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  1. #1
    DarkKnightAZ is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005

    My SuperTest250 and Deca300 Cycle .....

    Hello Everyone,

    New to this board.. Been Reading alot on here....
    Wanted to Say HI to everyone!!

    Here is my next cycle Im starting in a couple of weeks
    SuperTest250 250mg (M W F)
    Deca300 450mg (Sun)
    Nolva 20m EOD

    Im going to run this for about 12 weeks.
    Im 27 195 5'8 Been working out for about on and off 9 years.

    I have Nolva and Clomid for PCT.

    My qustion is, should I run Nolva through out my Cycle ? or only if I get Gyno signs or bloat gets bad ?? Ive been told to run it 10mg ED also...

    Whats yall opinion on my cycle in general ?


  2. #2
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkKnightAZ
    Hello Everyone,

    New to this board.. Been Reading alot on here....
    Wanted to Say HI to everyone!!

    Here is my next cycle Im starting in a couple of weeks
    SuperTest250 250mg (M W F)
    Deca300 450mg (Sun)
    Nolva 20m EOD

    Im going to run this for about 12 weeks.
    Im 27 195 5'8 Been working out for about on and off 9 years.

    I have Nolva and Clomid for PCT.

    My qustion is, should I run Nolva through out my Cycle ? or only if I get Gyno signs or bloat gets bad ?? Ive been told to run it 10mg ED also...
    Your test is not high enough to need nolva or worry about gyno, however your deca being significantly higher then the test means you are likely to have sexual side effects, meaning, expect to be "dead" sexually for the entire duration of the cycle and up to 2 months past the end of the cycle. The way to get around this is to increase the test to about 400 and lower the deca to about 400. Try to rig it so that you have enough test to be able to continue testosterone for about 2 to 3 weeks longer then the deca, then about 2 to 3 weeks after the supertest runs out, start your PCT. If the test and deca are at least equal then you get less bad sexual side effects.

    Sorry I just saw you are doing super test 3 times a week at 250 mg each time. Well you are doing to put 1 CC each time dose. I happen to know for fact that Super Test is not 250 mg of test, its underdosed to about 190 mg per CC, also QV Deca is also underdosed and not worth 300 mg per CC, its about 240 mg. Anyways at 3 CC's a week of super test gives you about 570 mg of test a week, this is acceptable, but If I were you I'd run out of deca in 9 or 10 weeks, continue the testosterone to 12 weeks. Deca makes it extremely difficult to recover your natural testosterone production, so the more time you give the deca to wear out and get out of the body before you start clomid based PCT, the better. This is why we advice 2 to 3 weeks of testosterone PAST drugs like deca or tren , then start your PCT, it goes much better this way.
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 01-17-2005 at 09:13 AM.

  3. #3
    DarkKnightAZ is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I had wondered if the SuperTest250 was underdosed...

    I had thought about just doing SuperTest EOD and be done with it.
    Would this be too much ?

    The Deca300 Im worried about.. I have Biogen and Pacfic Rims Deca .
    Im going to run 1.5cc of Deca.

    I have plenty of both SuperTest and Deca.

    So.. If you think I should adjust the dosage.. I can.

    Thanks for all the advice!

  4. #4
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    supertest by loefler is underdosed run it at 600mg a week it should be broken down into eod shots for better blood levels (less harsh sides)
    shoot the deca twice a week 200mg 2 x a wk. is enuf imo
    letrozole is better than nolva run it at .50 ed save nolva for pct

  5. #5
    DarkKnightAZ is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Thanks For the info guys...
    I can twait to get this cycle going!

  6. #6
    Bulldozer is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkKnightAZ
    I had wondered if the SuperTest250 was underdosed...

    I had thought about just doing SuperTest EOD and be done with it.
    Would this be too much ?

    The Deca300 Im worried about.. I have Biogen and Pacfic Rims Deca .
    Im going to run 1.5cc of Deca.

    I have plenty of both SuperTest and Deca.

    So.. If you think I should adjust the dosage.. I can.

    Thanks for all the advice!

    Bro, Biogen Deca was tested to be real by a member on VIP. The stuff is real , you have nothing to worry about.

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