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  1. #1
    Delts is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Question Needle size for HCG?

    What size needle should I use for hcg and where is the best place for injection? Also should I take 1cc every other day? I really can't figure out what doseage my stuff is. There's a picture of mine in the drug profiles of this site. Its called Gonakor made by Sanfer. Thanks for your help on this guys.

  2. #2
    The original jason Guest
    well about hcg it is measured in iu's maybe there is a conversion i have never seen it u can use anywhere from a 25g to 29g no prblem the smaller the better i would just take a small fold of skin next to the naval and inject into the middle of the fold of skin 500ius ed is best what is your cycle maybe i can give u some more info


  3. #3
    Delts is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    what's up jason. well i've been on test for quite a while now. its been about 10 weeks. I started my cycle with some d-bols for the first 4 weeks. My test started with prop just so it would kick in faster, and then I switched to aratest. I've just been on only the aratest now, but i'm making quality gains with it. My buddie always takes hcg at the end of his cycle and he keeps all his gains. I'm pretty sure he takes clomid too. I would ask him these questions but he's out of town, so that's why I'm countin on you guys (this site is the best by the way). I also heard hcg should be used in the middle of your cycle too. So I should use a slin needle huh? so exactly how much should I take and how often. I only have the one bottle, well two but after they're mixed they'll be one, I hope thats enough. thanks for your help bro. peace

  4. #4
    Delts is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Hey wtc, is there any reason you think the bigger needles would be better? or is that just what you've used or have seen. thanks man. peace

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