View Poll Results: What age did u hit the juice

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  1. #81
    eradikate's Avatar
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    i use to be heavy into drugs in high school. drugs i've tried- ketamine, LSD(acid tabs and gel tabs), shrooms, weed, coke, dust, qualudes(Lemon 714), Whippits. they all F*cked me up really bad but i don't think weed is that bad for you. i honestly think it's better than alcohol

  2. #82
    Fif the Great's Avatar
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    Originally posted by arthurb999

    btw, "irregardless" isn't a word
    And I quote, from Merriam Webster:

    Main Entry: ir·re·gard·less
    Pronunciation: "ir-i-'gärd-l&s
    Function: adverb
    Etymology: probably blend of irrespective and regardless
    Date: circa 1912
    nonstandard : REGARDLESS
    usage Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its fairly widespread use in speech called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that "there is no such word."There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

    But ok, I won't use it anymore...

  3. #83
    arthurb999's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Fif the Great

    And I quote, from Merriam Webster:

    Main Entry: ir·re·gard·less
    Pronunciation: "ir-i-'gärd-l&s
    There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

    But ok, I won't use it anymore...

    You're right... I stand corrected. I always assumed irregardless was a double negative; therfore, it is an improper word. Bravo!
    Last edited by arthurb999; 03-16-2002 at 03:16 PM.

  4. #84
    Stevie T is offline New Member
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    Started lifting at 16 hit the juice about 18... If I had known what I know now I probably would have waited till my early 20'.. I am 21 now.. Am I sorry? No... just would have done it a little different if I could

  5. #85
    McBain is offline Member
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    Originally posted by sk*

    Sad but true. When I started working out I was all for efficiency, I searched internet sites and looked at proper weight training routines and how to perform them. After about a month or two, I was already following a good diet that I saw on some internet sites. I am surprised by how many bigger people perform the exercises improperly, makes me wonder how they reached that size.
    Yeah I agree, but then again 3 years from now they are going to be in a bed with herniated disks. If you lift like shit you may get big for a bit, but it catches up with you. People just get away with it usually because they are young so are more resciliant (sp?).

  6. #86
    foreverblast1 is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by sk*

    I just think a lot of them take roids without doing any research. They are gonna end up hurting themselves, one way or another.
    or they are natural and extremely gifted athlethes with a superior genetic profile than the average joe.


  7. #87
    ECKO 747's Avatar
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    112 replies on this post.... Honly shit... D0ofy this time you've out done yourself... This has to be the longest thread posted

  8. #88
    Canes4Ever's Avatar
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    Originally posted by tackle78
    People are starting to say on this post 15 well there is a huge difference between a 15 year old and a man. between 15 and 18 most guys go through the most personality and mental change. Saying 15 and 20 in the same sentence to me is just like saying 2 and 9.
    I have to agree with Tackle78 on this one. Most men are not mature mentally, even at 25. Why is it most men leave the most important decisions in marriage to the woman? Because she is the more mature one (most of the time).

  9. #89
    Canes4Ever's Avatar
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    Originally posted by OT8268
    I couldn't agree with you more about how obsessed we are about how we look. I am around 15 percent bf. not real lean, but I am play on the D line, but anyway I am constantly complaning to my girlfriend about my love handles, or my chest is not even etc. I probably sound like more of a girl then she does at times, and it is true people including myself are completely absorbed in appearance, but when I do say that to my girlfriend she just says to me... be glad that you are healthy at all, there are sick kids in hospitals that would love to be you for a day, minor imperfections and all, be glad for what you have, after she says that I feel real bad about being so self absorbed and it does put things into perspective
    OT8268, more true words your girlfriend couldn't speak. Be thankful you are healthy and strong young man, getting to live out your dream of playing football. Always remember there are those of us who have not had the chance at your athletic prowess.

    I used to be very jealous of guy like you, and would have sneered at you if I had overheard you complaining about your appearance, because to me you would have looked like a Greek God. I was the tall skinny kid who had no self-love or self-esteem, who piddled away his youth in unhappiness and self-absorbtion in trying to always play the victim.

    Fortunately for myself, I was able to break free of many of the chains that held me back, but one of those dreams that had eluded me I decided I was going to do something about, and that was try to build my body up and become at least a part of the man I could have been.

    I have trained naturally since I was 38 years old and am now here at AR looking into doing AAS, but for me there are now added risks because of my age, and yet again I may not get what I want or dream about.

    OT8268, be thankful and consider yourself one of the lucky ones, be helpful and generous in helping others, because you have the gift of athletic talent and ability, and being able to share that with others will be a very fulfilling to you in your old age, that you will be able to reflect back and look at yourself in that mirror that you look at now, and be able to say back to your reflection, "I made a difference and some people are better off for it today".

  10. #90
    devilscabanaboy19's Avatar
    devilscabanaboy19 is offline Associate Member
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    Damn this thread reads like a fuckin' dictionary. I started lifting when I was 14 and I am damn-near 20 now. I took my first cycle when I was 17. It was just test and I got pretty good results. I didn't gain much weight (just 5 or 6 lbs.) because I didn't know about protein carbs and all that shit. My bench went up 50 lbs. in a month (pretty good for being a little guy back then) and didn't have any adverse effects. But let me tell you coming off your first cycle when you're that young sucks ass! Juice is an easy answer to a very difficult question. Don't let yourself get suckered into relying on gear. Let hardwork and determination be your building blocks. Remember if you want it to last it ain't gonna happen over night.

  11. #91
    D00fy's Avatar
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    this thread is becoming very respectable to me and learning about real dedication ,thx everyone

  12. #92
    Iron horse's Avatar
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    Originally posted by McBain
    Also oxycontin did this for me but that was because I pretty much OD'd so that was moreso the close call with death than anything else. Scariest night of my life, I was so scared I thoght I was going to die and after a couple of hours shivering in my bed feeling sick to my stomach I just finally accepted the fact I was going to die. Stay the hell away from that shit.
    Holy shit, I hear ya McBain!!! I was a super dumbass a couple years ago (not that im perect now ) my friend abused the fuck outta that shit took 14 pills one sitting and I would make my own shit to filter out all the bad drug, and keep the good. I thought I was smart doing that, but shit, I swear I was going to die too

    Sk* very nice argument you put up. I agree on both sides tho.
    before your 18, juice isn't smart AT ALL. Once your 18, and if you are truely smart and mature and know what your doing.. blah blah blah. then its your decision if you want to. personaly, Im thinking of juicing fairly soon in the future.

    keep in mind guys, once your old enough, it doesn't make steroids safe. it just lowers risk, but I think after you stop growing and are at the end of puberty, then you can consider it.


    btw - doofy, you a smart guy doing this research, but don't worry as much as you've been lately or you won't enjoy gear
    Last edited by Iron horse; 03-25-2002 at 09:29 AM.

  13. #93
    dyno45 is offline Junior Member
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    Nice read but man am I feeling old

  14. #94
    m.o.d's Avatar
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    about 25 years ago , i was around 15 or 16 when i started

  15. #95
    D00fy's Avatar
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    MOD wha cycle did u do?

  16. #96
    m.o.d's Avatar
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    Originally posted by D00fy
    MOD wha cycle did u do?
    only human pharm grade gear:

    GH (serostim) 4iu's per day 5 on 2 off...i stay on the G all year

    delatestryl (BTG test enanthate ) 400mg per week

    organon deca ...400 mg per week

    BTG anavar ...25mg per day

    arimidex ....1 tab per day

    once in a while i will throw in slin

  17. #97
    Terinox's Avatar
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    Hay M.O.D do you have any major side effects? Or anything seriously wrong with you today? Due to the heavy cycle you did at such a young age???

  18. #98
    m.o.d's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Terinox
    Hay M.O.D do you have any major side effects? Or anything seriously wrong with you today? Due to the heavy cycle you did at such a young age???

    considering over 20 years of using i guess it could be worse but ever since i started using the GH i've never felt better....only sides i have now are my hands get a little stiff from using the gh

  19. #99
    m.o.d's Avatar
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    Originally posted by sk*

    I think he did those during all his years of use.

    this is my current cycle and after all these years and so many different cycles this is dialed in to a T for my body...

    only human pharm grade gear:

    GH (serostim) 4iu's per day 5 on 2 off...i stay on the G all year

    delatestryl (BTG test enanthate ) 400mg per week

    organon deca ...400 mg per week

    BTG anavar ...25mg per day

    arimidex ....1 tab per day

    once in a while i will throw in slin

  20. #100
    m.o.d's Avatar
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    my first roids were halotestin , deca and test susp,,,,i think i was 15 or 16..cant remember now but knock on wood after two decades of juicing so far only mild sides...shit i see guys down at golds venice using so much shit and having liver and kidney problems...

    i also must disclose i'm addicted to the use of chemical inhancing drugs

  21. #101
    D00fy's Avatar
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    <--getting tempted to juice sooner:P

  22. #102
    m.o.d's Avatar
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    Originally posted by sk*

    Me and you both lol, although I am not sure if it's such a good thing. What are your current stats if you don't mind me asking? Have you lost mass after the accident?
    age: 40

    height: 6-4

    weight : 225

    body fat? too much of course but i would guess 12% down from low 20's 6 months ago...

    upper body looks hard..guns are a solid 19.5

    legs are small but cut...loss the mass due to my jacked back

  23. #103
    RobNAUTICA's Avatar
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    started lifting when i was 14 but i was doing it all wrong and not geting many gains. 20 and now an lifting correctly and making good gains, still clean but soon to do 1st cycle.

  24. #104
    projectsherv is offline Associate Member
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    Started lifting at like 17 or a few months after and im going to be 20 in a month. I just started my first cycle 2 weeks ago ( deca 400mg a week ) I dont know if im seeing any results yet really but I know the shit is definatly real. Thinking of adding some winny for the last 5 weeks. I'll try to post some results up here for you.

  25. #105
    johndope's Avatar
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    started lifting when i was 14 did my ist cycle at 19 now am 20 and doing my 2nd cycle 116kg for ya babyyyy

  26. #106
    ferdinan is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by HARDCORE
    I started lifting at 15. I'm 22 now, and three weeks into my first cycle.
    dude your pic of Jason Voorhis kicks ass! Im 19, and am currently on my second cycle. My first cycle was about 4 months ago, so I started when I was 19. Already planning third cycle, damn Im hooked!!

  27. #107
    full contact is offline Junior Member
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    I started at 16 about 3months after I started working out.22 now

  28. #108
    shorty2big's Avatar
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    I started at the age of 22.

  29. #109
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    Originally posted by eradikate
    i smoke weed every weekend and i think im mature and a critical thinker. these days my family is in such bad situation financially, that i work extra 10 hours(35 hours a week) plus school, plus gym, and i provide my family with groceries and help pay for the rent, and bills. i earn about 1400 a month and i use about 300 bux of it. i give my brother his lunch money, and other stuff he needs. i would've never done this about 2 years ago when i was a little rascal and liked to cause trouble and rob people. now, i like to help out people who are impared, give care for those who need, and like to share plates with the hungry. just cuz someone smokes pot, (and yes i smoke about an eigth a week) doesn't mean i don't think about life and stuff. you can't judge a person on one thing they do. because i know a lotta mature good people that smoke pot for their personal enjoyment. Even alotta parents!!
    Full respect to you my friend!

  30. #110
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    Originally posted by sk*

    It was either that or going to a doctor and taking prozac or something of the sort, but I chose AAS.
    You should have opted for the doctor. Steroids cannot cure mental disorders.

    You think too much! I have the same "problem" and it caused me to have social anxiety disorder. I can tell you that all the steroids in the world wouldn't have helped me if I didn't have the courage to see a shrink and take medication.

    Too much thinking is the result of too much serotonin released in the brain (chemical imbalalace), and can sometimes mark the onset of schizophrenia.

    Pls be careful!

  31. #111
    kennyw12345 is offline New Member
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    i was 19.
    did a 7 week cycle of winny. worked great no side effects

  32. #112
    hammerhead's Avatar
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    Welcome back Dr. Evil.

    D00fy - I thought someone had you whacked or maybe you won the lottery and moved - no posts from you in so long .

    I did a d-bol only cycle my junior year of college. I followed that with all kinds of stupid non-effective mostly oral stacks but I was stacking so much Jim Beam in there it didn't really work too well.

    I do regret my decision to juice in college. I do NOT regret my decision to juice recently (knock on wood).

  33. #113
    Big_Dippin's Avatar
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    I was 21. I did a winny/T3 cyle. Nothing major, just wanted to loose some BF while keeping my muscles.

  34. #114
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    Started my first cycle at age 17. Why you ask?? I play football, in high school all I wanted was to be a damn good football player and play college ball. Now I do play college ball after becoming a damn good football player.

    The thing is- age is something that is totally specific to what a person desieres in life. Does your body supply you with adequit amounts of test as a teenager?? Ofcourse it does, but if your looking to gain 30 lbs then good luck. I researched from age 15 until I thought I had a grasp on shit. I was around on the board for a long time researching. (finally I left that board due to too much flaming and drama)

    The bottom line is if you have a goal, and that goal can only be completed in a certain time frame, then you do what you've got to do. To answer you question PTbyJason- I don't regret it at all starting so early- would I have changed a few things? Yeah, but I still would have been juicing to get myself to where I thought I needed to be in order to be successful in my sport.

    How did Arnold go from 165lbs as a 16year old to 230 as a 19year old?? C'mon- I'm not saying I am the Austrian Oak, or anything like him, but he wouldn't even be talked about today if he waited until he was 25.

    Just my opinion, Kingnut

  35. #115
    BLOOD is offline Associate Member
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    I'm 17 @ 130, 5'9 tall, and a hardgainer, and I've managed to pack on 10lbs naturally, but I really want to juice. Let me tell you what happened: An older buddy of mine found 2 sources at a gym, "finally I'll get my juice!" I thought with joy. Neither of them would sell it. I must say they have high moralistic standards. They won't sell to anyone under the age of 25 & even then you need some bb experience. They've seen the damage that it has done to them and those around them. They are living proof of the dangers of Anabolic steroid usage. Most of them are fat with big guts. Makes me wonder what sort of cycles they did though. I'm fucking pissed off at the fact that they wouldn't sell, but at the same time I can't help but wonder if I'm being done a favor. The extra 10 lbs I packed on naturally was a fucking act of god. I wonder if they ever knew what it was like being genetically cursed & looking skinny, having little self esteem due to their appearance. It's also funny too cause I see this dude in my high school who's got to be 15 years old, and he's juicing I'm pretty sure it isn't his genetics either, but I look at him and wish I could have what he has. Then I look at what possible health risks he might suffer from in the future, how he'll look when he's the age of those fat sources in the gym. I want to juice really bad, but I think something really wants to stop me from going down this path.

  36. #116
    MENMOK is offline New Member
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    Hey doofy wondering where you been hiding good to see ya. MM

  37. #117
    Bigk is offline Junior Member
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    ahhhh all of sk*'s post are gone, this was a great thread too.

  38. #118
    Cruezer's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Fif the Great

    That's easy, Dizzy, I'm 19, and want to look good now, not when I am 30 and married with 3 kids. We're in our primes, and want to look our best, and AS can help us get to our best, that's not too unreasonable.... is it?
    the best post ive heard in a long time.

  39. #119
    Pete235's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Fif the Great
    That's easy, Dizzy, I'm 19, and want to look good now, not when I am 30 and married with 3 kids. We're in our primes, and want to look our best, and AS can help us get to our best, that's not too unreasonable.... is it?
    How do you know you will not want to look good when you're 30? See I've been 19 and I've been 30 and I can garauntee that I would rather look good at 30 than at 19. I'm also pretty sure that YOU can not speak intelligently on what it's like to be 30, so your statement is completely without merit or logic. Also, who made the declaration that 19 was the prime of your life??

  40. #120
    Solo is offline Junior Member
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    Shiit, i'm only 21 now, but if i xould have taken AAS at 17 or so, I would probably have killed someone, I didn't realize it then but when you are at that age most guys are very aggresive, and if they take AAS they won't be more relaxed.
    As all teenagers with less experience than older, they will probably get in more emotional problems than older AAS users. I remember high school, one was very often angry with someone, one often had trubles, with AAS on that, shiiit, no fun anymore. When you get older you get better self asteem, so you don't need to win every battle, and you don't feel to punch others as often as when you're younger.
    I got some friends who did AAS at 17, some did fine, others approximately 60 % got bad problems, two went to jail for assault etc etc.
    Of my friends who does AAS today, only 4 years later, none has those problems, there haven't been a fight with any of them in 2 years. Don't destroy your lifes young people, I promise it's worth waiting for.

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