Last week i started my second cycle. I am taking 2 cc's of EQ and 2 cc's of Sust 250 a week. Monday mornings i load 1 cc of EQ and 1 cc of sust 250 in a 23 g 1.5. and inject it in my buttucks. I do the same thing on thursday nights on the other cheek. I usually have my freind do it for me but he wasnt around so i went on the forum and looked up how to do it. I followed the directions perfectly. I injected it in my buttucks pulled back a lil n didnt c ne blood and slowly pushed in out. When i took the needle out bllod shot out like a volcano. Should i b worried about this. It stoped bleeding in like 2 minutes. Where else sholuld i inject. I am very lean and have very lil fat on me.