oh i love it i love it i love it just got two shots in my delts one on left and one on right. I didn't have the balls to inject myself. shot tren 150mg today and sus 250mg and shoot test cypionate 250mg shot about 4 cc's even the guy injecting me says your taking too much juice hell no . Im roid monkey i take as much juice as i can. Soon as tren got injected about 1/2 later i felt like beating im the guy that injected me that is how powerful this stuff is. I walking around the mall and felt like lifting every girls skirt horny as hell. I was ready to go to jail for statutory rape . I swear i have never felt this good before i guess the test is making me feel horny and i have a boner 24/7 and the tren is putting me in an area where i am half monkey and half human. plus i plan to do dbol 50mg tommorow is this overkill or what. help me because the guy injecting me is gym buddy and he was really concerned i admit im hooked on juice. im a roid monkey addict i need help i think when i die im gonna have to get a custom made casket im gonna be so big.

i always heard how test and tren is kick ass now i know i feel so good i feel like walking into a club and beating up the bouncer and they call for backup i feel like kicking their ass too. I am super aggresive to all you people yes tren makes you aggresive i dont care what anybody says.

God bless terry schaivo and god bless whoever made tren and good bless the roid monkey addict.