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  1. #1
    miguy82 is offline Associate Member
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    Question Liver values/testing..

    K im kinda nervous now to start my cycle, this will be my 2nd cycl in a yr 1/2.

    Anyhow heres the prob.,k i got a dui and the judge told me not to drink and to stay away from it. Ok so now im on probation(as of may 25,05), and i know she'll prob be making me do alcohol/drug testing(first probtion meeting is june 30). By the way im 23 today actually. \. As im pretty sure(95%) that they only want me to test for rec drugs, but im afraid that they could test me for liver values to see if im drinking. So i guess im asking ur guys oppions on this matter, u think they woul check my liver values thru urine(if they can even do that )
    to see if there high to which there suspecting me of drinking, and if there doing all this to find out liver values(if they even would) u think they would do further testing to make sure its alcohol or any other toxic hazard to my liver?..

    Damn im kinda nervous cuz judge told me if i go back to his court for nething im fcuked and 90 automatically,since me gave me a huge break by only giving me 10days work program, instead of 30 days/ a house tether. Also helps i have one of the best lawyers in my city. this whole things costing me like $7000

  2. #2
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    your 23yrs one can tell you you cant drink..the DUI is your own stupid fault,any regular person can have high liver values for one reason or another,doesnt mean you drink too much or do roids.could be hepititus,jaundice or paid a lawyer $7000.if that was your 1st offense,you got ripped off.and since hes the best,why not ask him his advice.since you have already paid for it.

  3. #3
    miguy82 is offline Associate Member
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    Devldog: i believe they can tell u not to drink, just cuz its legal they actually can not allow u to consume alcohol(during probation at least).Thats y they have alcohol tethers(device that u wear , andif u drink the alcohol comes out ur pores and u test positive.) Yes i know its my own fault im just glad and thank god i didnt hurt my self/or another innocent person.

    Also i was asking if they would be able to determine my liver values thru a urine test or would they be only able to tell thru blood work???

    I guess i could have reworded it better, no i didnt pay $7000 to my lawyer, i paid that all together,w/court costs, fines, work program, lawyer fees-$2000, and hospital bills( since i blew so high they had to take me in to make sure it wasnt death threatening)which alone came to $2000.

    Also i dont wanna ask him cuz i dont want him thinking that im drinking by asking him this kinda stuff. thats y im on here asking u guys for ur oppions. thanks.......

  4. #4
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    liver values can only be ck'd thru blood work to my knowledge

  5. #5
    miguy82 is offline Associate Member
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    Tanks DEVLDOG, i figured that but just had to ask. So u think its fine for me to do my cycle, just waiting for the goods. :

    BUMP.. for ne one else to respond,

  6. #6
    Habanero's Avatar
    Habanero is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by miguy82
    Tanks DEVLDOG, i figured that but just had to ask. So u think its fine for me to do my cycle, just waiting for the goods. :

    BUMP.. for ne one else to respond,
    I am an attorney, and I'll tell you that Judges can order you to do/not do things while on probation that are otherwise legal. Don't let your probation officer catch you at a bar and stay away from the booze while on probation - if you play your cards right and meet all of your conditions without any violations, the judge may allow for early termination. As far as the liver values - no they are not going to catch you that way and the reason is very simple - liver values are affected by any number of thing, genetics above all others, environmental conditions, diet, etc.... No way to PROVE you were drinking or using steroids by your liver values. I can tell you that your probation officer is going to want urine test (some scheduled, others probably random). Free advice - be a fu*cking boy scout while on probation lest you end up in a cell taking something other than a needle in the backside.

  7. #7
    xxSmartyPantsxx is offline Junior Member
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    so did you get convicted of DUI, or did you take some plea bargain?

    how high was your breath test that it made them take you to the hospital? it must have been over .2 % BAC

    sounds like you're in a similar position to me, where they're hanging 90 days over your head to make sure you stay clean. how long will you be on probation?

  8. #8
    miguy82 is offline Associate Member
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    Yes i did convicted of dui, this is my second one. and for u who really wanna know i blew a fing .31 very glad i didnt kill no body.

    i got instead of 30 days in jail and a home tether, 10 communit service, aa, intensive counceling.

    im on probation for 2 yrs but if i go a yr being good itll be droped.

    Hab. so u think ill be ok doiny my next cycle and they wont find out from the urine test.?

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