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  1. #41
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by I-WISH-A-MF-WOULD
    Well for those that take my question serious thanks for the input. The problem is real for most. When you're on cycle you're a lil more on edge for those that are unaffected good for you. It has nothing to do with B.S IQ scores, the moon or being unsociable. I got it under control but lets be real. When you’re running Prop, Tren and Halo you’re going to be more aggressive. Anyway MUUUSHAAAH and thanks again for the more serious members. To many darn kids in this forum.
    To many darn kids... How old are you and do you live with your momma? Tren makes most people a$$holes, but slapping you own mom???

  2. #42
    GrantC5 is offline Associate Member
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    It's all in your head I would like to bet on a placebo vs. real gear and see how many placebo people said they had roid rage . Either your like that normally or your not, simple as that. If the strengh makes you feel "super human" I would suggest keeping it to yourself because you have potential to mess with someone that can fight and don't give a shi% about your supposed super human body.

  3. #43
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrantC5
    It's all in your head I would like to bet on a placebo vs. real gear and see how many placebo people said they had roid rage. Either your like that normally or your not, simple as that. If the strengh makes you feel "super human" I would suggest keeping it to yourself because you have potential to mess with someone that can fight and don't give a shi% about your supposed super human body.
    Your back! I honestly thought you meant it when you were going to ban yourself from the board... Though I do not agree with everything you say or do, welcome back

  4. #44
    GrantC5 is offline Associate Member
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    Just f-ing around, my grandfather had brain cancer and died that morning I was not my normal self. Great man not really his time to go................I like this board but I also have a 2 year old son so when people start saying they throw their pins in the sandbox at a school it doesn't sit well with me. It doesn't really matter I guess people will say whatever they want anyway.

  5. #45
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    I don't care what anyone else says... intelligent or not.. roids are a hormone... when hormone levels fluctuate it effects your mood... i get pissed easier but I don't blow up... can't wait to see what tren will do.... maybe take some meds durring the day if your really bad... ask your doc... (anit-anxiety sounds good)
    Super sayan on tren , i dread the thought!

  6. #46
    JdFlex's Avatar
    JdFlex is offline Senior Member
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    For all you guys that are saying its a myth, I'm going to guess you've never been effected by it probably b/c your brain is wired a certain way. Let me tell you, that roid rage is real and it does effect some people. One of those people is me. Its pretty close-minded to say something doesn't exist just b/c you've never experienced it.

  7. #47
    Maraxus's Avatar
    Maraxus is offline Banned
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    Strange out of my 10-15 friends who use AS none have this "rage"

  8. #48
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by JdJuicer
    For all you guys that are saying its a myth, I'm going to guess you've never been effected by it probably b/c your brain is wired a certain way. Let me tell you, that roid rage is real and it does effect some people. One of those people is me. Its pretty close-minded to say something doesn't exist just b/c you've never experienced it.
    bro,its not close minded to say it doesnt exist.99 out of 100 people have a feeling of well being while on a this is not to say you dont get more aggressive because either your bp is up or yes you have an over ubundance of testosterone running through you.but there is a reason why you are's not roid rage .it does not exist.people who act like assholes on gear act like asshole when there not.plain and simple.they are just now bigger assholes.i'm sorry if you cant comprehend this but the more experienced people around here will tell you it's in your head.

    this is the kind of thing that puts a negative spin on roids and its even more disheartning to see people who use gear blame it on their outbursts rather then take responsability for their actions.

    i've commented enough on this.think what you want.but if you do feel you have "roid rage",you need to discontinue using and seek help

  9. #49
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    I get crasnky and pouty when I am off... And crave a good book and the oprah show.. Roid rage is a prmission slip to som eto be an ass..Imo

  10. #50
    I-WISH-A-MF-WOULD is offline Associate Member
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    No I don't wanna really slap my momma but let me put it to the p-nut gallery like this. I'm mo' aggressive and get a lil' more agitated while on cycle. I've never been in a fight while on cycle nor am I a asshole or punch holes in the walls when things don't go my way. What I like about this forum is you can get alot of good info. Unfortunately the downside is the immaturity. But bottom line you get on edge or you don't. It's how ya deal with it. Once again thanks for the input.

  11. #51
    JoeyJuice is offline Banned
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    roid rage is real, just depends on your personality, im doin 1500 mg of test, 525 of tren , week 3-4 i thought i was gonna have to stop, sex helps

  12. #52
    weightshead is offline Associate Member
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    From what i've read i really believe that roid rage is a myth.

    However if your a dick off your going to be a bigger dick on.

    I personally have experienced an increase in the number of violent fantasies but this could easily be situational as a couple of my friends have been victims of burglary in the past few weeks.

  13. #53
    Pork Chop is offline Member
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    i think elevated estrogen in the body resulting from high levels of test would make somebody very moody. the aggresion resulting from elevated levels of test could be amplified from the mood swings.

    my 2 cents.

  14. #54
    GetinBig's Avatar
    GetinBig is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    High levels of testosterone are generally only associated with agression and anti-social behavior in males with lower intellegece. If you get roid-rage, you are probably in this category of lower or diminished intellegence.


    Chance, S.E., Brown, R.T., Dabbs, J.M., & Casey, R. (2000). Testosterone, intelligence and behavior disorders among young boys. Personality and Individual Differences, 28, 437-445.


  15. #55
    GrantC5 is offline Associate Member
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    The same people that have "Roid Rage " would most likely have rage after drinking an energy drink in my opinion. It is the super human feeling you have on the gear, BUT mentally you should be able to control it. If you can walk away from a fight someone else started you can probally control "Roid Rage". I think if you understand that you don't have any problem with roid rage. Being an ex-boxer I like to fight but I can still control my mind on or off gear and I think anyone else can unless you have a problem in that area.

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