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  1. #1
    newbrew is offline Senior Member
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    Winstrol only? (for non body building)

    My plans are to do a 10 week cycle of Test E (my order is going in today, so I need some quick feedback). I will probably just do the Test E regardless, but if one is looking for strength gains that will allow him to stay agile and quick, would a winstrol only cycle be wise?

    With my career, I cant afford to be super bloated. More specific, being completely 'ripped' like a bodybuilder would hamper my abilities to perform my job. I am 5'11 and currently 185. My ideal size, in my mind, would be at about 215'ish, low BF, and lots of strength.

    I do have a physical agility test coming up next year that will require a lot of endurance, but a good deal of leg/upper body strength.

    There are tons of threads out there on Winstrol, deciphering what makes sense is somewhat troubling.

    I am only going to need 1 or 2 cycles before my test, so what about ending the last cycle with oral winstrol, say 5 weeks worth. Maybe a 'cycle' of winstrol only right before testing?

  2. #2
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    anavar cycle would be good for you u could also add test prop
    u will have virtually no bloat
    test e will bloat u
    letrozole will combat bloat

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    You aren't going to gain your "ideal" 30lbs off of winstrol ...and not in 2 cycles....

    And remember, if your sport has a skill component (like shooting free throws, etc...), then adding 30 quick pounds may put you a bit "off".

  4. #4
    newbrew is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2004
    Thats what Ive thought.

    How should I cycle in winstrol if I decide to do so? Would taking Winstrol for the last 5 weeks of a 10 week test cycle do the job for hardening/cutting me up from the bloat the test will cause?

  5. #5
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    sure i usually run it the last 6 weeks @ 50mg ed

  6. #6
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
    Mr. Sparkle is offline Slinabolic Vet / Retired
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    make it a 12 week cylce... start winny at week 8 and run it for 6 weeks. Makes going into PCT a little easier...

  7. #7
    smegs's Avatar
    smegs is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbrew
    Thats what Ive thought.

    How should I cycle in winstrol if I decide to do so? Would taking Winstrol for the last 5 weeks of a 10 week test cycle do the job for hardening/cutting me up from the bloat the test will cause?
    yea bro
    i suggest taking the winny for no longer than 6 weeks either at 50mg ED or 50mg EOD
    - and make sure you got a base on that, i.e. test prop
    good luck

  8. #8
    eport is offline Associate Member
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    bro go with anavar and test prop
    wks 1-10 test prop 75mg/ed
    wks 4-10 anavar 40mg/ed
    will make your hard as a rock and gain lean muscle winny dries out your joints bad and it sounds like you have a pretty physical job wich the winny may hurt your ability there if you go with winny

  9. #9
    ChefJ's Avatar
    ChefJ is offline Senior Member
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    You are either running a bulking cycle or a cutting cycle you shouldn't do both

  10. #10
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbrew
    My plans are to do a 10 week cycle of Test E (my order is going in today, so I need some quick feedback). I will probably just do the Test E regardless, but if one is looking for strength gains that will allow him to stay agile and quick, would a winstrol only cycle be wise?

    With my career, I cant afford to be super bloated. More specific, being completely 'ripped' like a bodybuilder would hamper my abilities to perform my job. I am 5'11 and currently 185. My ideal size, in my mind, would be at about 215'ish, low BF, and lots of strength.

    I do have a physical agility test coming up next year that will require a lot of endurance, but a good deal of leg/upper body strength.

    There are tons of threads out there on Winstrol, deciphering what makes sense is somewhat troubling.

    I am only going to need 1 or 2 cycles before my test, so what about ending the last cycle with oral winstrol, say 5 weeks worth. Maybe a 'cycle' of winstrol only right before testing?
    Are you like not into weight lifting at all? Not sure if I understand the title. If you are not weight lifting or very little advanced experience then you have no business taking winstrol, testosterone or any steroids . Steroids including Winstrol without 3 years hard training preceeding use and without doing weight lifting during is just going to cause you a possible loss of muscle and 20 lbs gain of fat. Studies of steroids of those who do not do weight training show a short term loss of muscle over the first 2 months, large gain of fat, however with proper before and during training you do get the results of increased muscle, although first cycles usually cause increased fat for everybody, its subsequent cycles that start reducing body fat.

    In otherwords, you are expecting too much. One or two cycles doesnt turn anybody into a ripped and shredded cover boy of a muscle magazine. Most of these cover boys still took several years of hard work AND several extended steroid cycles (5 or 6 or more) in order to look like they do. If you do a steroid cycle, you'll be lucky to gain 15 to 20 lbs on it and if its first cycle, a good portion will be water bloat or fat gain and it will just look like you had too much to eat over the Christmas holidays.

  11. #11
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by newbrew
    Thats what Ive thought.

    How should I cycle in winstrol if I decide to do so? Would taking Winstrol for the last 5 weeks of a 10 week test cycle do the job for hardening/cutting me up from the bloat the test will cause?
    Well when you want to get rid of the water bloat, cut off the testosterone . Some water will start coming off in just 10 days, most of it or ALL will come off in 16 days, leaving you with a more cut appearance. The bloat is very very temporary and comes off as fast as you can pee when you exit the testosterone and let the test levels decline. When I PCT, I usually do not notice any strength loss for at least 6 weeks after last injection. Taking clomid, tongkat ali, etc helps restore your test levels which helps keep you from loosing strength and muscle gained during the cycle, but be sure to use cortisol controlling methods in PCT, like do lots of creatine in PCT, never workout unless fully dosed on caffeine, limit daily workouts to no more then 45 minutes at a time, etc.

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