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Thread: Need info

  1. #1
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    Need info

    Ive recently started my first ever cycle and have a concern. I make sure to keep real clean but i think im having a reaction of some sort. The injection site (the shoulders) have gotten a little itchy and the skin looks a little irritated. I was wondering if it is common for people to have a dermotological reaction to products that are not detrimental to your health or the effectiveness of the workouts. It feels sort of like when you get a mosquito bite and scratch it until the skin gets warm and hard but this is happening in a large area of my shoulder. I have no discoloring as far as bruising or what i think an infectiuon would look like. Its just red and a little warm. The skin is very hard though where it is swolen. id really appreciate a reply, any info is good. Thanks

  2. #2
    bigbodyjosh's Avatar
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    first off, what are you running and redness and warmness from what i've heard is a sign of abcess. not saying you have one but if you're not careful you can develop one. let me know what you're taking and maybe some bros in here or i can help you with the problem

  3. #3
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    Need info

    Im taking deca , 1cc every mon. and thurs. I took benadryl to see if it was an allergic reaction possibly and it did help. Now the warmness is sort of gone but the redness and a lil itchiness persists. When i take benadryl it helps a little. I feel like possibly my skin is allergic to it. Ive never really had an allergy but ****ty skin runs in my family. I really dont know though. Any info would be helpful though. Thanks

  4. #4
    dirtdawg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caban
    Im taking deca, 1cc every mon. and thurs. I took benadryl to see if it was an allergic reaction possibly and it did help. Now the warmness is sort of gone but the redness and a lil itchiness persists. When i take benadryl it helps a little. I feel like possibly my skin is allergic to it. Ive never really had an allergy but ****ty skin runs in my family. I really dont know though. Any info would be helpful though. Thanks
    maybe your injection area wasnt clean, or your your needle wasnt, is it homebrew?

  5. #5
    G-1000's Avatar
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    ever time i shoot my delt it will get red for 3 4 days. i think it is from the ba

  6. #6
    Flynman is offline Associate Member
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    Are you using clean needles everytime? Also you should add some test to that deca .

  7. #7
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    make sure you are very clean and use new needles every time. what you describe does sound like an infection starting. warm red and swollen are all signs. keep an eye on it and if you get a fever go to the doc right away. I dont think it would be a skin allergy because you are injecting an inch deep.
    are you using test with that deca ????

  8. #8
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    Im stacking deca and dbol . For the first 5 shots it was just deca. I started the dbols today. Im gonna take winny tabs after all thats done. Im taking a rest for a while after that to give my liver time to chill. If there is an infection what do i do? The swelling and redness has pretty much gone away in my right arm and has come back in my left after my most recent shot. I do a mon thurs routine. I did the left on mon and it is still a little hard and a little itchy. No redness, and i cant tell if theres swelling or not. I thought my tri's were swolen and it was just the muscle having grown. Im not that stupid i just dont have any big mirrors. This is my procedure, tell me if theres a problem. I swab the top of the bottle, Swab the needle, extract the stuff, lube it, swab my arm and inject. I was told to massage it a little after. Does that matter? Im concerned about an infection, i dont want to hurt myself more than help. My next shot is tomorrow and i dont know what i should do. Pick another spot or stop altogether. Also is the stack that im doing bad? This message is a little jumbled but i wanna make sure i dont leave anything out. I guess my biggest concern is what to do if there is in fact an infection, is that kind of thing serious? Thanks

  9. #9
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    if you are doing deca and d-bol only, followed up with winny only I would definately stop. all those drugs will shut you down, and with out test gains will be very hard to keep and recovery of htpa could be very slow. I would rethink what you are doing.
    what did you have setup for pct? as for the injection question, what do you mean you lube it before injection? if you have an infection you will know. it is very painfull and will swell, get hard, very red and hot. in a serious case you will get a fever. if that happens run dont walk directly to the doctor. if it seems to be going away then just keep an eye on it. also, if an injection site is sore leave it alone and pick another.
    my advice to you: Stop All, do pct and start researching better cycles because the one you are doing is a bad idea. good luck

  10. #10
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    So now youve got me nervous and id like to know why you think its a bad idea. I actually dont plan on doing anything else at all possibly. Ive done research and talked to many of my friends that have done cycles before. Some said what i am doing is fine and others said that i should stop like you. Now im rethinking what im doing and a little nervous. I think i do have an ifection by the way youve explained. Its a little hot and a little red. Theres no real pain, sort of like a charlie horse. Thats about it. Its hard but not too hard and i have no fever. I thought i was getting one the other day but whatever feeling i had went away. A friend of mine said i may want to start injecting in the thigh. He said he has better luck with the thigh and hes been on cycles for about 7 years now. Also, does the massaging thing have any importance. I dont have a doctor as of now, we live in america and i was just dropped from my insurance. Also if i were to go to the doctor i would be reported to the police. I go to college and the doctors report everything to the campus police. Im talking std's, drug use, everything. Its really counterproductive but thats another show. Is there anything that i can do on my own to try to help it. You said to keep an eye on it, what am i looking for? And i may know what ptc is, just not called as such. What is ptc? Im taking chlomid after all the stuff is done. Thanks

  11. #11
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    Also what do you mean the cycle will shut me down for a while? Thats alarming

  12. #12
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    And lube means i shoot the slightest little drip out so it is on the needle, my friend told me it helps. I really dont know

  13. #13
    crucial38 is offline New Member
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    No test?

    IMHO you should have been doing test like cyp or prop or sust, even Omnadren along with your dbol , then after 3 weeks or so worked off of dbol and then brought in the deca and winny or done the test,deca and dbol then tapered off of dbol and went with deca then introduced winny? I would agree that what you have done will shut you down completely, how much research did you do before starting this, anytime you have doubts or just want a second opinion just post, they're are plenty of knowledgable folks on here that are more than glad to help you on your cycle. You should stop and do some PCT and start again later, imo..


  14. #14
    crucial38 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by caban
    So now youve got me nervous and id like to know why you think its a bad idea. I actually dont plan on doing anything else at all possibly. Ive done research and talked to many of my friends that have done cycles before. Some said what i am doing is fine and others said that i should stop like you. Now im rethinking what im doing and a little nervous. I think i do have an ifection by the way youve explained. Its a little hot and a little red. Theres no real pain, sort of like a charlie horse. Thats about it. Its hard but not too hard and i have no fever. I thought i was getting one the other day but whatever feeling i had went away. A friend of mine said i may want to start injecting in the thigh. He said he has better luck with the thigh and hes been on cycles for about 7 years now. Also, does the massaging thing have any importance. I dont have a doctor as of now, we live in america and i was just dropped from my insurance. Also if i were to go to the doctor i would be reported to the police. I go to college and the doctors report everything to the campus police. Im talking std's, drug use, everything. Its really counterproductive but thats another show. Is there anything that i can do on my own to try to help it. You said to keep an eye on it, what am i looking for? And i may know what ptc is, just not called as such. What is ptc? Im taking chlomid after all the stuff is done. Thanks

    Ever heard of that little thing called doctor/patient confidentiality. They can't turn you in unless they want to lose their license to practice. Atleast here in the states its that way. So go to a cheap doctor or free clinic.


  15. #15
    DrugsrGood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caban
    Also what do you mean the cycle will shut me down for a while? Thats alarming
    There is a part of your brain which ultimately regulates how much testosterone your body produces. when you flood your body with androgens, your brain sesnes this, and shuts down natural testosterone production. That is why these fellas say ur cycle is a bad one. You need a test. base to keep your sexual functioning, and deca is especially bad for shutting you down and killing sex drive. Clomid will help you to recover your natural test production. You should also run an anti-estrogen...your estrogen levels will be especially high after a cycle, and test levels low, which may affect oyur gains.

  16. #16
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    what is ptc? i feel like i know what it is but not in that term. That might sound stupid but you can call me all the names you want, i would like help. So what you guys are saying is to the dbol , then winny tabs, then the deca ?

  17. #17
    pyschomab's Avatar
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    just inject it in ur ass!

  18. #18
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    that is what is pct? Ptc was a Typo

  19. #19
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    was that "just inject it in your ass" comment a helpful hint or telling me to effectively shut up

  20. #20
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    what if i were to just stop the deca and just do the dbol and then the winny and then the chlomid, i have taken 5 shots of the deca and have 5 left. Im worried that im infecting myself with the deca anyway. Im just trying to look descent in about eight to ten weeks from now and i dont want to mess myself up more than im helping

  21. #21
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    forget the pct question, its post cycle therapy obviously

  22. #22
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would suggest useing the search button but I will give you a breif rundown.
    1. if you are concerned about infection go to a doctor. tell them ya took a shot of
    2.pct is post cycle therapy . it helps restart the natural test production.
    I would not let all this freak you out but use it as a learning experience. like said above
    deca , d-bol will shut down natural test production. that is why we use test. test is the main ingrediant for growth. when you take deca and shut down you will make gains, but when you come off there is no test in your system to help build and retain those gains. same goes for d-bol. d-bol is used to jump start a cycle till the test starts doing its job. long acting esters like test-e or cyp will take 4 weeks to kick in.
    winny does not shut you down as hard but it will still happen. after a cycle you use pct to get the natural production going again. it is mostly clomid and nolvadex .
    try a search on those, there is lots to read. it is much easier to recover from a cycle with test then without. also the cycle you are doing has back to back orals.
    oral steroids contain 17aa which is toxic to the liver, that is why most people stick to 4 or 5 weeks with oral then take time off them. 17aa is added to the steroid so that the liver cant break down the drug and pass it through. taking milkthistle will make it better on your liver, also 1 gallon of water a day min.
    hope this helps ya out. if ya got more questios shoot me a pm and I will help ya out the best I can

  23. #23
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks for the info dive. Well ive stopped the shots and i have some medicine. The doctor at the school clinic was real cool about it. But now i have 6 shots of deca left, the dbol 's and the winny. I also have chlomid. What do you think i should add to that to make it a good cycle thats not gonna turn my boys into raisins. From what ur sayin, it sounds like i should just get some sort of test and some milkthistle for my liver. As i said i really dont plan on doing this again, its my last semester of college and i wanted to get a little swell for when i leave, thats it. Again, thanks for all the info, hope to hear from you soon.

  24. #24
    ire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caban
    Im stacking deca and dbol . For the first 5 shots it was just deca. I started the dbols today. Im gonna take winny tabs after all thats done. Im taking a rest for a while after that to give my liver time to chill. If there is an infection what do i do? The swelling and redness has pretty much gone away in my right arm and has come back in my left after my most recent shot. I do a mon thurs routine. I did the left on mon and it is still a little hard and a little itchy. No redness, and i cant tell if theres swelling or not. I thought my tri's were swolen and it was just the muscle having grown. Im not that stupid i just dont have any big mirrors. This is my procedure, tell me if theres a problem. I swab the top of the bottle, Swab the needle, extract the stuff, lube it, swab my arm and inject. I was told to massage it a little after. Does that matter? Im concerned about an infection, i dont want to hurt myself more than help. My next shot is tomorrow and i dont know what i should do. Pick another spot or stop altogether. Also is the stack that im doing bad? This message is a little jumbled but i wanna make sure i dont leave anything out. I guess my biggest concern is what to do if there is in fact an infection, is that kind of thing serious? Thanks

    In the future - Do NOT swab the needle, do not touch it with anything.
    Last edited by ire; 02-24-2005 at 01:58 PM. Reason: edit

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