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  1. #1
    ImACrazyJewDaddy's Avatar
    ImACrazyJewDaddy is offline Associate Member
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    Exclamation A transdermal cycle???

    Haven't found information anywhere on anyone taking an entire transdermal cycle, so i figured this would be a good idea to good info from some people who know everything about roids. 1st off, would it be possible? If so, would it be a decent cycle for a beginner,intermediate,or expert? Would the sides be the same as in terms of liver/kidney toxicity..everything? Would the gains be worth the time and effort into making the gear into transdermal gels?

    I thought this would be a good discussion for those who can't stand the idea of needles, or think that they can avoid the toxicity of orals, or want a cycle to be more convenient by being able to just carry gear in lotion bottles instead of vials and needles everywhere they go.

    (O yea, and please leave the stupid ass remarks to yourself about just sticking it, or, your not ready to juice unless your ready to inject it and do it the right way. I thought this would be a great educational thread for everyone on here, because im pretty sure it can be done)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Check out They have a forum strickly on, results, etc. You should find your answers there.

  3. #3
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ImACrazyJewDaddy

    (O yea, and please leave the stupid ass remarks to yourself about just sticking it, or, your not ready to juice unless your ready to inject it and do it the right way.
    Why are you constructing parameters for responses you will receive?

    I know why. Simply because you already know the answer to this question. It's not a great idea at all, it's relatively useless/pointless/a waste of time, and trying to "shape" the responses into a false self-fulfilling prophecy won't make the proposed action any more effective.

    Until one is ready to utilize enhancements in the correct form, one is truly not ready. There are transdermal applications, yes, but not all gear can be made transdermal, and as stated earlier, the proposed action is pretty useless. Otherwise, pro's and weekend warriors alike would be slathering themselves in a fina/prop/t3/clen /winny cream and get the best of all those supplements. The newsflash is that it doesn't work like that.



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