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Thread: cycling at 19?

  1. #1
    RockBurn is offline New Member
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    cycling at 19?

    I am really just looking for some good honest advice, rather than the standard peer pressure "just do it" attitude.

    I have some friends that recently took one cylce and they seemed to explode, without to many side effects. This is why I am now curious.

    I am 19, (20 in November) 165 lbs, and bencing around 240. I dont know my BF%, but it is not much. (skinny kid). I have been working out hard and disciplined. What can I do to start getting bigger. I feel as though i am just STUCK. I have recently considered M1T, but i know little about how effective that is. Would one cylce do me good? I don't want to **** around with this stuff or cause any harm in the future. Or hinder any growth in the future.

    Just need some good advice from guys that take this stuff seriously and know what is going on.

    I want to get RAW

  2. #2
    jbone30's Avatar
    jbone30 is offline Associate Member
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    Get your diet in check,,,eat mad amounts of clean food and you could serpass them in gains and then theyll be on some diet forum like..My friend is 19 and he is getting bigger than me and hes not juicing what should I do!

  3. #3
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Read this, and stay away from steroids for now:

    Read this for a good Bulking Diet:

    Read this for a number of good strength articles:

    That should get you on your way.

  4. #4
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    Wait bro, your own hormones do not start declining until about 24 years of age. Also M1T would affect your system and you would have to do a PCT or post cycle therapy . Diet, training, rest and later add juice. Study and research, hang out here for a year or two and when you hit the sauce show a before and after pic.

  5. #5
    arnoldwannab's Avatar
    arnoldwannab is offline Associate Member
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    **** bro, not another want advice? read some of the other threads on here about teens and gear. You can easily pack on at least 20 more lbs naturally without the harm or juice. You are to young and if you decide to go forward with jucing it could lead to serious repercussions in your future. Get on a great diet,a great workout plan and bust you balls in the gym and you will be fine. You have so much time to "explode", take your time and read as much as you can here and learn. In a few years from now, once you have the knowledge it takes, than you will be able to make a reasonable choice on wether to juice or not. Until than, don't worry about everyone else and what they are doing, just worry about yourself.

  6. #6
    RockBurn is offline New Member
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    I guess i didn't realize how much potential could still be realized.

    Juice now might merely be an easy, quick fix.

    I have noticed that the guys that have cycled just once have already fallen back down in strength and weight, although they claim that nothing has been lost.

    He has gone from doing a particular bench weight 6-8 reps, back down to 1-2 reps.

  7. #7
    Thegr8One's Avatar
    Thegr8One is offline Senior Member
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    bro do yourself a favor and wait your body still produces great ammounts of natural testosterone don't ruin that

  8. #8
    Scrub is offline Member
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    You still have a lot of growing to do. When I was 19 I was 5'11" and 132lbs. I'm now 24 and 180lbs. And I have to admit I haven't gained 50lbs just from lifting weights. I've just developed naturally over the past couple years. I know 180 is by no means big but I want you to realize that you are going to develop over the next couple years. So I suggest wait a few years and than you can think about trying roids.

  9. #9
    RockBurn is offline New Member
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    What causes young AS users to blow up, and then just almost right back where they started?
    What is a good target age to even think about starting?

    When i am hitting the gym, i am trying to reach positive failure on each set, doing 4-6 reps. Is this an ideal range for growth?

  10. #10
    RockBurn is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the advice, and sorry for the NEWB questions.

    It puts it in prospective for my age.
    (I'm still only shaving twice a week, and still being grilled for looking 16-17 when buying booze with my fake ID)
    haha but anyways....

    appreciate the patience.

  11. #11
    arnoldwannab's Avatar
    arnoldwannab is offline Associate Member
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    They blow up becasue that is what aas does. They shrink back down cause they dont know **** about Pct and how to properly manage their diets and workouts. Only you know when you are ready to begin using but believe me when i say, dont rush it, take as much time as needed. You are only 19 and IMO shouldnt even think about it until you are 24-25. I began when i was 21 and I regret it much because If i knew than what i know now.......many things would be different.

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