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Thread: Any Answers

  1. #1
    bradleyg is offline New Member
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    Mar 2002

    Talking Any Answers

    OK, I have started taking Clenbuterol ( Spiropent)
    1)What is this stuff like ?

    2)What would a good stack to take with this type of Clen ?

    I am 21 yrs, 6'1 about 160 been like this for like the last 4 years I have Norandros and Andros would it be alright to stack one of these with Clen ?

    3)ECA ?, Would that be all right to stack ?

    4)Taking creatine would that be alright to take with Clen ?

    5)What about taking Metaform Metacuts, this stuff has MA Huang, and a 8% of Ephedrine in it ?

    6)And Also what about Alcohol how does this have an effect on Clen ?

    Any Help would be muchly appreciated.

    Thanks, BradleyG

  2. #2
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Cycle the clen and eca two weeks on and two weeks off

    2 weeks Clen then 2 weeks ECA

    Start the Clen at 1 pill and work it up until the sides become apparant then back off by 1 pill it is normally at 6-7 pills a day but it varies from person to person

    Creatine can help the body store water so IMO I would cut it out if I was storing a lot of water

    If you are trying to cut up why drink alcohol it is empty cals

  3. #3
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    if your 6 ft 1 in and 160 lbs why would you be looking to burn any bf.
    do a search on test/deca /dbol cycles bro.

  4. #4
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    Secret Volcano Lair
    you've started taking clen and you're asking what this stuff is??

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