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  1. #1
    kraziman is offline New Member
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    Nov 2004

    Getting Started..

    I am 32 and have been weight lifting for the last 10 years regularly. My diet and weight lifting is fine so no problem there. I have always wanted to step into that next level so I have researched for a good while on taking a cycle which I have never touched steriods before.. I have a friend (educated with cycling) that I have asked to help me get started. The only thing I’m bothered about, is that I can’t take anything like Hydroxycut because it caused me to have some anxiety encounters while working. I’m not normally bad, like on meds for anxiety but my question is... Is a cycle going to make me feel anything like the hydroxycut did? The cycle that I plan consist of Deca 300/Enantat 250/ 250DB tabs. Could someone suggest or shed some light on my dilemma on getting started here? I mean, should just try some tabs to see how they make me feel?

  2. #2
    KGBnine is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have heard claims that anabolic steroids are linked to psychiatric problems, but I have never seen proof. They have never affected me in that sense. PCT sometimes will make a person feel different (woman-like "feelings), but is managable and will subside shortly after PCT completion (for me anyway). I would start a cycle and monitor any changes, but don't be paranoid at any little thing that seems different. This is just my opinion though. Good luck.

  3. #3
    ddoublevision's Avatar
    ddoublevision is offline Associate Member
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    where these the Hydroxycut with ephedra? ephedra always gives me problems(I take it anyways and just deal with it) anxiety and almost a paranoid feeling. Steroids don't give you at all the same feeling at all, you might want to steer clear of most theromogenics (fat burners not roids) and clenbuterol might not be good for you either but roids should not give you the same problem!

  4. #4
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    what kind of doses are you running the gear at?

  5. #5
    kraziman is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the feedback on my topic. I researched that high doses will give you some anxiety but I'm thinking this cycle will be like mild salsa. And 6969 I am getting with my friend soon so he will get me started on the doses so I’m not exact on what is will be. My stuff again is Deca QV 300/Enantat QV 250/ 240 tabs db. So, does is this good stuff, heard it is. My 1st cycle, any opinions on how they would dose it out?

  6. #6
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Hydroxycut does the same thing to me but I don't get anxiety problems on AAS. I think you should be fine just watch for symptoms.

  7. #7
    jbol's Avatar
    jbol is offline Senior Member
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    On the End of a Needle
    no dont just try tabs to make you see how you would be a waist...i would go with a simple cycle to start...just the test and maybe the dbol do away with the deca or save it for a later cycle...jmo

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