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  1. #1
    seriouslifter is offline Member
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    Aug 2004

    When to start the HCG?

    I am going to do a 10 weeker of tren /test/winny. I know to start the nolv 3 days after last injection. Soo, since hcg lasts about 3 weeks. 1 shot every 5 days. 3000, 3000, 2500, 1500 I like to do. Does that mean I start around week 8 for HCG ending around week 10 when Im done injecting? So then I can start the pct asap after last injection? Get what I mean.

  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Why are u using hcg in a 10 week cycle? It's not needed.
    Just do extended pct instead and maybe some trib and you'll be fine.

  3. #3
    seriouslifter is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    Why are u using hcg in a 10 week cycle? It's not needed.
    Just do extended pct instead and maybe some trib and you'll be fine.
    Umm, tren is highly anabolic and shuts you down. I know alot of people that do HCG to try to keep more gains when coming off cycle. A combination of HCG and Nolv is a great way to get recover. How many cycles have you done? Do you read a lot?

  4. #4
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Don't get smart with me azzhole. I'm well aware of tren is and what it does. And don't bother to ask me about how many cycle's I've done cuz that's not the issue here.
    You ask for advice on a msg board and you jump all over someone when they give you an opinion? That'll make u real popular here
    HCG is used more in longer cycles...In a 10 week cycle it's unnessary.
    Nolva along with clomid and maybe some trib post cycle is all you'll need...But I guess you already knew that considering you read more then I do

  5. #5
    seriouslifter is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    Don't get smart with me azzhole. I'm well aware of tren is and what it does. And don't bother to ask me about how many cycle's I've done cuz that's not the issue here.
    You ask for advice on a msg board and you jump all over someone when they give you an opinion? That'll make u real popular here
    HCG is used more in longer cycles...In a 10 week cycle it's unnessary.
    Nolva along with clomid and maybe some trib post cycle is all you'll need...But I guess you already knew that considering you read more then I do
    Sorry, so HCG is preffered for cycles that are 12wk and longer? I have used hcg for my last cyle of sust and deca . Then why do people get hcg for shorter cycles like 10wks then. You are 1 opinion, there are many others that have used hcg also for shorter cycles. Others people help.

  6. #6
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Can you use it in shorter cycles? Yes you can. But it's unnesarry. Anything over 14 weeks you should use it. Thats my opinion.
    Just don't jump all over someone if you don't agree with them.

  7. #7
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    You can read this...That should answer your questions:

  8. #8
    slowpain's Avatar
    slowpain is offline Associate Member
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    you definately need the HCG after a tren /test cycle. My online doc who deals with AAS patients said not to take more than 1000IUs in one shot its better to split it up more and do more frequent shots. I will never run any cycle without adding HCG at the end. I start taking HCG mid cycle and take 250-500IUs 2X per week until PCT starts. If you are towards the end of cycle take it for 3 weeks at no more than 1000IUs per shot and take it 3X per week finishing 5 days before you start PCT.

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