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  1. #1
    jeagles1 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005

    Question Question for a friend. Need some help. Thanks guys !!

    A buddy of mine is doing a cycle with me and is currently on an Anti depressant. I know I know he shouldn't be juicing but he wants to and i can't stop him but should he be concered is there any side effects that anyone know of while taking gear and zoloft?

    he is taking

    dbol 40 mg for 5 weeks
    deca 400 mg week for 8 weeks
    and sust 750/ week for 8 weeks

    obviously taking anti e's as well and i am helping him with the PCT and all but he has to be on zoloft for another 5 months shoudl he be worried will this effect the effectiveness of the gear?

    Any help would be great!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Northwest US
    is "he" really you? It's ok...really

  3. #3
    jeagles1 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005
    No he isn't we r on the same cycle we ordered it together and all but he doesn't have access to a computer so I am helping him out with everything but I am very hesitant to help him and all if the mix with zoloft will hurt him

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Northwest US
    I am not a doc and don't really want to answer that one....anyone else?

  5. #5
    mule1983 is offline Associate Member
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    I am not a Dr. either but I am on 50 mg of Zoloft ED and On a Tren and Test prop cycle. I have never had any problems with it but be careful about him getting low after the cycle is over. I dont think it should cause a problem but have him watch himself and get to a Dr. if he "swings" into a low stage. Zoloft is really a pretty mild antidepressant and usually dosent work for thoes with serious depression So i would say that he probably will be ok. I have also found Test to be a profound mood enhancer... take it for what it is worth... I am not a Dr. and this is not medical advise, simply my opinion.

    As for his cycle, is this his first? If so 750 mgs of test is alot for a first cycle I would recomend more along the lines of 500 mg per week. If he starts out that high what will his next cycle be? 1 gram per week? In this case less is more.

  6. #6
    jeagles1 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005
    Thanks guys any other opinions or advise would be helpful.

  7. #7
    Pale Horse's Avatar
    Pale Horse is offline F.I.L.F.
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    I take 100mg a day(zoloft), I'm not dead yet

  8. #8
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I know a lot of people who take antidepressants and AAS. Just make sure he is aware enough of his emotions to look for warning signs and like mule said be careful after the cycle.

  9. #9
    Spyder Guest
    i dont think he'll have a prob. i know a few peeps that took zoloft while "on"

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