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  1. #1
    xZeroCrashx is offline New Member
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    Higher Power : M1T Plus is this stuff good?

    I'm currently thinking of ordering m1t before they take phormones/legal steroids off the market im currently taking 1-ad but for my next cycle I was thinking of doing an m1t cycle I read on many posts taking milk thistle and hawthorne berry will help with the liver and the blood pressure. I was thinking of getting the underground m1t because its cheap but what do you guys think about

    Amount Per Serving:

    Milk Thistle 175mg
    Hawthorne Berry 150mg
    Licorice Root 4:1 50mg
    Methyl-1-Testosterone 5mg

    higher power : m1t plus it costs more but it has milk thistle and hawthorne berry in it. Is this sorta like an all in 1 tablet? I was thinking of cycling this for 4 weeks on and doing PCT with nolva and clomid for 4 weeks. can someone tell me if this is bad or if im missing anything. thanks
    Last edited by xZeroCrashx; 11-03-2004 at 04:39 PM.

  2. #2
    dieseL atC's Avatar
    dieseL atC is offline Member
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    Doesn't compare to the real thing... I tried it and wasn't very impressed.

  3. #3
    BeerBaron's Avatar
    BeerBaron is offline Senior Member
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    I took M1T (from IDS) for a month when it first came out. At 20mg a day I got horrible head aches, and made me actually throw up sometimes. Aside from that I didn't gain anything I couldn't get from eating right. Not a great product, but some people say it's more effective when stacked with 1-AD.

  4. #4
    xZeroCrashx is offline New Member
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    hrm i want to know if all m1t products are the same? even if its a different company it should be better or worse right? since its made of the same chemical compound? with this product i can just take 1 pill and ill have everything convered milk thistle and hawthorne berry? or should i just buy a product with just m1t and buy all these other supplements seperately? I think this stacked tablet is more convinient any feedback? please
    Last edited by xZeroCrashx; 11-03-2004 at 09:52 PM.

  5. #5
    Jackman's Avatar
    Jackman is offline Banned
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    why do people take somthing that gives 1/10th the results with 1/2 the sides of the real thing

  6. #6
    BeerBaron's Avatar
    BeerBaron is offline Senior Member
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    Thats why I moved on to AS. But if you look at some of the similar threads you will have a lot of your questions answered.

  7. #7
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    I don't get this M1T 1 minute it's the "sh!t" the next it's total crap. What's the's a real steriod (methyl-dihydro-boldenone ) so i thought it should give good results ( M1T is just d-bol with a hydrogen modification or am i looking at it wrong?) someone with a chemical background please chime in if you can.

  8. #8
    AnabolicAlien Guest


    i've seen people use it and get amazing gains.. personally all it did was make me tired and lose my appetite so i stopped taking it.


  9. #9
    BigGenes's Avatar
    BigGenes is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeerBaron
    I took M1T (from IDS) for a month when it first came out. At 20mg a day I got horrible head aches, and made me actually throw up sometimes. Aside from that I didn't gain anything I couldn't get from eating right. Not a great product, but some people say it's more effective when stacked with 1-AD.
    I hear alot of people get mad headaches on that stuff.

  10. #10
    1-Cent's Avatar
    1-Cent is offline Anabolic Member
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    A young guy I know at the gym whos 18 just did a cycle of M1T/1-AD, he wanted the real thing previously by I got him to back down to PH's since he was hell bent on moving beyond creatine. He became so lethargic that he slept most of the his days away and couldn't eat enough to make gains, I think he still got around 5lbs but that could have been easily done with diet. I WAS going to try M1T as a kickstart in a real cycle but his results made me change my mind.

  11. #11
    AnabolicAlien Guest


    hey 1-cent... i know you're just looking out for the guy but M1T is a steroid and is probably more dangerous than if he just ran 500mg of test for 10 weeks or so.


  12. #12
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    i cycled M1T (underground labs) for 2 weeks - gained about 5 - 6 pounds - strength went up considerably

    didnt get any side effects - no lethargy , no appetite supression - i did however break out in spots after discontinuation of the product - but they went away after a couple of weeks

    its worth trying, i think 5mg is too low though - i used 10mg on my first cycle - and 20mg on my second - my 2nd cycle wasnt quite as good buts that cos i wasnt eating right.
    if the sides are bad try using 4AD /4-derm

    in my opinion its better to use underground labs - then buy milk thistle etc seperatly
    works out cheaper that way

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