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  1. #1
    saluu's Avatar
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    hi need help saluu

    okay im 250 6 1 and 20 percent bodyfat maybe lower last time i checked now i wanna go down to 12 or 11 percent how much weight would i have to lose to get down from 250 to what to get down to 12 percent. thanks and will m1t help keep the muscle while cutting on low calorie diet is it strong enough thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    You will need to lose 20lbs of fat bro to get to 12% bodyfat. m1t would help with muscle but I would think it would bloat you too much while you were cutting. I would go with prop to maintain muscle if I were you.

  3. #3
    saluu's Avatar
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    i love this site god bless anyways lac bud wouldnt the water weight go away after the cycle and after pct and i would keep the muscle and could u use eca with m1t without blood pressure issues thanks

  4. #4
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    Yeah, the water weight would go away, but in a situation where you are trying to cut dowwn bodyfat you want to be holding as little water as possible. It will be hard to determine how much fat you have burned if you are holding weight that you don't know is water or fat. It is best to stay as unbloated as possible when cutting like you are.

  5. #5
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    Pissing on saluu
    Saluu I thought you were running tren ? and was going to get some prop and winny? How has the eca stack and your cardio coming? Are you watching your diet? Meso likes saluu and you are cutting fat and ripping up. Stay away from m1t you will have to pct and why go through that if you can do it right.

  6. #6
    KINGKONG's Avatar
    KINGKONG is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Forget m1t...I thought we already had a special roid monkey cycle planned out for you??Like meso said use the real stuff if your going to do it and keep at cardio and diet they will expand your monkey life not shorten it...

  7. #7
    jgg1221 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by saluu
    okay im 250 6 1 and 20 percent bodyfat maybe lower last time i checked now i wanna go down to 12 or 11 percent how much weight would i have to lose to get down from 250 to what to get down to 12 percent. thanks and will m1t help keep the muscle while cutting on low calorie diet is it strong enough thanks
    ahh saluu

    you amuse me, so ill help you out

    do the math man.
    if you weigh 250lbs, and our 20% bf... then you'd weigh 200lbs at 0% body fat (which im sure you probably know is dangerously low)

    how does that work? 250lbs x 0.20 = 50lbs (which is 50lbs of fat & water weight)
    therefor you have 200lbs of lean body mass. thats pretty good for you height

    so if you wanted to go from 20% to 11%, then you'd need to lose 9% body fat

    there for 250 - (250 x 0.09) = 250 - 22.5 =227.5lbs

    so afterwords youd weigh 227lbs

    so youd need to lose 22.5lbs

    we math majors come in handy sometimes

  8. #8
    saluu's Avatar
    saluu is offline Banned
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    thans alot i am using tren but not yet i wanna get bodyfat down meso man what up to around 12 percent i think 225 is a good weight. and then i will go on tren and winny and test c , im going crazy im going to do 30 ml of tren and 100mg ed and 50 mg ed of winny throw it at the end to harden up gains from test. test c is going to be 250 mg per ml should i start right now at 20 percent bodyfat or should i start later get down to 12. well tren get me down to 12 percent and winny and test help. should the roid monkey start now or after getting down to 12 percent.

    okay one more question i have winny but im throwing at the end to harden up gains 50mg ed i am doing a lean mass cycle my calories well by high and carbs moderate and protein high well winny still rip me up or work and make me harder even at high calories diet from a weightgainer. thanks meso remember your only as big as your last workout peace

  9. #9
    Nutz56's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saluu
    thans alot i am using tren but not yet i wanna get bodyfat down meso man what up to around 12 percent i think 225 is a good weight. and then i will go on tren and winny and test c , im going crazy im going to do 30 ml of tren and 100mg ed and 50 mg ed of winny throw it at the end to harden up gains from test. test c is going to be 250 mg per ml should i start right now at 20 percent bodyfat or should i start later get down to 12. well tren get me down to 12 percent and winny and test help. should the roid monkey start now or after getting down to 12 percent.

    okay one more question i have winny but im throwing at the end to harden up gains 50mg ed i am doing a lean mass cycle my calories well by high and carbs moderate and protein high well winny still rip me up or work and make me harder even at high calories diet from a weightgainer. thanks meso remember your only as big as your last workout peace
    lmfao @ i'm going crazy... anyway, why do u want a high caloric intake while cutting? and why are you taking weightgainer while cutting? i don't think those are wise decisions. the protein intake being high is real good, but the calories you want to keep limited so the weightainer wouldn't be a good choice imo

  10. #10
    Consistency's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jgg1221
    ahh saluu

    you amuse me, so ill help you out

    do the math man.
    if you weigh 250lbs, and our 20% bf... then you'd weigh 200lbs at 0% body fat (which im sure you probably know is dangerously low)

    how does that work? 250lbs x 0.20 = 50lbs (which is 50lbs of fat & water weight)
    therefor you have 200lbs of lean body mass. thats pretty good for you height

    so if you wanted to go from 20% to 11%, then you'd need to lose 9% body fat

    there for 250 - (250 x 0.09) = 250 - 22.5 =227.5lbs

    so afterwords youd weigh 227lbs

    so youd need to lose 22.5lbs

    we math majors come in handy sometimes
    its actually 22.7 lbs of fat not 22.5 lbs

    Also 0% BF is of course impossible, but even 1-2% maybe even 3% (depending on height and organ size) is impossible due to the fat that surrounds all your internal organs.

  11. #11
    BodyMechanic's Avatar
    BodyMechanic is offline Senior Member
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    Saluu you may as well start now, 20% is not great but if you are going to use Tren it can assist you in retaining more muscle mass than diet alone. I know most people tell you to get your bf down lower and if you were going to bulk i would say yes also, but since you are cutting i would say go ahead. I have seen plenty of people with 20% or better doing cycles. If i were you i would just run the test and tren and see were your bf is at the last part of your cycle and then decide if you are low enough to throw the winny in. If your bf isn't low enough winny wont do much.

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