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  1. #1
    Millineum Man is offline New Member
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    Question First Cycle- Which One Would You Choose???

    Guys, I've been planning my First Cycle for the past 2 years researching on various boards and would like to get some opinions. Stats: 30 years old, 6'3" 225lbs and 8-9% bodyfat. I've been training off and on since 18 years old, the last 2 1/2-3 years consistently. My goal is size & strength while keeping water bloat to a minimum. This is what I came up with.

    1.) Test Cypionate @600mgs for 12 weeks
    Arimidex @.25-.5mgs ED throughout(To keep me dry)

    2.) Test Cypionate@600mgs for 12 weeks
    Dbol @30mgs ED for weeks 1-6
    [email protected] ED throughout

    3.) Test Cypionate@600mgs for 12 weeks
    Nandrolone Phenylpropionate@400mgs for 10 weeks
    [email protected] ED throughout

    I'm leaning towards #3 for joint lubrication & added anabolic effect, but would love to hear your opinions as well. Thanks in advance!!
    Last edited by Millineum Man; 02-17-2005 at 02:34 PM.

  2. #2
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    for your first cycle i would run #2 but i would bring the test down to 500mg

  3. #3
    gymbuff101's Avatar
    gymbuff101 is offline Junior Member
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    i like 2 better as well 500 is plenty of test for first

  4. #4
    Millineum Man is offline New Member
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    Gsxxr, the Cyp I have access to is 300 mg/ml. That's why I have 600mgs/wk posted. It's supposed to be some pretty good stuff too.

  5. #5
    gymbuff101's Avatar
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    **** mybe only 4 weeks on the dbol though 6 is alot hard on the liver

  6. #6
    G-1000's Avatar
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    so if you dont mind the x 100mg the do it. i would shoot 2 times a week 1ml

    also guybuff101 is right 6 weeks is long on the d-bol drop it to 4 weeks at 50mg

  7. #7
    fabry is offline Senior Member
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    inject 300mg e4d or if that cyp comes in a 10ml vials and 300mg/ml, inject .8ml 2 x wk.
    dbol ... 6 wks is too much, 4, max 5 if i were u...

  8. #8
    Millineum Man is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fabry
    inject 300mg e4d or if that cyp comes in a 10ml vials and 300mg/ml, inject .8ml 2 x wk.
    dbol... 6 wks is too much, 4, max 5 if i were u...
    Fabry, I plan on injecting 300mg on Monday & Thursday. Is that every 4th day?

  9. #9
    fitnessNY's Avatar
    fitnessNY is offline Senior Member
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    #1 and 500 is all as you will need for a 1st cycle.

  10. #10
    fabry is offline Senior Member
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    no, mon-thu is e3.5d and to make things perfect, you have to inject mon morning and thu evening to keep the levels constants...
    e3d is mon-thu-sun-wed-sat-etc etc
    e4d is mon-fri-tue-sat-wed-sun-etc etc

  11. #11
    1-Cent's Avatar
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    #2, that was mine

  12. #12
    XxElitexX's Avatar
    XxElitexX is offline Senior Member
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    #1 but run 500mgs pr week

  13. #13
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Go with number three. The overall results will be MUCH better. Keep the test at 600mg week.

  14. #14
    fabry is offline Senior Member
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    well, some say n.1, some n.2, some n.3... eheh. imagine if you had n.4 and n.5
    the only thing i can tell you, is that you dont know how you will react to aas.
    so take it easy and keep it simple...
    test cyp for 10-12 wks kickstarting with dbols or prop, nolva and ldex or proviron will be a great first cycle...

  15. #15
    scotttiger54's Avatar
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    i would run #2. 600mg is fine but i would end the dbol at wk 4.

  16. #16
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    At your BF% and weight, I think number three is ideal. Just replace the a-dex with letrozole .

  17. #17
    GREENMACHINE is offline Are you green enough?
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    You will prolly be fine with the test c alone and the arimidex of course. Dbol will give you some extra weigh but a lot of this is water weight for most people. As for nandralone phenylpropinate I not sure of it's attributes. I would suggest reading as much as you can on it and deciding if it is offering you the kind of gains you are after at this point.

  18. #18
    Millineum Man is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the input, guys! The only thing that kind of concerns me is the Dbol back pumps. I'm basing my routine around Squats & Deadlifts on different days. I'll jack my water intake to 2 gallons a day with Milk Thistle. Hopefully, that will help.

  19. #19
    fabry is offline Senior Member
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    milk thistle and a.l.a or r-ala while on dbols....

  20. #20
    LB55blitz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    At your BF% and weight, I think number three is ideal. Just replace the a-dex with letrozole.
    Agreed, no reason you shouldn't be able to handle #3. That should give you great results.

  21. #21
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxElitexX
    #1 but run 500mgs pr week
    yup, you don't have to do the whole ml, do the math and do 500mg a week. Leave that orals and second compound out. Why hit those virgin receptors with 2 compounds, save the second compound for your second cycle and the orals for the third.

    Food is the key to muscle gains and fat loss, it's not depended on the gear, the gear is an aid not the end to the means.


  22. #22
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Why hit those virgin receptors with 2 compounds
    Ok I do not understand where you're coming from with this statement. When it comes to the androgen receptor it does not matter if it's his 1st cycle or his 10th. The A.R does not desensitize in any way so it IMO it's pointless to talk about "virgin receptors".
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Food is the key to muscle gains and fat loss, it's not depended on the gear
    Again I have to disagree. All studies which involve androgens show that more is better. The 3rd cycle he has planned out will yield more muscle gain and fat loss than a standard 1st cycle.

  23. #23
    DCL's Avatar
    DCL is offline Associate Member
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    is the L dex nessesary? and you need at least 10 mg nolva ed, and up it to 20 mg ed pct.

  24. #24
    arxg is offline Junior Member
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    cycle no 3 for me , test and deca great bread and butter mass builders , test and d-bol too much for a 1st cycle imo

  25. #25
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    For a first timer, test only cycles are really the best. I tend to look at it like this, biggest gains on as little as possible is what a first cycle is all about. You'd probably throw on 20 lbs with just the test if it's your first run with it and you do it right.

  26. #26
    Millineum Man is offline New Member
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    So, the majority says go with #2(Test/Dbol ), right?

  27. #27
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Millineum Man
    So, the majority says go with #2(Test/Dbol), right?
    3 will produce more muscle gain/fat loss.

  28. #28
    Millineum Man is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    3 will produce more muscle gain/fat loss.
    My main concern is the "possible" Deca -Dick symptoms using a Nandrolone . Maybe, I'm just a little paranoid. Since NPP is in and out of the system faster, I shouldn't have a problem, right?? I also have access to a T400 version(200mg Enanthate , 100mgs Cyp, 100mgs Decanote) and regular Deca(300mgs/ml) Should I switch products and lower the dose to Test@400mgs/wk and Deca@300mgs/wk?

  29. #29
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    yup, you don't have to do the whole ml, do the math and do 500mg a week. Leave that orals and second compound out. Why hit those virgin receptors with 2 compounds, save the second compound for your second cycle and the orals for the third.

    Food is the key to muscle gains and fat loss, it's not depended on the gear, the gear is an aid not the end to the means.


    i agree......a 1st time user needs to see how he will react to one compound(test) 1st. theres plenty of time down the road to add in other drugs, and see how things go.

    i also agree that food is as anabolic as it gets. you should try to up your clean calorie intake, as much as possible, and try to gain as much as possible this way 1st. if youve already gone this route, then i think youre ready to cycle, and i'd go with as little as possible to see gains. you'll be mightily surprised at what a little test is going to do to those virgin receptors of yours.

    peace I4L

  30. #30
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Millineum Man
    My main concern is the "possible" Deca-Dick symptoms using a Nandrolone. Maybe, I'm just a little paranoid. Since NPP is in and out of the system faster, I shouldn't have a problem, right?? I also have access to a T400 version(200mg Enanthate, 100mgs Cyp, 100mgs Decanote) and regular Deca(300mgs/ml) Should I switch products and lower the dose to Test@400mgs/wk and Deca@300mgs/wk?
    Test at 500-600mg wk. NPP at 100mg E3D IMO is a good cycle. It's your body and your call however. I wouldn't worry about "deca dick" with the NPP.

    You can do the test only cycle if you're worried about your "virgin receptors" burning out.

  31. #31
    shorty33 is offline Associate Member
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    Number 1 for your first cycle, see how your body reacts first. If you do run the d-bol
    run it 4 weeks, 6 weeks is to long. Good luck bro.

  32. #32
    creepS is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by iron4life79
    i agree......a 1st time user needs to see how he will react to one compound(test) 1st. theres plenty of time down the road to add in other drugs, and see how things go.

    i also agree that food is as anabolic as it gets. you should try to up your clean calorie intake, as much as possible, and try to gain as much as possible this way 1st. if youve already gone this route, then i think youre ready to cycle, and i'd go with as little as possible to see gains. you'll be mightily surprised at what a little test is going to do to those virgin receptors of yours.

    peace I4L
    would 250mg of test e give decent reuslt?

  33. #33
    CARNIVORE's Avatar
    CARNIVORE is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by creepS
    would 250mg of test e give decent reuslt?
    You will see "some" gains but going another 250mg per week may add 15 lbs. more to your gains.

  34. #34
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    250 is too low bro...........

    go at least 400mg/week. if you feel youre ready, then go 500mg/week.

    if you need anything else, pm me, ok? i'd rather you be safe than sorry.

    peace I4L

  35. #35
    Moosepellet's Avatar
    Moosepellet is offline Member
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    Do this instead for your first cycle

    Everything stated in #1 and through in some Deca for 10weeks at 200-300mg wk

    Not only will you be able to absorb more protein, it also lubs up the joints alot better. Good luck though bro

  36. #36
    Texas Ranger13 is offline New Member
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    If I were in your shoes, I would go with #2. I read Dan Duchaine's last article before his death called "Dick & Jane's First Steroid ". He said all someone needed on his 1st Cycle was Test Enanthate or Cypionate @600mgs/wk. That's it! This was if your goal was size & strength, which is 95% of us. The Dbol would be icing on the cake until the Test gets up to full strength. Despite what people say, Dbol will build muscle NOT just water. You can build PLENTY of size & strength with this combo. You can stay lean also, but that's more diet than anything. The Arimidex will keep you dry, so no concerns there...

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