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  1. #1
    mdd's Avatar
    mdd is offline Junior Member
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    Are Steroids Bad?

    repost of mine from anasci, just thought i'd open up the conversation.

    why are they illegal? will they effect those close to me? if i ever got busted, could those close to me get in trouble as well? if they're so safe, why are they illegal? am i going to turn into a raging maniac when using? is it going to deteriorate my body in the long term? can they really be done in a safe way? is the media and 90% of the public given a false view on steroids?

    answer these and any other similiar questions here. i'm going to show this thread to my gf (well ex-girlfriend now that she said it was "her or the anabolics") maybe it can save a relationship and make a small difference in how our sport is viewed. should make for an interesting conversation either way


  2. #2
    moto is offline Junior Member
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    every thing is bad

  3. #3
    NightOp is offline Member
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    mdd, i replied to this on the other board...

    if TNT catches a wif of this thread, i think you're in for some of the best advice and written "articles" on this subject you'll ever read, without a doubt.

    also, i think you will see some of the stark differences between AR board and the AS board (no offense to those guys, but I just don't like the atmosphere over there very much).
    Last edited by NightOp; 04-06-2002 at 01:56 AM.

  4. #4
    Triple Plates's Avatar
    Triple Plates is offline Associate Member
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    I know this is off topic, but dude you should have just kept it on the dl, because most girls will never understand

  5. #5
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    Bad....phuckin' horrible...only losers do roids

  6. #6
    kingjmack's Avatar
    kingjmack is offline Junior Member
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    The only reason steroids are illegal is because of the conspiracy the government is perpatrating on the american people.

  7. #7
    Kaz's Avatar
    Kaz is offline Member
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    of course all steroids are very bad - please send ALL of your steroids to me and i will dispose of them in a safe and usefull manner

    these answers are only my personal ideas so dont take them as literal truth! (wait for TNT!!)

    why are they illegal?
    I think most of this is a political type thing - people used them to "cheat" in sporting events, which meant that the country that was prepared to abuse their athletes or allow their athletes to abuse themselves the most would win the most in the olympics. This sort of abuse is unhealthy becuase it can cause damage and long term effects (see below)
    it also promotes the incorrect use of AS by kids who see their sporting heros doing them!

    will they effect those close to me?
    If you mean will YOUR taking them effect the people close to you with steroid effects then the answer is no! (Unless they sit their ass on a pin full of deca and even that wont do much bar shock the life out of them!)
    However the effects upon you may effect those close to you in some ways you are not expecting! (a poor example: i had to buy a new bed to make enough room for my wife!)

    if i ever got busted, could those close to me get in trouble as well?
    Tricky question? I think it depends on how the bust occurs! if your partner signs their name on the slip for a delivery in your absence then yes they could well get arrested for that!
    In general if you are raided and the authorities see and 200lb bb and his smaller wife they are going to arrest the bb!!

    if they're so safe, why are they illegal?
    see question 1
    also - crossing the road is safe - but make sure you look both ways twice first!! i notice that jaywalking is NOT legal!

    am i going to turn into a raging maniac when using?
    are you a raging maniac now?
    some people suffer what they call "Roid Rage " and some steroids can cause you to become irritable etc - do some research and avoid those if it is a concern to you. in general i dont get any more angry when im using than when im not! (and im a pussycat! )

    6a & b)
    is it going to deteriorate my body in the long term?
    can they really be done in a safe way?
    yes and yes!
    steroids are not toys! you MUST research and learn HOW to use them safely before you start - abusing them is as bad as abusing anything - crossing the road without looking is abusing the road and can get you killed - the same goes for AS!
    As an example - Dbol is used by almost all bb to start off a cycle - but only for the first 4 weeks or so! much longer than that and in very high doses and you can start to damage your liver! Understanding that allows you to plan accordingly!

    is the media and 90% of the public given a false view on steroids?
    the government agencies which cause such things to be banned cant just say "Right its banned!" - poeple will argue! even those who dont want to use them will want to know why something is being banned!
    therefore propganda is made up/found to show the averrage jow that steroids are bad for you - that way the powers that be have the backing of all those people who beleive such tripe!
    Nasty reports abound about the dangers of steroids, but when you look deeper you realise that many of the horror stories you hear, while true in many cases, are NOT related to BB's using steroids, but to some fool with a liver condition who swallowed 100mg of dbol every day for a year!!

    like i said these are just my take and perhaps they are wrong or missinformed - im always happy to learn.

  8. #8
    TheStromba's Avatar
    TheStromba is offline Associate Member
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    Great post Kaz

  9. #9
    MindBomb's Avatar
    MindBomb is offline Member
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    Possibility of abuse always exists. For being illigal is concerned, it has to be for the children's sake. If a child has access to the steroids , that definitly is bad.

    Steroids, if used in informed manned, can be useful and not detrimental to your body. Again, the issue of abusing the roids comes to mind.

    You are not going to become a maniac on roids. You may be sensitive, for lack of better terms, to your surrounding, but you'll never, and should never, use the roid for an excuse to be an ass.

    For children's sake it is best left alone illigal. However, I think the penalty associated with usage can be altered.

    If you get busted with it on you possesion, you bet your ass your "loved ones" will be effected. JUst be careful. If you are not a source, your chance for being busted is however limited.

    With these thoughts in mind, steroid don't kill people, people kill people (what eve that means).

  10. #10
    jleighty17 is offline Associate Member
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    i told my girlfriend and she understood * she is a proud new member of AR * just for research of course

  11. #11
    Methuselah's Avatar
    Methuselah is offline Member
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    It's ironic that cigarettes are legal and steroids are not. Steroids may be harmful if used incorrectly but generally provide benefit, cigarettes can only kill.

    BTW, nice post Kaz.

  12. #12
    mishon1 is offline Associate Member
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    y are mcdonalds cheeseburgers not illegal. i think those r just as bad as roids

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