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  1. #1
    McBain is offline Member
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    Customs and Seizure

    Curious as to what the general chances are of actually being charged if your package is seized if you just have enough for say an 8 week cycle or so, basically so it would be clear it was for individual use and not distribution. By package I mean no rec drugs/dnp (as I realize dogs can sniff these out) or anything, just AAS. I realize if packaging is good seizure is fairly minimal but if it is seized just wondering what chances are of having charges pressed if the situation is like the one I described above?

  2. #2
    McBain is offline Member
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    Oh also one thing I forgot to mention is if land lords have the ability to evict on pretense of illicit drug shipment to one of their apartments they are renting to you. I don't have a copy of the lease on hand, is it neccessary to check that or is there a generally rule when it comes to this?

  3. #3
    McBain is offline Member
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    no one has a clue?

  4. #4
    utah pump's Avatar
    utah pump is offline Junior Member
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    I can't see the GOV spending the money to bust a single person for the sole use of AS. They are interested in tracking the people who are receiving for the purpose of re-sale.

    Don't get me wrong there is always the chance. I did hear about a dealer (source) who got busted and in a plea bargain gave up his buyers. The feds told him to call his buyers and tell them the gear was from Mexico. Once this was done the smuggling law is written that they are now involved in direct smuggling. So when the package arrived the Feds busted them. They received 5 years!

    This is not typical but it has happened.

    Just know never sign for anything!!! The feds need proof the gear is yours. If someone needs a signature it is the FEDS!

    I hope this helps but I would not worry.

  5. #5
    RUSSIANBEAR is offline Member
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    Make small purchases bro and youll be fine. The customs are not worried about a few hundered $ worth of gear they have better things to do. Never had any prob. Just be smart.

  6. #6
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    for that amount, almost nothing. the charge would be posession of 1-2 units of steroids and if convicted you'll get a maximum of 6 months in prison, but if you have a pretty clean record then there is almost no chance you'll do any prison time.

    besides there is almost no chance they'll come after you for that.

  7. #7
    McBain is offline Member
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    Dec 2001
    Thanks for the replies

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