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  1. #1
    ryan9101's Avatar
    ryan9101 is offline Associate Member
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    Lifting on cycle

    I am running my first cycle of test e and dbol . I lift everything hard once a week on a four day split, chest & tris, back & bis, Legs, shoulders. I want everything to increase in size and strength obviously, so I was just wondering if it would benefit me to lift everything twice a week as the revovery ability is so much better? I really want to increase my bench which is about 300 for a 1 RM, but I guess I wouldnt mind increasing everything else also.

  2. #2
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Try it, whatever works for you bro.

    If you're not taking a day to rest between back and legs I would. Doing deadlift one day and squats the next is pretty rough

  3. #3
    ace ventura is offline Member
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    Dec 2004
    Remember that muscles recover faster than tendons etc.

    Anyways.. I've asked myself this question myself and wonder if I could work out more often. Not one muscle twice a week but maybe like every fith day? It would be less time to rest... Even though the body recover faster on gear, wouldn't it need just as much rest because it grow so much?

    I'm so "scared" of overtrain but I often feel like I want to hit the gym, especially the day after I worked out but I usually rest EOD. Hmm..

  4. #4
    prolangtum's Avatar
    prolangtum is offline Senior Member
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    Maybe just add an extra day for arms, or focus on a week bodypart. When I say add a day for arms, that means dont train them with chest or tris. Maybe increase your total volume for each bodypart by 25%.

  5. #5
    ace ventura is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by prolangtum
    Maybe just add an extra day for arms, or focus on a week bodypart. When I say add a day for arms, that means dont train them with chest or tris. Maybe increase your total volume for each bodypart by 25%.
    How about triceps, biceps and shoulders at the same day?

  6. #6
    prolangtum's Avatar
    prolangtum is offline Senior Member
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    maybe shoulders and bis. At least thats my opinion. I could personally never get a decent tri workout after chest or shoulders.

  7. #7
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Whatever keeps you training progressively... either using heavier loads or working the same loads faster...

    Studies show superphysiological doses of androgens effect the upper torso and shoulder girdle more than lower body - which can be seen when comparing a man who is properly virilized and one who has lower natural andrgoens. So its hard to get even growth from a cycle but you must strive for it - cause when you go back to a natural state... it will be easier to maintain your new developement if you are not out of balance. Just keep lifting everything hard and heavy - and most of all, progressively.

    How you construct your split has so many personal variables... you might want to experiment with days where you shorten all your rest intervals and go for the big pump (excess testosterone in your body will combat the additional cortisol via the cross over binding to glucocorticoids))... and then days where you back down the intensity and go more for increaeing limit strength. Training throeies like Staley's EDT and Hatfield's Wholistic approaches are good for those high intensity days...

  8. #8
    killagorilla187's Avatar
    killagorilla187 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Whatever keeps you training progressively... either using heavier loads or working the same loads faster...

    Studies show superphysiological doses of androgens effect the upper torso and shoulder girdle more than lower body - which can be seen when comparing a man who is properly virilized and one who has lower natural andrgoens. So its hard to get even growth from a cycle but you must strive for it - cause when you go back to a natural state... it will be easier to maintain your new developement if you are not out of balance. Just keep lifting everything hard and heavy - and most of all, progressively.

    How you construct your split has so many personal variables... you might want to experiment with days where you shorten all your rest intervals and go for the big pump (excess testosterone in your body will combat the additional cortisol via the cross over binding to glucocorticoids))... and then days where you back down the intensity and go more for increaeing limit strength. Training throeies like Staley's EDT and Hatfield's Wholistic approaches are good for those high intensity days...

    awesome post, very useful..

    reps if we had that system : )

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