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Thread: quick question

  1. #1
    tringtogetbig is offline New Member
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    quick question

    Quick question guys. How bad is it if the only thing i am taking is Test e for a 10 week cycle, then gonna wait about 15 days and do my pct injections. I know this is prob not good, but exactly how bad is this. This is my first cycle. I am on my 5th week.

  2. #2
    hopolb33 is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from the dead.....
    how much test e r u taking a week???

  4. #4
    robkesl's Avatar
    robkesl is offline Senior Member
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    i would extend it to 12 weeks. and do you have any anti-e's on hand, for gyno. the pct is fine 2 weeks after last injection so, yeah,

  5. #5
    tringtogetbig is offline New Member
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    im taking 400mg a week, and after week 5 Im gonna be taking 500mg a week. And I dont have any anti-e's on hand. I kind of know what gyno is but not really. I should have done more research b4 starting a cycle but now I have already started and dont want to stop.

  6. #6
    Jorg's Avatar
    Jorg is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tringtogetbig
    im taking 400mg a week, and after week 5 Im gonna be taking 500mg a week. And I dont have any anti-e's on hand. I kind of know what gyno is but not really. I should have done more research b4 starting a cycle but now I have already started and dont want to stop.
    Stop NOW and get the information you need. For one you need anti estrogens so your testosterone levels can come back to normal after your cycle. I could tell you more though THIS can tell you more

  7. #7
    dragon69 is offline Member
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    PCT 15 days after last test-e shot is just about right actually.

    PCT must be talking about HCG . I think use HCG a week after last test-e shot (look around this site to be sure on that as I could be wrong). Get some clomid, but use it AFTER HCG (2 weeks after last test-e shot).
    Some say use nolvadex too, but I have reservations in regards to that.

  8. #8
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Bro there is no such thing as PCT injections, HCG is not part of PCT and should be done during a cycle and not during PCT, if this is your first cycle then you dont need HCG at all. PCT should start 14 days after your last Test E shot. Read this to find out what you need There is no need to stop your cycle as long as you get the things you need ie Nolvadex and Clomid before you are due to start PCT

  9. #9
    tringtogetbig is offline New Member
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    So far I have not experienced gyno. When would it be typical for this to occur during my cycle.

  10. #10
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    Don't stop your cycle, but IMMEDIATELY get hold of some nolva and at least have it on hand. A light dose of nolva is actually a good idea... it will improve your LDL/HDL ratio. I usually would recommend for first-timers to not use it until needed, though, so as to determine how susceptible one is to gyno from test-only.

    You don't need hcg for a 10 week cycle. You can use it, but you don't need it. If you use it, your last hcg shot could be maybe a week after your last test shot. You can do just 3 or 4 shots, or you can run it through the cycle. At any rate, only low doses are needed. You should get good results with only 250iu taken E3D. Whatever amount you have on hand, if you insist on using it, plan it out and count back with it to see where you need to start it. A little extra left over for the final shot or two is okay. The old school method was to take as much as 5000iu every 5 days for a total of 3 shots, but this can cause desensitization to LH when your HPTA recovers. You will see just as good results from using only 250 or 500 iu per shot as the old time megadoses.

    After mixing your hcg, it must be refrigerated, and it is quite perishable. It begins to degrade after a month, and should be discarded soon after. I would definitely NOT keep it longer than two months, even with the temp barely above freezing. Oh, and don't freeze it, either.

    Your pct should probably involve the use of clomid and maybe nolva, and these are taken orally. Old school is day 1 300mg clomid, following week 100mg/ED, and the remaining 3 weeks 50mg/ED. Recently, many users have been just giving the front-load a miss and go right to 50mg from the start. It's all good. High doses of clomid can have some strange sides in some users.

    PCT 15 days after last test E shot is fine. You could wait a few more days, if you want, and if you don't feel that your test levels are depleted enough. Should be good, though, at the dose you are using.

    If you don't have clomid, definitely definitely definitely get some. Definitely get some nolva immediately. A low dose of nolva would be 10mg/ED or so. If you happen to notice gyno warning signs like itchy or sensitive nips, run at at 40mg and increase if symptoms do not clear up. If you notice small lumps behind or around the nipples, go right up to 60 to 100mg, and slowly taper off to 40-50 mg which should hold you nicely.

  11. #11
    tringtogetbig is offline New Member
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    Thanks baron for the info. As far as getting the nova and clomid, can i get those from the links at allsportsnutrition or is that different stuff. If it is then I can go through my supplier.

  12. #12
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    You can get research grade clomid and nolvadex from various sources online, including our sponsor. Your gear source can probably get you pharmaceutical grade tablets in proper blister packs with brand name labels. It's basically the same. 20mg of nolva from a bottle of liquid is pretty much the same as 20mg of nolva in a pill.

  13. #13
    tringtogetbig is offline New Member
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    so would it be okay if I got Tamox 50mL 20mg/mL and Clomi 70mL 35mg/mL. And if this is okay is it fine if I go ahead and get the Tamox now and then the Clomi closer to the end of my cycle, Money is really a prob right now.

  14. #14
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    Well, next time you want to have all your ancilliaries actually on hand before taking your first shot. You never know what is gonna happen. But for now, if you can only afford the tamox, get it. Now you can do the math and see that at 20mg/ED that would give you a 50 day supply. Remember you need to continue nolvadex through to the end of pct. Also if gyno signs appear or worsen, you will have to up the dose. So, be prepared to spring for another bottle of it if needed. One bottle of the clomid will be quite enough for a proper pct. Be sure to shake these substances before each use.

  15. #15
    tringtogetbig is offline New Member
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    Thanks Baron, Your help is much appreciated

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