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  1. #1
    ftguyqns is offline New Member
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    Apr 2004

    Please critique-- Fina\Winstrol\Prop

    Please let me know if there is something I should add, take out etc...

    I'm on my last few weeks of and eca\clen \T3 cycle..

    In a few weeks, I plan on doing the following cycle. Here are my stats:

    Weight 168lbs
    Height 5'9
    Bodyfat- between 10 and 12%

    Weeks 1-12--- Test Prop 100MG EOD
    Weeks 1-6---- Fina 50MG ED
    Weeks 7-12--- Winstrol 50MG ED

    I was thinking of adding d-bol to this cycle for the first 4 weeks being that the Fina and Winstrol will perhaps take the water retention out or negate that affect.

    Also, has anyone ran clen and the eca stack on the same weeks??

    I did CLEN FOR 3 WEEKS

    AND NOW I WANTED TO FINISH WITH CLEN AND ECA FOR 3 WEEKS TO CONCLUDE A 12 WEEK CYCLE. Is this safe? I did feel a bit jittery on T3 and Clen together so I'm assuming the effects of Clen and ECA will be the same.

    I know you are supposed to take eca when not on T3 or clen.... Does anyone advise this?


  2. #2
    Dave321 is offline AR's Salad Tossing Connoisseur
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    Apr 2005
    everyone will probably give you the same advice.... but personally, I think you could do some growing naturally.... you're only 168 @ 5'9... lot's of growing potential bro with the best anabolic .. food.

  3. #3
    ftguyqns is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    thanks.. i actually go up and down in weight all year around. i cycle my nutrient intake in the winter time and this past winter, i bulked up to 205lbs... this is the first time that i have come down in weight this much in a few years.

  4. #4
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Oct 2001
    Run the tren more towards the end and extend it to 7-8 weeks if possible.
    Clen 2 weeks on 2 off throughout.
    B6 and an anti e would be benificial.

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