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Thread: paxil

  1. #1
    mannic is offline New Member
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    I have been perscribed paxil by doc. I have always had a prob. with shyness;but had come to learn to live with it over the years,parties etc have always been a major strain for me as with meeting people.My doc. says paxil will help me so I thought I,d give it a try.I did research and to my dismay found that it seems to have bad sides --weight gain,dopehead feelings,lack of libido. The medical sites say that this happens in +- 2% of cases;but all I,ve heard on the anabolic boards is bad reports. I cycle 3 months on and 3 months off (gear)and really like it; if helping my problem meant giving up gear,then i reckon i would carry on as is.Are the paxil sides really that bad?and could i carry on with my cycles and use paxil? I would appreciate some assistance,as i am at a loss,with all the contradictionary reports. Many thanks.

  2. #2
    Pork Chop is offline Member
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    ask your doctor, he will know best.
    personally i don't think they'll react to each other.

    My doc says Effexor works well with juice. It's almost like paxil. Ask him about it.

  3. #3
    Maraxus's Avatar
    Maraxus is offline Banned
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    Im on paxil and gear. No probs.

  4. #4
    Monkeytown's Avatar
    Monkeytown is offline Senior Member
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    No experience on gear and paxil, but I was on paxil a few years ago. Only side effect I had was, not lack of libido but hard to maintain an stiffy. I want to do it and was turned on but my little soldier didn't want to stay at attention.


  5. #5
    fitnessNY's Avatar
    fitnessNY is offline Senior Member
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    I was on it and the only side wasn't that bad at all. It was hard to get an orgasm, but I could stay hard and go at it all night long. The women deff didn't complain.

  6. #6
    Daven's Avatar
    Daven is offline Junior Member
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    Yea, its a bit hard to climax, but not that bad... the weight gain didnt hurt me either. Ive alwase had a fast metabolism, and it helps slow it down a bit...

  7. #7
    toolman is offline Banned
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    Paxil is an antidepressent. It also can have some serious sides. While these drugs are extremely usefull, they are being overprescribed right now. I would not recommend going on any psychological drugs unless it is prescribed by a Psychiatrist. A GP or your regular Doc is not a trained psychiatrist and should not be prescribing these drugs. If you feel alot of social anxiety, see the shrink. He may agree then you know Paxil is the right way to go. But do not let your GP try to be a specialist when he isn't.

  8. #8
    1-Cent's Avatar
    1-Cent is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well I'd say don't take it at all, personaly I'd rather eat broken glass than take Paxil for a day. I've had three very close friends on it at different times, they were all "normal" before they started that sh*t, one of them being my fiance who I spent almost all day everyday with so its easy to see changes. Well long story short, 1 commited suicide after 4 failed attempts (all after "treatment" began), 1 was kicked out of his house he shared with his gf, lost his job and now lives on the street and my fiance turned into a completely different person on it, but she was the last of the 3 so I saw it coming and told her to quit that sh*t or I was outta there, she quit and shes back to herself.

  9. #9
    ToTheGills is offline New Member
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    Here's my opinion based upon my own personal experience: If you absolutely need the drug because you cannot function due to your anxiety, then take it and deal with the sides. This drug has been substantially overprescribed. In my case, I had unexplainable headaches and was put on Paxil like it was candy. I was never told about the side effects - and even worse - the withdrawal effects. I took it for two years and during that time did three cycles. I gained weight (both fat and muscle) very easily but for the life of me, I could not cut up - even with strict diet and cardio. I also had extreme loss of libido -- which led to the end of two otherwise good relationships because, while on the drug -- I just didn't give a **** about much. Then, I took a good look at my bloated appearance in the mirror and my overall emotional state and decided to quit the drug. The withdrawal effects were ugly -- insomnia, paranoia and constant small electric shock type jolts throughout my body (I'm not kidding). After two months, I was off the Paxil and felt like a new person. I am now able to shed excess fat and regulate my weight as I was before the Paxil. So, my advice is steer clear of Paxil unless you are in dire need and it is a last resort. That's my 2 cents - well maybe 2.5.

  10. #10
    gya321's Avatar
    gya321 is offline Member
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    I have used gear while on paxil no problem. Hearing all those side effects really makes me want to drop it though. I was prescribed it by a psychiatrist and apparently abrupt stopping of it is worse for you.

  11. #11
    Monkeytown's Avatar
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    You have to go off paxil gradually. I was out of town for work and forgot to fill my prescription b4 leaving. I went 2 days without and had the some wierd symptoms. Sudden hot flashes, sweating profusely, paranoia. I had to go to the local pharmacy and have them fill an emergency prescription with a call from my Doc. It usually takes about 1-2 weeks to go off gradually.

    Good luck Bro


  12. #12
    Pork Chop is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitnessNY
    I was on it and the only side wasn't that bad at all. It was hard to get an orgasm, but I could stay hard and go at it all night long. The women deff didn't complain.

    EXACTLY with Effexor.
    No such thing as a quickie.

  13. #13
    Pork Chop is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    Well I'd say don't take it at all, personaly I'd rather eat broken glass than take Paxil for a day. I've had three very close friends on it at different times, they were all "normal" before they started that sh*t, one of them being my fiance who I spent almost all day everyday with so its easy to see changes. Well long story short, 1 commited suicide after 4 failed attempts (all after "treatment" began), 1 was kicked out of his house he shared with his gf, lost his job and now lives on the street and my fiance turned into a completely different person on it, but she was the last of the 3 so I saw it coming and told her to quit that sh*t or I was outta there, she quit and shes back to herself.
    To my knowledge Paxil is no longer prescribed in Canada because of extreme withdrawal symtoms. I think it was W5 who aired a report on many x-paxil users committing suicide and their lives going to hell if they tried quitting.

  14. #14
    SuperDuty's Avatar
    SuperDuty is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Paxil is an antidepressent. It also can have some serious sides. While these drugs are extremely usefull, they are being overprescribed right now. I would not recommend going on any psychological drugs unless it is prescribed by a Psychiatrist. A GP or your regular Doc is not a trained psychiatrist and should not be prescribing these drugs. If you feel alot of social anxiety, see the shrink. He may agree then you know Paxil is the right way to go. But do not let your GP try to be a specialist when he isn't.
    Great advice, family doctors are not qualified enough to make psychiatric decisions, most of the time they will refer you. I took it at I think 50mg/day (2 pills), killed my libido, and made me feel worse as time went on. Despite what the doc said I quit taking it all at once and am glad that I did so b/c I could not take another day of it. The only sides I got from abruptly stopping was a stuffy, cloudy head (kinda like being high) for about a week, maybe two, nothing I couldn't deal with. The best part was that it was like I was popping viagra daily, I had forgotten what I missing. Anyways, good luck to you bro, I know how bad it can be.


  15. #15
    mannic is offline New Member
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    Thanks Bros;but to tell u the truth I,m no more wiser than I was b4.The Doc. says same as med. info. sides minimal.He is genuine and is trying to help. I won,t use it on cycle,I will make a decision after more research whether to use it or not,maybe not. Cheers mannic.

  16. #16
    DUANABOL's Avatar
    DUANABOL is offline New Member
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    I have used Paxil and can't stand the side effects. I think that there are better SSRI's available. You must experiment to find what works best for you. One other thing that I would like to say is that I have used SSRI's while cycling before and compared to cycling without a SSRI...I prefer cycling AAS's without antidepressants. SSRI-free cycles were much better! I guess what I'm trying to say is that the antidepressants seem to interfere with the good feelings of increased testosterone .

  17. #17
    immy's Avatar
    immy is offline Associate Member
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    anyone know anything about depakote er and gear. depakote is for people with bipolar disorder has anyone use bith before sorry about crashing this thread

  18. #18
    gya321's Avatar
    gya321 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pork Chop
    To my knowledge Paxil is no longer prescribed in Canada because of extreme withdrawal symtoms. I think it was W5 who aired a report on many x-paxil users committing suicide and their lives going to hell if they tried quitting.

    If this is true Im gonna have to talk to the shrink. Since there are so many others out there without the withdrawal symptoms. Is there any articles backing the ban in canada?

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