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06-29-2005, 02:14 PM #1
short bridging cycles!!!!!long read but plz help!!!
i have just done my pct for the first cycle
it;s been 11 weeks since my last injection
and it;s been 4 weeks since my last intake of clomid (PCT)
my cycle was test e 500 10 wk, deca 400 10week dbols- 6 week, and gained 44lbs.. water fat and hella MASS
anyways i wanted to do a short bridging cycle.. i have done my blood test last week and my test level is in normal (it;s retored and my balls are back)
i want to gain some mass and lose hella fat on this bridging cycle
may be 8-10weeks i don;t want to suppess and shut down my testical so.. is 10 week to long?
there's what im planning to use
350 mg 1-10wk test prop (50mg ed)
primobolan 200mg 1-8 week (shot twice 100mg a week)
winny 4-10wk 40mg ed..
qustions: is this cycle light enuf to not severly shut down my test?
can i expect lbm gain from this cycle???
is my dosage too low and ineffective??? should i make test 500 a week?
is it okay to run 350 test per week when i ran 500 on my previoius cycle, would my gain still be effectinve with 350 test
thank you soo much!! plz help me out
i know i need to stop primo 2 weeks before other compound because of its long halflife of 14 days.
if i was to run a 8 week cycle, meaning i would be doing 1-6 wk of primo, is 6 week of primo ineffective?
06-29-2005, 02:52 PM #2
or may be primo suppress HTPA.. should i just go with 1-8 week prop350 2-8 week winny40
should i see gain in lbm and fat loss??? and supress natural test to the minimum.... and may be add some proviron to get hardrock muscles!Last edited by russia dog; 06-29-2005 at 02:55 PM.
06-29-2005, 03:02 PM #3
if your fully recovered then why not do a full cycle instead of your proposed plan cause this:
-will shot you down,even at a low dose.
-primo needs to be run at 500mg minimum imo.
-primo needs to be run for 12 weeks minimum.
06-29-2005, 03:04 PM #4
so can i do prop, winny,priviron stack?
i want to do a light cycle and keep sideeffect, shutdown HPTA to minimum..
any suggestion??
8 week of 350prop
and 6 week of winny 40
8-privron 25 ed
will 350 8week shut me down severely?
06-29-2005, 03:06 PM #5
if i want to run a long cycle it would be a bulking one,
however my goal here is to cut down all the fat i;ve gain from 1st cycle and may be add some nice quiality mass to myself!
06-29-2005, 03:30 PM #6Originally Posted by russia dog
if you've recoverd fully i would do a full cycle.
06-29-2005, 03:32 PM #7
i'd go with 75-100 prop\ed
winny 50-75 ed
minimum 8 wks
diet and cardio are key. clen \t3 are bomb too!
06-29-2005, 03:44 PM #8
so is 350 not effective enough? for 8 weeks
(i just wanna maintain muscle and lose fat,least sides as possible)
prop 350 1-8week
proviron 25 1-8 week
winny 50ed 2-8 week???
is this cycle ineffective and worthless?
should i wait a lil longer? right now it's 11 weeks after last injection and 5 weeks after my last intake of pct
i want to keep dosing to minimal..
06-29-2005, 03:46 PM #9
well define fully recovered??? my blood test looks okay, and my test level is at normal!!
i wanna do a cutting cycle, not so expensive, not so dangerous.. and dat's it for the year, ill rest 6 months before i start bulking again.. so HPTA shut down, will i be able to keep gain fromt his short cycle??? and may be get my HPTA back!
06-29-2005, 03:47 PM #10
If it were me, I would give my body a break. Hit diet and cardio hard, keep intensity in gym and you should drop the fat. I believe in time on=time off plus some.
06-29-2005, 03:49 PM #11Originally Posted by russia dog
sounds like you're recoverd but i would still wait. joints, tendons, etc need to catch up and take a break.
06-29-2005, 03:50 PM #12
.... i feel like im losing mass everyday i do cardio....and my diet is very strict...
so... are you saying that this short cycle will not be effective?
06-29-2005, 03:53 PM #13
im doing higher reps (to spare tendons and joints)
my goal is lose hella fat without losing mass(may be gaining some lbm)... dat's all for the cycle
and ill rest.... i have been experimenting with my caloric intake too much first cycle and i gained a lot of fat..
are you saying 350 of test a week will shut me down at the same rate of 500 test a week?
06-29-2005, 04:10 PM #14Associate Member
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Hi bro,
I am in a very similar sistuation. I have been off for a few weeks and I am losing size like crazy. My diet is in check though.
I got my blood test results from the doctor today and he told me all is perfect and I am very healthy so I am going to jump on another cycle. I also want to take it light and take enough to help me keep the size without shutting me down too much.
I was actually considering doing a cycle of primo at 300 mg weeklly and anavar at 30 mg daily for 8 to 10 weeks. People might say it sucks and that that will not do anything but I believe it will help maintain the muscle mass. soe of my buddies have done it and they have kept the hardness and fullness.
I was also considering adding a small dose of prop like 250 mg or 300 mg but again everyone says that will do shit so I am confused.
Keep me posted on what you decide and hopefully some other bros can add in their two cents. I think you guys have to undersntand that we are looking for something mild that can help us a bit.
06-29-2005, 04:33 PM #15
short cycle, from my research, don;t do primo... like rodge said, at least 12 week
dat leaves us with var, winny, prop
i think var is not worth the price.... it's overated
winny = does wad it does.. and cheap..
prop = you need test in every cycles
i talked to the pharmacist they say u can see gains on 250mg of test...
i think 350 isn't to low or too much, im only 176 lbs....and this is my second cycle..
i have read that the more is not better- so.. i believe i want to keep side effect to minimal, and i hope i experience gain with 350... but im waiting for reply...
how long have u been off cycles? your stats?
06-29-2005, 04:35 PM #16
will my cycle make me reach my goals??
will 350 wk does the same (shuttin HPTA-wise) as 500mg wk
06-29-2005, 04:40 PM #17Associate Member
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Originally Posted by russia dog
I have been off for about 8 weeks. I competed in a show back at the beginning of May, did my PCT and have been off since them. I am planning to compete again next year but looking bigger so I have decided to jump on another cycle even if it is mild. Right now, I am trying to stay in shape eating very clean. I weigh about 190 pounds at the moment but I have been as heavy as 220 in the past.
06-29-2005, 04:43 PM #18Associate Member
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hit up the slin for 4 weeks, then consider a cycle! slin is your friend!
06-29-2005, 04:46 PM #19
so wad do u say prop350, winny 40 or 50.... proviron 25mg is for sure
..... ... i hate losing my nuts, and bloat! i want to cut up dat's all..
clen didn;t help spare muscle for me... taking it with ketofifen 5mg a day and 50mg benadryl.. stackking that hoping to get superclen.. but i can;t feel sh!t!!! clen was effect the first 2 week then.. it just stop....
losing mass a lil by lil each day.. i need to do a cutting cycle so i can cardio to maximum and stay off instense massive cardio when im off.... and keep all the gain, looking lean
06-29-2005, 04:47 PM #20Originally Posted by bigdogc
06-29-2005, 07:02 PM #21
Russia Dog, I can't help you on the primo or proviron since I've never run them. However, my last cycle was a short cycle of 350 mg test prop/wk (100 mg EOD) and 50 mg/day winstrol (tabs). I ran these for six weeks, Nolvadex throughout the cycle at 20 mg/day and Nolvadex for PCT. I thought I had pretty good gains - pushed my weight up to 90 kg and stayed pretty lean. Post cycle I felt like I recovered pretty well within one week and fully recovered within four weeks (just my feeling). I kept most of my gains as my weight only dropped to 87 kg. Overall I was really happy with doing that short cycle. I thought that recovery afterwards was quick (so shutdown wasn't that strong) and my gains were decent and lean.
So can you expect limited shutdown doing the same kind of cycle for 8 weeks? Yeah I think so. I think your plan would work fine for a cutting cycle. I'm cutting myself right now on test prop and winny again. I don't think you need huge amounts of AAS on a cutting cycle to maintain mass unless you're really carrying a lot of muscle. At 176 lbs I assume that 350 mg/wk of test should be enough for you to maintain what you've got.
I think one of the problems that you're having though is just in deciding what you want to do - cut or bulk. It's mostly dependent on diet and cardio. My last cycle of test prop/winny was a lean bulker and I ate ~3,500 cal/day. Now I'm running the same compounds, doing more cardio, ~2,000 cal/day, T4, clen , and I've got a good cutting cycle. Trying to do BOTH, cut AND bulk at the same time is very, very difficult IMHO as you've got to have your diet dialed in perfectly to get good results. I think you're better off here throwing out the idea of adding any mass. Just focus on maintaining your muscle and really hit the cutting hard so that you'll get some good results in those 8 weeks that you're on.
Just my $0.02.... take it for what it is.
06-29-2005, 08:10 PM #22New Member
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don't want to lose your nuts?
either 200 primo/ wk -- best choice
20 anavar /day and you have a shot. these will still be supressive to some degree.
imo bridging is somewhat're either on or you're not. all you can really do is try to use some light gear to prevent big time cortisol buildup post cycle (after pct).
07-01-2005, 05:21 AM #23
yeah.. ill be on, but a bridging to my next lean bulking cycle... if anyone understand what i mean..... it's not bridging as in using some stuff while off--
ill be on a cutting cycle, but it;s a bridging cycle... till my next lean bulker....
i gained too much fat on my first cycle and i need to fix it without muscle loss..... so
8week prop.. would 10 be harmful?
07-01-2005, 02:02 PM #24
would 8 week of prop350 winny and 10 week have same effect on my HPTA??
which cycle is more benefitial?
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