05-12-2005, 04:21 PM #1
Stolen.. but useful info. about injections
There are three areas where steroids are the easiest and safest to inject. They are the glutes, delts, and thighs. The glutes are the easiest and safes out of the
three, so we will explain injection procedures for the glutes. The injection procedure will be explained in easy to understand writing.
When injecting into the glute, divide one of the glutes into four equal quadrons, you are aiming at the top outer most quadron. Now in more detail, it should
be 2-3 inches below the iliac crest. Iliac crest, the top of the pelvic girdle on the posterior (back) side. You can find this area by feeling the uppermost bony
area above each cheek. This area has few nerves and blood vessels. Below is a picture of how the glute can be divided into four areas. The darkest area is a
more accurate area of where you would like to inject.
Needles. When getting needles there are two types of needles, oil based and water based, make sure you get the right one. An example of a needle is
22 gauge 1 1/2”, the higher the number infront, the skinnier the needle is, the lower, the thicker, or duller the needle is. The second number after the word
“gauge” is how long the pin is. You want atleas an inch thick so it goes deep inside the muscle.
First things first, make sure you have the right drug, and you know what dossage you are going to take. First off we’ll use the vial(bottle with rubber top).
Everyone should use all precautions, just to be safe. It is recommended that the person taking the injection showers before the shot. It is easier toget a friend to
help as well. After the shower, both persons should wash their hands with soap and water.
After everything is ready, clean the injection site using a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Then do the same with a new swab at the top of the vial, where the
needle will be inserted. Take the needle out of the wrapper, draw the needle full of air(pull the handle back all the way), insert it into the vial, push the air into
the vial, turn the needle and vial upside down(the bottle should be facing down, and the needle facing up), and pull back the need to the required amount. I
first expect it just to quickly run into the needle but it takes a little time. Add about 1/4 cc to the amount, so if you want 2 ccs, take up 2 1/4 ccs, because of
the bubbles. Next take a new syringe, remove it from the plastic, unscrew the pin, and switch it with the pin from the syringe with the steroid in it. Take the needle
out of the bottle, keep it facing up, and tap the plastic part of the syringe, to get all the little bubbles out. When all the air is towards the pin(metal part),
start pushing the syringe so the air comes out of the needle, you will see the air rise to the top, don’t stop until a few little drops of the drug run down the pin. It
tells you the air is out, and it gives lubrication. Reswab the injection site, make sure you know where it is, and slowly insert the needle like a dart. After the needle
is in deep, pull back on the needle(like drawing air into the needle) without removing any of the needle from the body, pull it out about 1/2 cc, this is to
make sure it doesn’t fill with blood, if it fills with blood it means it is inserted into a blood vessel. If no blood is present, you should see bubble, then push the
needle, so the liquid is injected inside the body. Do this slowly, then after the liquid is in, remove the needle, and apply a cotton swab. Massage the injection
site with the swab on for a few minutes to minimize soreness. Dispose of all waste into a safe place.
If you have a glass amp instead of a vile, the procedure is similar except for the opening of the glass ampule. There might be a noticeable line on the glass,
with a file or knife, cut around the the glass, making a cut all the way around. Place a cloth over the ampule, and make a quick, spinning snapping moting and
twist the top off. Some users use the end of a pen cap, and place it over the top of the amp when the snap it off.
Procedure for Intramuscular Injection of Hormone in Oil
If you are very sensitive to pain, obtain 2 new needles for each administration: 1 to fill the syringe (18-22 gauge), and another for the injection (22 gauge).
That way the injection needle will be entirely sharp. Be careful not to drag the injection needle across anything, even skin, before the injection, because that
will dull it.
If you are fairly tolerant of pain, or cannot afford 2 needles for each injection, then use the same new needle (22 gauge) to fill the syringe as to make the injection.
Do not under any circumstances reuse needles between injection periods, or between different people.
Warm the vial (ampule) between your hands for a moment to help the oil flow more freely.
Cleanse the top of the vial and the area for injection with a swipe of povidone-iodine (10%), or if you cannot obtain that, use rubbing alcohol (95-99%) or
hydrogen peroxide (3-5%).
The best intramuscular injection sites are the upper outer quadrant of the buttock, or upper outer thigh. Either is fine, as long as you are hitting at least two inches
of fat and muscle, not bone or an artery.
Securely mount the drawing needle on the syringe, then if you are using a rubber-corked vial, pull back the plunger about 1/4-1/3 cc farther than the intended
injection amount (e.g., if you intend to inject 1 cc, then draw back 1 1/4 - 1 1/3 cc of air).
With the vial right-side-up, insert the needle in the top, such that the needle end is in the bottle air, but not the oil. Inject all of the air from the syringe into the
Be sure the needle end is in oil (not air, and not bumping against the glass), then slowly but firmly draw back the plunger until you have a bit more than the
injection amount. You will probably see some small air bubbles; that is normal. Inject the extra solution, along with the top bubble, back into the vial. If you
have a rubber-corked vial, this is easiest if the vial is upside-down.
Withdraw the needle (still needle up), then set the vial down. If you are using a second needle for the injection, swap needles now. Make sure the injection
needle is securely fastened (usually a twist-on).
With the injection needle pointed up, tap the syringe and very slowly squeeze out the final bubbles. You might lose a bit of the solution, but it is important to be
patient amount removing all of the significant bubbles (however, you need not worry about the suspended bubbles which are so tiny as to be nearly invisible).
If you need to change position to make the injection, put the protective cover on over the needle so you can set it down. Some people find it easiest to stand;
others prefer to lay on their stomach if the buttock is target. If possible, have someone you trust make the actual injection; it is much easier that way.
Uncover the needle, grasp the outside of the syringe firmly (finger off the plunger), place the needle against your skin, perpendicular, then bravely push straight
in (no bending at all) to a depth of roughly 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 cm , (1 - 1 1/3 inches). There should not be much pain past the initial prick. Once the needle is in,
try not to shift your weight around or flinch such that the muscles there would move.
Still holding the outside of the syringe, pull back the plunger to be sure you did not hit a significant blood vessel. If you see no blood in the syringe, then very
slowly but firmly depress the plunger. If you do see blood, then withdraw the needle, apply pressure to the site for a minute, then [optionally install a new needle
and] try again a few centimeters away, or on the opposite side of your body.
Remove the needle from your body, replace the protective cover, and dispose of that part into a sharps container, or at least a container of strong composition
that cannot be punctured by the used needles.
It is normal for there to be slight oozing of blood and/or oil from the injection site (and a small bruise later), given the large needle gauge. If it oozes for more
than a few seconds, apply pressure for a minute. If you are the extraordinarily tidy type, you can also place a dot bandaid over it, but it is not really necessary.
This tends to be an important subject ignored by a few bodybuilders, let me just say that if you inject incorrectly you risk one of the following things:-
1. A broken needle in the flesh, difficult to remove and may need minor surgery.
2. An infection or boil at the injection site. If ignored the infection will spread and may infect your bloodstream.
3. Death by injection of an oily substance going around your blood stream until it causes failure of a major organ like the heart, or brain. If your lucky (or
unlucky) you might get away with a stroke!!!
Its an easily learned technique and with care and attention you will accomplish it easily and without pain and bruising.
Another piece of information you may find useful is that oral steroids work more quickly than injected steroids, but on the whole cause greater harm to the liver.
Preparation is the key to successful injection, Have everything ready and laid out on a firm clean surface next to you. Choose your injection site, its no good sitting
or standing there with a syringe full of juice waving a two inch needle around wondering where your going to stick it.
You will need the following
1. A syringe (large enough to hold whatever it is you are injecting yes you can mix shots, why take two shots when one will do the trick).
2. Two needles preferably two greens, but for the squeamish a green and a blue.
3. Two swabs opened and ready for use (if you don’t bother swabbing, and many don’t at least wash or shower first and make sure your hands are clean).
4. The juice (wash the outside of the container first)
5. You may find a beaker of warm water useful to warm up the amps this makes those with an oil base flow easier.
6. A small nail file
Warning: Some amps will not break cleanly, this is where the nail file comes in. Saw around the neck of the ampoule a few times until it is scored, then it will
break evenly. Sometimes its wise to hold the amp with a piece of clean cloth or tissue, if the top breaks when you try to open it your fingers may be cut by the
broken glass.
When you are fully prepared fit one of the needles {a green} to the syringe, open the amp(s) and draw up the fluid. Shake then tap the syringe and expel any
excess air through the needle.
Change the needle to your other one. (many people don’t bother they use the same needle to inject as they draw up with.
Swab the area to be injected
Present the needle at right angles to the injection site and push it right in. Do not jab.
Draw back on the plunger ( this will save your life ), if any blood enters the syringe withdraw the needle and choose a slightly different site and repeat the
process. (blood in the syringe may indicate that it has entered a vein or artery, if you inject there………)
If all is well push the plunger firmly, but smoothly, home. Remove the needle from your flesh and swab, rub the injection site gently to assist in distributing the
medication. If the injection site bleeds a little you have gone through a blood vessel or vein, this is ok as long as you haven’t injected into one.
That’s it clean up after yourself dispose of your used equipment safely.
1) Always use a new needle and syringe for each injection. Green capped needles are best for the buttock, blue ones for the thigh.
(Don’t know if you have the same colours in the USA).
2) Steroids are injected into a muscle - normally the buttock or thigh. Never inject steroids into a vein.
3) Never share needles, syringes or multi-use vials.
4) Don’t inject more than 2mls of fluid into one muscle area at a time.
5) Dispose of used needles and syringes in a sharps bin and return them to your needle exchange.
6) Only insert the needle three quarters (3/4) of the way into the muscle so it can be removed easier if it snaps. If you don’t insert the needle far enough into
the muscle and then inject a steroid you could cause an abscess!
7) If you feel a hard lump in a muscle where you inject - use another site.
8) If you have any concerns about your health then contact / visit your General Practitioner.
Ok - here’s how :-
1) Choose your injection site. The gluteal muscle (the buttock) is the best.
2) With a clean needle and syringe, draw up the steroid.
3) Make sure there is no air left in the syringe. Flick the syringe and press the plunger until a drop appears.
4) Remove clothing from injection site.
5) Wipe site with a swab or soapy water.
6) Stretch skin of the injection site with your finger and thumb.
7) Hold the syringe like a dart and quickly jab the needle into the skin at a right angle (practice on an orange).
8) Release the skin.
9) Pull back the plunger, if there is no blood, slowly press in the plunger.
10) If blood is drawn into the syringe - STOP - remove the needle quickly and press hard on the site until the bleeding stops. Use another site for the injection.
11) After injecting, remove the needle and press onto the site with a swab for ten seconds and massage slowly to disperse the drug.
12) Dispose of needle and syringe responsibly - IN A SHARPS BIN.
If injections are not done properly, infections or abscesses can occur at the injection site. They may be caused by not cleaning the area properly before injecting
or by using secondhand needles and syringes - this allows bacteria to enter the site. An abscess can also be caused by a steroid (fluid) not fully dispersing
from the injection site. This occurs mainly in athletes who inject too much in one go or who don’t insert the needle far enough into the muscle.
Symptoms - Pain or burning at the injection site. Hard lump(s) at the injection site.
Treatment - See your G.P. Use another injection site.
Prevention - Don’t use the same site more than twice a week. Only use small volume injections - 1ml or 2ml per muscle area. Alternate injection sites for every
05-12-2005, 09:22 PM #2
05-12-2005, 09:24 PM #3
Thanks for the info.
05-12-2005, 09:28 PM #4
No problem, I stole it off another site while looking for information.
05-12-2005, 09:37 PM #5Originally Posted by elvisinturn1
05-12-2005, 09:41 PM #6
I think that #3 refers to what would more than likely happen if you injected an oil based AS directly into your bloodstream by accident or ignorance. Atleast that's what I got from it. Incorrect injection and/or injection directly into the bloodstream of an oil based AS.
05-12-2005, 09:44 PM #7
I find this portion kinda humorous though
"It is recommended that the person taking the injection showers before the shot. It is easier toget a friend to
help as well. After the shower, both persons should wash their hands with soap and water."
Hmm..... I hope he was referring to your significant other or some chick, and not your sweaty ass spotter or workout budd...
"Here dude, hold my buttcheek while I do 500 mg of Sus."
05-12-2005, 09:56 PM #8Originally Posted by elvisinturn1
05-12-2005, 10:46 PM #9
Dunno... but it could happen I guess.....
11-18-2005, 03:41 AM #10
good read
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