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  1. #1
    Freeman is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Short Cycle vs. Long Cycle

    I'm going to do my first cycle of 500mg Test E per week. It is the best time for me to do this because my work commitments will be low for the next 14 weeks, however, I need to take a flight next Spring and so to complete my PCT before I leave I need to do a shorter cycle(9wks, instead of 12wks). So I have two questions:

    Question 1: I am worried about when the depression will set in, so that I can plan my schedule around it. Will it appear: A) The week I end my cycle; B) Two weeks after my cycle when the E fades; C) other _________.

    Question 2: How will 9wks of Test differ from 12 wks? Just in the length (and so lbs of muscle) or does it compound? Example, would I gain 40% of the muscle in the last 3 weeks? I doubt it, but hopefully you get the point of this question.

    Question 3: How often should I give blood to keep my RBC counts level?

    Question 4: How much should I expect to gain? To give you a sense of how to assess what my gains will be: I eat clean and often, and I gained 10lbs of muscle on a 4 weeks cycle of the suppliment androsteindione.


  2. #2
    1-Cent's Avatar
    1-Cent is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada, Eh
    You'll gain most of your muscle in the first 8 weeks but longer is better in terms of holding onto that weight after the cycle is done, and you'll still gain more after 8.

  3. #3
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2004
    so do 12 weeks and take ur pct with you

  4. #4
    Freeman is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Take PCT with me?...

    It's probably not a good idea to take controlled substances with me through security at an airport.

    However, my main problem is the depression. When will it kick in?


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