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Thread: Lasix

  1. #1
    The Iron Game Guest


    took only 20mgs of lasix this morning and when I was wiping my ass I noticed some blood on the tissue. Sorry for those who are eating right now anyone else have any similar experience

  2. #2
    CYCLEON Guest
    what the hell u doing with that crap - u arent going in any contest? Ill consider PGF2A long before that stuff and dont give me the safety lecture

    - actually I am thinking about the DMSO aproach on the PGF2A next month perhaps

  3. #3
    The Iron Game Guest
    Originally posted by CYCLEON
    what the hell u doing with that crap - u arent going in any contest? Ill consider PGF2A long before that stuff and dont give me the safety lecture
    safety lecture on pgf2, im all with you there, I can lecture you about the pain though if you like.

    - actually I am thinking about the DMSO aproach on the PGF2A next month perhaps
    Forget about dmso method with pgf

    btw, one day when I ask a question and you answer it, you will make me the happiest man in the world

  4. #4
    Ranger Guest
    If it was bright red blood, you probally wiped a bit hard and nothing to worry about...I have taken 40mg's of Lasix a day for 2 weeks straight, along with 90mg's of Potassium twice a day, and 260mg's of Quinine once daily....never really a problem...slight cramps in calves and feet...nothing major....

    As for the DMSO and PGF2A...I agree with IG....pretty much a waste....inject it....not that bad, me....heh heh heh


  5. #5
    The Iron Game Guest
    Ranger, thanks the problem is im also on 160mcgs clen as well. An further supplements other than potassium, calcium, magnesium, Vit c and Vit/Mineral supplement?

    Im only using for 2 or 3 days not 2 weeks, I have some red blood cells left in my head

  6. #6
    CYCLEON Guest
    IG - no, fool i was speaking of the lasix safetyie "its ok, blah, blah, etc." - What I ve found about PGF2A doent indicate any real safety issues, just pinfull (freudian slip?) ones. See, there, I answered ur question

    Ranger - thought you said in your article that it had a good whole muscle effect when the DMSO (I dont use that crap anyway, Have lots of phlojel) - not good peaking ability but still good, especially for areas like the chest - thats where I need the help and im not into sticking needles into my chest - my tris blow up if I look at them but i would probably try it all spots just to see. also - wondering what about using it for lats - thats why im thinking transdermal, using for areas that im scepticle of the needle. wanna poke my bis tho.

  7. #7
    CYCLEON Guest
    hey ranger - how do you think lasix compares to OTC like taraxatone? I know there is no compare but ur opinion?

  8. #8
    The Iron Game Guest
    Originally posted by CYCLEON
    but still good, especially for areas like the chest - thats where I need the help and im not into sticking needles into my chest - my tris blow up if I look at them but i would probably try it all spots just to see. also - wondering what about using it for lats - thats why im thinking transdermal, using for areas that im scepticle of the needle. wanna poke my bis tho. [/B]
    muahahahaha, some funny shit. I hate needles too

  9. #9
    CYCLEON Guest
    yeah - and with that stuff it looks like there is enough pain involved already so why add more? ill def be poking the bis tho - some more peak would be nice - gotta loose some of this darn fat first tho

  10. #10
    Ranger Guest
    What I mean by a waste is quite simply, but injecting, you can up the dosages by IU's....Using DMSO or Phogel, the increase will be in CC's thus creating a waste...sides lesson a bit, but still 1 vial won't last long with this method....


  11. #11
    The Iron Game Guest
    can someone please help me is 160mcgs of clen and lasix for 3 days too much on electrolytes / minerals?

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