop those harsh drugs for a later date. also tell your boy he needs to do that sust EOD atleast for better results.

  17. #17
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    How about some numbers for your total daily caloric intake and how many grams of protein/fats/carbs you get

  18. #18
    bobthebuilder is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon042513
    well since im at a military school its not that easy to get a good diet going but heres a basic day of what i try and eat

    morning breakfast
    eggs scrambled and sometimes yogurt

    around 10
    odawalla vitamin c bar

    a small portion of whatever is on the table

    mid afternoon before football
    another odawalla (protein)

    a small portion of noodles or meat and a salad loaded with veggies
    Your protein intake is very low, you are probably getting around 70grams per day, you should be getting atleast 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight to provide a thresh hold(sp?) for growth. You would be getting better results if you upped your protein intake, think of gear as super effective nutrient partitioners and realize the better your diet, the better your gains. Just my opinion.

  19. #19
    bignatt's Avatar
    bignatt is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dude you need to do some serious research your talking about doing 6 week cycles of sustanon your not even stating what the mg/ml is of your product......just read up in the educational threads it will seriously help you out im not trying to be a dick

  20. #20
    Brandon042513 is offline New Member
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    thanks a lot for everyones info im now basically jsut reading up on everything

  21. #21
    Brandon042513 is offline New Member
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    ok so heres what i came up with from the mixed reviews u all gave me im gunna now take super test, fina, and winny

  22. #22
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    Dude you're too young & your diet sucks IMO - but you're still prolly gonna juice whatever any of us say

    I'd run the test only at 500mg a week for 10 weeks
    Drop the fina & winny - If you really want to run one of them then I'd run just the winny for no longer than 6 weeks

    Otherwise you will loose your gains, your libido, your nuts & possibly any chance of having children!

    Dont fv<k yourself up - you're too young, but if you must juice then keep it simple - test only

    BTW dont listen to your friend - he doesn't know ****

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