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  1. #1
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    winny powder question

    i know this sounds stupid but i got a 5g bag of win powder. i have to start taking it, basically i am just doing it orally, like sprinkling it on my food or something :-p .. but the question is i have a very small spoon which is 1.2ml or 1/4 teaspoon... anyone have an idea ~ what 50mg is ... i dont have my scale yet i had to order it and i wanna get an approximation to take

  2. #2
    Whitey is offline Anabolic Member
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    LOL - that's hilarious, dude, I can see you sprinkling winny on your morning cereal. Winny Frosted Flakes.

    As funny as it is, I would absolutely not do this, bro. You cannot be accurate enough with measuring spoons for dosing this compound. I'm not sure about stanozol's precise volume, but it will be around 300mg per 1/4 tsp. Don't even think about it. What you need to do is buy a capper and use a filler and cap your powder. Or the easiest way is probably to make an oral solution that you can measure out with an oral syringe. There are easier things to dissolve than winny, so why don't you check out the Lab forum, I know for a fact there are a couple of instructional threads on this.

  3. #3
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I agree just turn it into a liquid oral and measure it out that way.

  4. #4
    ChefJ's Avatar
    ChefJ is offline Senior Member
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    This is simply stupid. You have to be kidding. Why would anyone give you 5 grams of winny powder. You have no idea what you are doing. Do some research in the lab forum and find out that it either needs to be suspended in PEG 300 or 400 or capped. I don't suppose you even know what those terms mean which again proves my point that you shouldn't have raw powder.

  5. #5
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    i was teasing about sprinkling it on my food lol.. i've done my research and supposofly suspending it or just taking in the powder properly measured of course or injecting all are supposed to do the same thing.. altho i know alot of opinions of course say injections are best. but u can drink winny inject winny or eat the powder. they techincally should all go into your system.... ill wait for my scale to measure it out i was just curious if anyone had a close idea.. im currently in my 6th week of fina/prop and im lacing on the winny for 7-12.. ill look into either the bac water suspension method with peg or possibly the oil.. but i believe the oil suspension was for injection correct?

    chances are ill just cap it since i have 10g's of var coming also in powder.. might as well get the science of capping down

  6. #6
    need2Bbig's Avatar
    need2Bbig is offline Associate Member
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    hahahaha this is probably the most ridiculous thread I have ever to the dude who HAD to try his cialis and he cock was rock hard for 4 hours and had to go to the hospital...But thats another story, anyways you dont HAVE to do anything and do some research capping devices and fillers are cheap or at least wait til you get a scale your liver is probably going to kick you ass mine hurts thinking of 300mgs 17a oral.

  7. #7
    Whitey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Reversal
    i was teasing about sprinkling it on my food lol.. i've done my research and supposofly suspending it or just taking in the powder properly measured of course or injecting all are supposed to do the same thing.. altho i know alot of opinions of course say injections are best. but u can drink winny inject winny or eat the powder. they techincally should all go into your system.... ill wait for my scale to measure it out i was just curious if anyone had a close idea.. im currently in my 6th week of fina/prop and im lacing on the winny for 7-12.. ill look into either the bac water suspension method with peg or possibly the oil.. but i believe the oil suspension was for injection correct?

    chances are ill just cap it since i have 10g's of var coming also in powder.. might as well get the science of capping down
    okay, bro - sounds like you're on the right track. just stay away from the measuring spoons, lol... good luck

  8. #8
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    but from what i hear

    50mg oral 7 days a week
    50mg injected on winny 7 days a week

    wouldnt this substance hit your liver just as hard either way... if its cleaner to go injectable, then ill convert it for injection. of course im trying to keep my liver from failing. the fina/prop 75/100mg a day shots i havent noticed any side fx except nice strength gain, good bf% loss, hardening of the body and a bit of size. just wanna finish this cycle off right. start my pct and clen clean up for a bit and do my summer var cycle.. then call it quits on the gear. very happy with how my body is coming out on this cycle, and appreciate all the good information posted on this boards and the support by its users.

  9. #9
    Whitey is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would take it orally.

  10. #10
    Gmill13's Avatar
    Gmill13 is offline Associate Member
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    Bro get a cappinmg machine and cap them. Get some Calcium Carbonate or corn starch as filler.

  11. #11
    Gmill13's Avatar
    Gmill13 is offline Associate Member
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    I took this from another board, Scorpio posted it there but someone else wrote them. He has full credit in the write up.

    Instructions For Capping Powders

    From Harvey Balboner @

    If you post this on other boards leave the link to BM in it for the original credit, as it is only fair.


    This is something I put together to help people on caping powder products.

    If you post this on other boards leave the link to BM in it for the original credit, as it is only fair.

    While cap-m-quik machines are standard, I personally prefer another device from called the "Capping machine." The reason is this: the capping machine will apply capsules tops automatically in a one-motion press of the top tray, instead of having to hand-apply each capsule top one at a time with the cap-m-quik. Be sure to practice a lot of times first so you'll get the smooth, even pressure motion down. Otherwise you'll inevitably crush and break a few capsules. Hint: don't overfill them (too much filler squeezes rhe sides outward, making them harder to cap properly).

    You will need a cap-m-quick or a capping machine. Each have their own advantages, so your call I will include instructions for each.

    OK say we are going to make 50 caps, this would be with the cap-m-quick machine.

    1: Fill one cap with filler (probably want 00 size), corn starch works nicely for winny, or you can use protein powder, creatine, sugar, etc. only use the bottom half of the cap.

    2: Weigh the cap, say it came out to .40 gram, you take .40 multiplied by 50 (number of caps you want) you get 20 grams.

    Next you figure out your mg concentration you want of each pill, we will say you want 50mg/ml. 50mg multiplied by 50 = 2500mg or 2.5 grams.

    So you take your total amount of fill 20 grams subtract your hormone, 20g subtract 2.5g = equals 17.5g of your filler.

    3: Put your filler and hormone in a shaker or a bag, and shake very well. It may not be 100% accuate, but you shouldn't be off by too much, 10% max.

    4: Fill the machine with your caps, pour powder over it, use the spreader, and follow the directions of the machine for capping powder.

    5: Cap. Expect to lose a small amount of powder as you individually cap each capsule; this is neglibile.

    You now have 50 caps very close to 50 mgs each.

  12. #12
    Gmill13's Avatar
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    Heres another, I believe the same guy wrote this up, I use this one myself when I cap my ****e

    OK say we are going to make 24 caps, this would be with the capping machine.

    1: Fill one cap with filler (probably want 00 size), corn starch works nicely for winny, or you can use protein powder, creatine, sugar, etc. only use the bottom half of the cap.

    2: Weigh the cap, say it came out to .40 gram, you take .40 multiplied by 24 (number of caps you want) you get 9.6 grams.

    Next you figure out your mg concentration you want of each pill, we will say you want 50mg/ml. 50mg multiplied by 24 = 1200mg or 1.2 grams.

    So you take your total amount of fill 9.6 grams subtract your hormone, 9.6g subtract 1.2g = equals 8.4g of your filler.

    3: Put your filler and hormone in a shaker or a bag, and shake very well. It may not be 100% accuate, but you shouldn't be off by too much, 10% max.

    4: Fill the machine with your caps, pour powder over it, use the spreader, and follow the directions of the machine for capping powder.

    5: Cap. Expect to lose a small amount of powder as you individually cap each capsule; this is neglibile.

    You now have 24 caps very close to 50 mgs each.

  13. #13
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    great... ill probably use my isopure protein powder to fill.. or corn starch.. let me go order that capping machine and hopefully that will get here with my little digital scale.. appreciate the help fellas

  14. #14
    Whitey is offline Anabolic Member
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    no prob. good luck, bro

  15. #15
    alex117k is offline Junior Member
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    If you have a Whole Foods supermarket close to you, they sell the Cap-M-Quick machines there for about $15. Yeah, cap them, don't sprinkle it on your cereal.

  16. #16
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    The oral soultion is the easiest route..doesn't take much calculating either

  17. #17
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Although people could word their answers more politely and should in the future the concern here is that you are getting a very inaccurate dose doing what you are currently doing which will cause your blood levels to go up and down.

  18. #18
    hobbitlifter's Avatar
    hobbitlifter is offline Junior Member
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    Liquidized that stuff man, its a lot easier that way

  19. #19
    newbrew is offline Senior Member
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    If you were bent on measuring it, why couldnt you just weigh it out with a digital scale?
    those are cheap and available everywhere. imo, you should already have one ofr your diet anyways.

    thinks to self..... 400g of chicken, sprinkled with 50g of winny powder...hah

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