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  1. #1
    newbrew is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2004

    Test E/C - 250mg week enough?

    24 y/o, 183 pounds, lifting pretty solid for about 4 years now.

    Test C will be the first cycle. I would like to take it easy the first time around. Question: 250mg/week enough? How often should the injections take place?

    Ive done some research and got quite a few different answers.

  2. #2
    seanw's Avatar
    seanw is offline Banned
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    Aussie in Singapore
    Yes there is a lot of differeing opinions on this and it really depends on you and how well you react to the Test. 250mg is considered a low dose but plenty of guys do it that low and get good results providing you eat clean and workout hard. IMHO it is worth a try at that dose. You can shoot that once a week and you can do either a ten or twelve week cycle.

  3. #3
    newbrew is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by seanw
    Yes there is a lot of differeing opinions on this and it really depends on you and how well you react to the Test. 250mg is considered a low dose but plenty of guys do it that low and get good results providing you eat clean and workout hard. IMHO it is worth a try at that dose. You can shoot that once a week and you can do either a ten or twelve week cycle.
    does it make any sense what so ever to split up the dose? half monday, half thursday? I thought I read something along those lines, not sure what benefit that would have

  4. #4
    ace ventura is offline Member
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    I was also concidering 250mg / week for my first cycle. Most of the guys here think it's a little low. It depends on how well your body responds to aas. Some say you can get the same results with just proper training and diet and therefore advice you to go higher (400-500mg) if you want to get the kind of results that you would not possibly get without it..

    I have still not decided what dose I will go for. Probably test enanthate 300-350 mgs/week for 12 weeks. And Nolva during the cycle (10-20 mg ed) + PCT (Clomid).

    I think people inject once a week at 250 mg, an twice a week if the dose is 500 mg to keep the levels more stable.

  5. #5
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
    wolfyEVH is offline Anabolic Member
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    not even sure nolva will be necessary at that dose of test

    Quote Originally Posted by ace ventura
    I was also concidering 250mg / week for my first cycle. Most of the guys here think it's a little low. It depends on how well your body responds to aas. Some say you can get the same results with just proper training and diet and therefore advice you to go higher (400-500mg) if you want to get the kind of results that you would not possibly get without it..

    I have still not decided what dose I will go for. Probably test enanthate 300-350 mgs/week for 12 weeks. And Nolva during the cycle (10-20 mg ed) + PCT (Clomid).

    I think people inject once a week at 250 mg, an twice a week if the dose is 500 mg to keep the levels more stable.

  6. #6
    ace ventura is offline Member
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by wolfyEVH
    not even sure nolva will be necessary at that dose of test
    Better safe than sorry right?
    Is 350 mgs that little you think?

  7. #7
    fitnessNY's Avatar
    fitnessNY is offline Senior Member
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    I would bump it to 500mg week for 10 weeks.

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