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  1. #1
    ironfist's Avatar
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    Need some GH advice from the EXPERIENCED...MOD, IRONMASTER, JJ, DANE...Please respond

    Ok guys, heres my dilema...
    I am 21yrs old, 5' 10" 234lbs at probably 11%

    I'm in the middle of a sust/EQ/fina/winny cycle and I'm slowly trying to cut without losing much strengh or muscle...I can get big as hell but it's always been a serious chore for me to get cut up...I am going to stop the EQ and sust in mid May and finish my cycle up with winny/prop/fina...My question is, would it be beneficial at my age to run 4.5 IU's everyday for the purpose of muscle retention and fat burning? I am debating on purchasing 3 kits of the Serostim and using 4.5 IU's a day until I'm out...The only thing holding me back at this point is the fact that saome people have said that GH won't do anything for a person of my age...I would really appreciate a few responses from those of you well schooled with the use of GH...Thanks fella's
    Last edited by ironfist; 03-30-2002 at 02:31 PM.

  2. #2
    ironfist's Avatar
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  3. #3
    ironfist's Avatar
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    Don't make me go get help from AF and Elite...

  4. #4
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    i think 21 is too young for GH. i would wait until at least 25 or 26, preferrably 28-30. i would just stick with the winny/prop/fina. if that doesn't cut you up, i don't know what will.

  5. #5
    ironmaster's Avatar
    ironmaster is offline Associate Member
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    hGH works at any age if lean body comp is the goal. Even younguns like you only generate 1.5 iu naturally, so 4.5iu is still a very large increase. In fact I might start at 2 iu and see if I had any joint soreness first.
    Generally, I consider GH use as a "take it to the next level" type thing. I usually recommend it to:
    1. Serious, competing bodybuilders (any age)who find that you can not win the big shows these days without the "look".
    2. Guy's (or girls) who have trained, dieted, and cycled traditional steroids for years, and who have hit the wall....stopped growing, stopped gaining lean mass.
    3. Old farts like myself who derive a multitude of benefits from GH, cause their natural production is deficient.

    If you are any of the above, then give it a try. If not.......discipline in training and diet will yield the results you are after.

  6. #6
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    Originally posted by ironmaster

    Generally, I consider GH use as a "take it to the next level" type thing. I usually recommend it to:
    2. Guy's (or girls) who have trained, dieted, and cycled traditional steroids for years, and who have hit the wall....stopped growing, stopped gaining lean mass.

    If you are any of the above, then give it a try. If not.......discipline in training and diet will yield the results you are after.
    That's probably me right there...And rather than use it while I'm cutting I think I'll stock up on the kits and start the GH in October along with a bulking cycle after I take a few months off...I'm just going to diet smart and maintain where I'm at for now...Thanks for the insight.

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