I am intending to run my first ever cycle. I am 20, lifting for 3 years, about 190lbs, 6', just under 10% bf. Some will say 20 is too young but I have my mind set on proceeding. I was planning to do 500mg test ent/cyp a week for 10 weeks, 400mg/wk deca for 9 weeks and 30mg dbol ed for first 4 weeks.
However I still have some things Id like to be clear about.

Firstly, I read that it makes sense to switch to faster-acting esters like test prop in the last weeks of the cycle to maintain a constant level of test and allow for more effective clomid therapy afterwards (wouldn't deca have to be stopped two-three weeks before the end of the cycle then?). Is this important and when exactly should the switch be made?

Secondly, is liquided/arimidex worth spending the money on to run it throughout the cycle or can I simply stock up on nolvadex in case gyno shows up?

Thirdly, I heard conflicting opinion about running clomid throughout the cycle. Some say that taking 25mg of clomid every day will prevent natural test production from shutting down. Others say that taking clomid during the cycle actually reduces the effectivness of test. Whats the best plan to follow?

Finally, stocking up on all the gear is proving a bit costly. How much less effective would my cycle be if I dropped deca considering this is my first cycle?

All response is appreciated