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  1. #1
    dieseL atC's Avatar
    dieseL atC is offline Member
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    What kind of bloodwork to get? Help MODS/VETS

    Well, here's the scenario.. I'm 20 years old and I ran 2 cycles of Prop/Tren . My problem is I have like no sex drive, I'm not getting those solid hard-ons anymore, it used to just be dead but now it gets semi-hard. I have had problems since the last Tren run and I thought the Tren was the cause. But I remember reading a post by Hooker saying no estrogen in a male would leave him depressed and impotent. I had a stage where I felt kind of depressed but the ED problem is still there. Now after reading that post, I think it's due to "higher" doses of Femara during my cycles. I was afraid of bloat, so I figured a little more wouldn't hurt. Now, I've decided to get bloodwork done to see what the problem is. My Question is this, what do I say to the doctor when I say I want to get blood work? What kind of blood work? What reason should I give for this blood work? Help me out bros, I'm freaking out..

    P.S. - For everyone who's 21 and younger, listen to these bros when they say don't start at a young age. Do you research, be patient and lift heavy ass weights naturally until you reach your natural peak. TRUST ME. This sh*t sucks!!!

  2. #2
    Hed is offline Senior Member
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    Just ask for a FULL bloodwork test

  3. #3
    bmwrob is offline Member
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    How much femera did you run?

  4. #4
    tycin's Avatar
    tycin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieseL atC
    Well, here's the scenario.. I'm 20 years old and I ran 2 cycles of Prop/Tren . My problem is I have like no sex drive, I'm not getting those solid hard-ons anymore, it used to just be dead but now it gets semi-hard. I have had problems since the last Tren run and I thought the Tren was the cause. But I remember reading a post by Hooker saying no estrogen in a male would leave him depressed and impotent. I had a stage where I felt kind of depressed but the ED problem is still there. Now after reading that post, I think it's due to "higher" doses of Femara during my cycles. I was afraid of bloat, so I figured a little more wouldn't hurt. Now, I've decided to get bloodwork done to see what the problem is. My Question is this, what do I say to the doctor when I say I want to get blood work? What kind of blood work? What reason should I give for this blood work? Help me out bros, I'm freaking out..

    P.S. - For everyone who's 21 and younger, listen to these bros when they say don't start at a young age. Do you research, be patient and lift heavy ass weights naturally until you reach your natural peak. TRUST ME. This sh*t sucks!!!
    i'd b staright up wit ur doc, tell him wut u just told us.

  5. #5
    AnabolicAlien Guest


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  6. #6
    dieseL atC's Avatar
    dieseL atC is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tycin
    i'd b staright up wit ur doc, tell him wut u just told us.
    Tell my doc I did AAS? Are you joking?

  7. #7
    dieseL atC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmwrob
    How much femera did you run?
    I was doing 1.25mg/ed...

  8. #8
    dieseL atC's Avatar
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  9. #9
    ChefJ's Avatar
    ChefJ is offline Senior Member
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    Just ask for a ten panel blood test.

  10. #10
    twigbolt's Avatar
    twigbolt is offline Junior Member
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    diesel, I feel ya man.. my 1st cycle was tren and Test E and I got the same prob

    it sux don't it girl and the little man doesn't wanna go to war

    now i'm on DBol and test E. I got some tribulus on the way and I'm hoping that will fix something, i'll keep up updated.

  11. #11
    dieseL atC's Avatar
    dieseL atC is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChefJ
    Just ask for a ten panel blood test.
    What does the Ten Panel Blood Test check for?

  12. #12
    Shrad6 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieseL atC
    Tell my doc I did AAS? Are you joking?
    I remember someone telling me how some guy had to get his leg amputated cause he didn't tell the doc what he was taking. The doc gave him a shot in the leg with some stuff and it caused serious damage to his leg. What ever it was didn't mix well cause of some **** he was taking and they had to cut his leg off. I don't know if the story is true, but brings a good point to the table. I was honest with my doc and he didn't freak out like I thought he would of.

  13. #13
    Baba is offline Associate Member
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    IMO I don't think its good idea to tell the doctor that you've been juicing, it didn't make sense to until a friend told me about it. If you're lucky enough to get a doctor that cool or you've known you doc for a while then cool go ahead and tell what you've been up to. A new doctor, don't tell because the insurance company will find out and drop you and you might not be able to get insurance or you'd have to pay a ****load of money for it. Now insurance companys will look at you as high risk and they prolly have to pay for a new liver or kidney. I just got my bloodwork done, I told the doctor (which I don't know at all) that I've been tired and my appetite has gone. I told him I wanna do a physical and a full bloodwork because I usually get it done anually but been procrastinating on it. He agreed and set me up for it, got it done and waiting on results. Offcourse (knock on wood) I don't think anything is wrong with me but I would like to know that my liver, Kidney and test level e.t.c is fine before starting another cycle.

  14. #14
    dieseL atC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baba
    IMO I don't think its good idea to tell the doctor that you've been juicing, it didn't make sense to until a friend told me about it. If you're lucky enough to get a doctor that cool or you've known you doc for a while then cool go ahead and tell what you've been up to. A new doctor, don't tell because the insurance company will find out and drop you and you might not be able to get insurance or you'd have to pay a ****load of money for it. Now insurance companys will look at you as high risk and they prolly have to pay for a new liver or kidney. I just got my bloodwork done, I told the doctor (which I don't know at all) that I've been tired and my appetite has gone. I told him I wanna do a physical and a full bloodwork because I usually get it done anually but been procrastinating on it. He agreed and set me up for it, got it done and waiting on results. Offcourse (knock on wood) I don't think anything is wrong with me but I would like to know that my liver, Kidney and test level e.t.c is fine before starting another cycle.

    Thanks alot bro, that was very helpful post..

  15. #15
    whitehulk's Avatar
    whitehulk is offline Banned
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    for Gods sake tell you dr. he is the only person that can give you straight up info that isnt a bunch of bs. i told mr dr after my last cycle and he just laughed at me and asked what i was taking. then he asked if i needed any perscriptions for PCT stuff, i already had enough so i soid no thanks. now every time i go in for any reason he always asks me bout it, jsut to check on me as a nice jesture. and its against the law for him to disclose any info to anyone else unless your under 18, then your parents can find out. other than that its the safest thing you can do for your own good. tell him. if hes a cool guy he might even give you a perscription for your roids you want "medical uses" being the reason. and thats the strongest and safest thing you can ever do.

  16. #16
    tycin's Avatar
    tycin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieseL atC
    Tell my doc I did AAS? Are you joking?
    not joking at all, i tell my doc when im on a cycle. wut the fuk can he do about it? its his job to help u.

  17. #17
    acj260 is offline New Member
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    You are the customer. Just tell the doc you want a blood work up because you have'nt been feeling well. Im sure he will be glad to take yours or the insurance companys money. If something is way off he has to tell you.

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