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  1. #1
    1-Cent's Avatar
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    With Dbol whats more effective - short/high dose, long/low dose

    The longest I've run Dbol is about 4.5 weeks, just a day or two under 5 weeks (thats what my bottle worked out to). I've run it twice now and love the feeling and fast weight gain. I gain fairly well in terms of real muscle weight, both times I put on roughly 15lbs and kept roughly 8-10lbs after losing the water which isn't bad for the price.

    First time I ran it at 30mg /day and the second time I doubled it to 60mg /day

    My gains like I said were fairly close in the end, the only advantage I got with 60mg was ALOT more strength. On the negative side I started losing hair and getting puffy nips at 60mg while at 30mg I had no sides at all.

    So I've been thinking if I get similar results on both doses theres not much reason to go for much more than 30-40 since I'm not going for pure strength. Would I gain more keepable mass if I ran it at say 40mg for a longer period? Say 6-7 weeks? Someone with experiance would be great and no I'm not running it alone

  2. #2
    Latin's Avatar
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    4 weeks is the max i would run it.
    I wouldnt take the risk of injuring the liver more than it already will be.
    So i say MAX 4 WEEKS!! , and besides if ur not running it alone why run it more than 4 weeks?
    Im assuming u have Test? and if u do it should have kicked in at week 4 so no need for the dbol more than 4 weeks.

  3. #3
    1-Cent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Latin
    4 weeks is the max i would run it.
    I wouldnt take the risk of injuring the liver more than it already will be.
    So i say MAX 4 WEEKS!! , and besides if ur not running it alone why run it more than 4 weeks?
    Im assuming u have Test? and if u do it should have kicked in at week 4 so no need for the dbol more than 4 weeks.
    I also like running it within a cycle, not just as a kickstart, the 2nd time I ran it it was mid cycle. Easy way to throw on some more mass and blow past any platue you might have hit during your cycle.

  4. #4
    Latin's Avatar
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    I still dont think its worth the risk.
    How long is ur cycle?
    Maybe u could do 40mg the first 4 weeks and then let the liver rest for 4-5 weeks and do the final 4 weeks with dboll again.
    Then u could let the liver rest a while atleast.

  5. #5
    1-Cent's Avatar
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    Is there much of a risk at all in reality? I mean people seem to post here all the time about how oral toxicity is way over rated according to doctors, studies, etc. From what I've read Arnold took handfulls of Dbol daily without ever coming off. Obviously I wouldn't get that crazy lol.

    My cycle will probably end up being 20 weeks long, I'm in week 7 now. I've considered that method as well, just trying to get a few opinions, I know theres some people who run it 6-8 weeks without issue, but if I'm still only going to end up with the same 8-10lbs it wouldn't be worth it.

  6. #6
    6plates is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    My cycle will probably end up being 20 weeks long, I'm in week 7 now.

    your gunna run dbol for 20 weeks?

  7. #7
    thejuiceisloose's Avatar
    thejuiceisloose is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    Is there much of a risk at all in reality? I mean people seem to post here all the time about how oral toxicity is way over rated according to doctors, studies, etc. From what I've read Arnold took handfulls of Dbol daily without ever coming off. Obviously I wouldn't get that crazy lol.

    My cycle will probably end up being 20 weeks long, I'm in week 7 now. I've considered that method as well, just trying to get a few opinions, I know theres some people who run it 6-8 weeks without issue, but if I'm still only going to end up with the same 8-10lbs it wouldn't be worth it.
    Im running dbol right now with some Test and Deca . Gained 10lbs in 1 week 6 days. Im planning to run it up to 4 weeks only. Dude everyone here can tell you not to run it past 4 weeks, but you'll end up doing what YOU want to do anyway so, if I were you I would be taking like 950mg of Milk thistle or something else that will keep your liver values @ a good #. I don't know about running dbol for that long bro. I would think about it twice if I were you.

  8. #8
    bignatt's Avatar
    bignatt is offline Anabolic Member
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    Run ala as well as it cleans the liver to i have buds that have ran dbol for 8 weeks so if your going to run it longer just get your liver values checked out that would be the smartest thing

  9. #9
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Gotta love that dbol .... STRONG at high doses but i got the puffy nipples too (like the test/deca /dbol "bread and butter" stack - still like tren better hehe)

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I am taking 30mg a day right now with 1cc of sus e3d, and i am gonna stop taking the dbol after the 4th week, and start taking test E and then take another 3 week or 4 week cycle of dbol at the end i think

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