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  1. #1
    XxElitexX's Avatar
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    MY HEAD HURTS- Headaches from Deca?

    Aight fellas, need your help...Im on my 3rd wk running deca and have had a mind boggling headache for 36 hrs now. I rarely ever get headaches. No history of migraines eather. 400mg deca pr. week. I am going to be starting test with it i was just a bonehead and started running deca by itself which i know is wrong but surely that wouldnt be because of the headaches? IDK. This is also my first cycle. Thank You!

  2. #2
    XxElitexX's Avatar
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    Ive also been fighting feeling of weakness and stiff neck. I had a cold or flu. That was a week ago.

  3. #3
    Swellin Guest
    Check your blood pressure...let's see what that says.

  4. #4
    XxElitexX's Avatar
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    My blood pressure is 180/60

  5. #5
    Rickson's Avatar
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    BP most likely and possibly fluid retention. You also are probably experiencing some problems from lack of test.

  6. #6
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by XxElitexX
    My blood pressure is 180/60
    Try a different machine. I have never seen a spread that dramatic between systolic and diastolic. Your top number is very high, while your bottom number is a touch lower than normal. Your systolic number is high enough to be causing headaches. Check it again with a different machine. A normal spread is something like 120/68. Actually, that was mine while I was reading your post.

  7. #7
    XxElitexX's Avatar
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    Would maybe dropping down to 300mg pr. wk help at all? I really wanna be safe with it...I know how dangerous high blood pressure can be. Thank You for all of your comments.

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  9. #9
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxElitexX
    Aight fellas, need your help...Im on my 3rd wk running deca and have had a mind boggling headache for 36 hrs now. I rarely ever get headaches. No history of migraines eather. 400mg deca pr. week. I am going to be starting test with it i was just a bonehead and started running deca by itself which i know is wrong but surely that wouldnt be because of the headaches? IDK. This is also my first cycle. Thank You!
    Deca by itself.... well you know your body is in shock because of the rapid shut down of testosterone because of the deca and after about 3 weeks your body starts finding itself with absolutely zero testosterone and for most men this is very very uncomfortable. Well you did have to be a bone head and go against all the endless advice on here about test should be used with deca... unless you get some test in here soon, this will persist for the cycle because of the boneheaded decision to go half assed. If you quit the deca now, your testosterone production (natural) will still take about 5 weeks to start recovering. Absolutely brilliant Sherlock. Next time when there is a mountain of advice all favoring the same thing (running testosterone with deca), dont ignore it.

  10. #10
    worldtraveln's Avatar
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    I just went to the doc for the same problem. I started getting severe headaches when ever I worked out or did any kind of physical activity. I have been wathcing my bloodpressure the whole time and it has been high but I wasn't that concerned. I should have been. Now I can't go to the gym or worst of all I can't have sex without experiencing the worst headaches ever. My doc says he is convinced that it is my blood pressure that is causing this since it is so high and has happened so rapidily. I now have to wait two weeks for the test-e to leave my body and hopefully my bloodpressure will go back to normal and the headaches will leave. For now I am just watching myself shrink in the mirror from lack of exercise and I haven't even started PCT yet. So my adivce to all those on a cycle or thinking about doing one is to monitor your BP and if it gets too high do something about it. Don't be like me and try and wait it out because you don't want your doc to get suspicious. Also remember that if your bloodpressure is high enough to be causing headaches then you have a serious chance of having a stroke. So stop working out and go see a doc to get some BP meds until the steroids can leave your body. Remember its better than going the rest of your life with permemant injury due to a stroke.

  11. #11
    XxElitexX's Avatar
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    Im getting diff things from you guys....should i start running test or get off due to the bloodpressure?

  12. #12
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxElitexX
    Im getting diff things from you guys....should i start running test or get off due to the bloodpressure?
    I dont think in this circumstance the headaches are due to the deca . I think its a simptom of total deficiency of testosterone . Something we as men havent had since we were about 10 to 11 years old.

  13. #13
    XxElitexX's Avatar
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    so it is a good likelyhood that the high BP could be from lack of test? I dont know necessarilly what it feels to be shut down...My sex drive is great. I feel like i have alot. But that might not be the case. Someone please lay out something that can get my test levels up...the blood pressure down, and not mess up my future gains. thank you for all the comments so far.
    Last edited by XxElitexX; 11-17-2004 at 06:46 PM.

  14. #14
    Tallon484 is offline Junior Member
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    Maybe your allergic.

  15. #15
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    just start taking test at 100mg more a week than your deca is, and eventually it will even out I would think, and run teh test 2 weeks after the deca is done


  16. #16
    detroit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxElitexX
    Aight fellas, need your help...Im on my 3rd wk running deca and have had a mind boggling headache for 36 hrs now. I rarely ever get headaches. No history of migraines eather. 400mg deca pr. week. I am going to be starting test with it i was just a bonehead and started running deca by itself which i know is wrong but surely that wouldnt be because of the headaches? IDK. This is also my first cycle. Thank You!
    I about 10wks into my cycle of Deca and Test. Just last week i have been getting head-akes in the middle of the night. Went on for about 3 nights, but all is cool now. Not sure what it was from, my BP is fine.??

  17. #17
    XxElitexX's Avatar
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    Should i maybe stop the deca and start test? A side from deca is the high BP after all...maybe that is just one of my sides? And then take the test so i can build back up with my test. Is my blood pressure so high that i should see a doctor for? Can i still work out?
    Last edited by XxElitexX; 11-17-2004 at 08:23 PM.

  18. #18
    Rock_Hard's Avatar
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    I'm very interested in some more replies here- I'm about ready to start T400/deca cylce myself- bump!

  19. #19
    XxElitexX's Avatar
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    Im going to talk to see my doctor tommroow...what should i tell him and ask him?

  20. #20
    worldtraveln's Avatar
    worldtraveln is offline Associate Member
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    Well I am willing to bet it is the fact that your bp is too high. I currently have the same symptoms on a 400mgDeca/500mgTest cyle eventhough I have since dropped the Deca . I am also pretty sure that if you add test to your cycle now your BP will increase even more. I would personally go and see the doc and get some BP meds and quit taking the Deca. I think this might just be a wasted cycle for you. I know this sucks but it is better than trying to fight your way through it or experimenting by adding more steroids (test). I personally plan to start another cycle in a few months but this time I am going to use test prop only. I think this is a good idea for people who are prone to experience high blood pressure while on cycle. The reason is props half life is so short that if you start having problems you can just quit without having to go to the doc for medication. As far as working out I wouldn't. When I talked to my doc he said that only severe cases of high BP result in headaches/stiff necks and that this is a precurser to a stroke. So anything you can do to keep your BP low such as not work out would only benefit you. I know you probably want someone to tell you to just start taking test and all of your problems will be solved and you will continue to grow. Well, no one with your health in mind should suggest this. The chances are that test at bodybuilding doses will only increase your bp levels. On the other hand BP meds will definetly help to lower your BP and make you safer. I suggest not to experiment on yourself with something this serious. Also what anti-e's are you on? This will be important when prescribing you BP meds. Most of the time docs will try and put you on a mild dieuritic which for most people will work to lower BP. However, if like me you are already on nolva 10mg and airmidex .5mg per day then fluid retention is not your problem and you probably need a Beta blocker/ ace inhibitor to lower BP. Just be upfront with your doc as this will save you both time and money since he won't have to guess and run all kinds of blood work on you.
    Hope this helps and keep us informed on what you kind out from the doc

  21. #21
    XxElitexX's Avatar
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    Hey Everyone...Just got back from the doctor this morning. I told him exactly what i was taking, how many weeks i was in. He took my BP. It was actually down (compared to the machine at Dillons, but how reliable are those anyways) It was 140/92..but i have been checking mine and it gets worse as the day goes on (but thats what the machin at Dillons said). He said I have really nothing to worry about, he said just be smart (cycle off) and that i might feel a little bit funny (accellerated heart rate, etc.) I skipped my 4th injection due to the BP to talk on the forum about my BP and headaches it has been a week and a half since my last injection. He said I can still work out. Overall, the doctor was cool. Im 18 and he said that he wont tell my parents but it will be on my record, and they cant get into my record anyways. He also said the high BP was definitely from the Deca , not lack of test. Would you guys say that deca raises the BP more than most AS or what? Thank you all for your input and comments. You all have been a big help.
    Thank You!

  22. #22
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxElitexX
    Hey Everyone...Just got back from the doctor this morning. I told him exactly what i was taking, how many weeks i was in. He took my BP. It was actually down (compared to the machine at Dillons, but how reliable are those anyways) It was 140/92..but i have been checking mine and it gets worse as the day goes on (but thats what the machin at Dillons said). He said I have really nothing to worry about, he said just be smart (cycle off) and that i might feel a little bit funny (accellerated heart rate, etc.) I skipped my 4th injection due to the BP to talk on the forum about my BP and headaches it has been a week and a half since my last injection. He said I can still work out. Overall, the doctor was cool. Im 18 and he said that he wont tell my parents but it will be on my record, and they cant get into my record anyways. He also said the high BP was definitely from the Deca , not lack of test. Would you guys say that deca raises the BP more than most AS or what? Thank you all for your input and comments. You all have been a big help.
    Thank You!
    The highest I ever had recorded while on anything including deca and test combo was 120/88 but then when off cycle I tend to register low... like get slightly dizzy when standing up type low blood pressure so the BP increase I get from roids is actually beneficial and puts me closer to normal. Your BP isnt all that bad... especially when doing something like telling a doctor you are taking steroids would have rattled your nerves so I tend to think you would have registered an extremely high BP at the doctor's office, higher then after you left his office with the task of telling a doctor you are on roids. Personally its sounding to me like your problem is deca alone... go add test to your cycle... it will take 2/3 weeks for the test to give you relief because basically deca and test are actually very slow time released drugs so it will take a while for the test to build up and you should be feeling a lot better.

  23. #23
    Pork Chop is offline Member
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    When i don't drink enough water on cycle - i get headaches. You need to drink water.. mad water. When i feel one coming on, i gulp down half a gallon and it goes away within 5 minutes.

    For the guy wasting away, get some REAL clomid and Nolv's man.. watsing away is the suck!

  24. #24
    XxElitexX's Avatar
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    Ok everyone, my Girlfriend was over tonight. Im shut down now...What post cycle should i do for 3 wks of deca ? thank you.

  25. #25
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  26. #26
    Pork Chop is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxElitexX
    here's what i'd do.

    start shooting 100mg prop today - this will give you time to locate clomid and get a clue about what you're doing.
    continue deca and prop for another 10-12 weeks.

  27. #27
    worldtraveln's Avatar
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    Why is everyone pushing for him to inject test? He already has high blood pressure and no its not just from nerves. I mean 140/92 for an 18 year old while at a resting position is extremely high for his age no matter if he is nervous or not. Just imagine what type of reading he would have during a workout. He also has symptoms due to high blood pressure such as headaches and a stiff neck. These have nothing to do with a lack of test. Yes, test might help with his sex drive but it will be at the expense of his health. This is because test at bodybuilding doses will raise your BP and he already seems prone to this side effect of AAS. It would be safe to assume that test at 100mg per day would put him at dangerous BP levels. Adding test is the type of thing that ends up in the news about steroid abuse . I mean his body is giving him warning signs about the drug he is taking and he goes and adds more, only to result in a dangerous health complication. I think he should just chalk it up to a learning experience(test for a first cycle and never deca alone)and try again later after a little more research.

  28. #28
    XxElitexX's Avatar
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    I agree definitely taking the docs advise and getting off. I will definitely learn from this whole thing and i thank you all for your input. But for future reference....would there be any AS that wouldnt be so hard on the BP???? I will definitely run proviron or something to keep the bloat down next time. Please gimme your suggestions. thank you.

  29. #29
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