Things have been brought to my attention by recent goings on that one of the writers for and anabolics2005 both owned by bill llewelyn a well known and respected juice guru, is actually "paperbolix", a well known scammer.

This hardly lets us, the community have an unbiased opinion on new UG and up and coming labs does it?

Paperbolix was banned under 12 screen names on elitefitness for pushing and promoting his own products and scamming people, soliciting members under different names. This is just a small portion of what he has been up to, there are alot more and alot worse.

The bottom line is, this guy is working on a website thats showing someones name as respected as bill llewelyn, and he is using for his own personal gain while scamming people, no doubt pb products will get a good review in anabolics2005!! guess what, most people think they are sh1t!.

All in all this is pretty bad for the community and for other companies who are not getting fair reviews, just wanted to give a heads up

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