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  1. #1
    BigAJ is offline New Member
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    Few var questions... :D

    Im on my second cycle and both cycles ive used var. But i stopped using it now as it kills my appetite, well i can still eat on schedule i just cant finish my meals.

    Anyways my questions are...

    1. If you only take var before bed and not in the morning aswell is it still worth taking it? or does it only benefit when u take it AM and PM ?

    2. Also i was wondering if taking a really large dose of var works like 200mg?
    cause i heard going beyond 100mg just doesnt do much, but i dont understand how that works? has anyone really tried being it so expensive?

    also im not starting var back up this cycle and im just curious about the 100mg+ of var as id rather run more less androgenic substances.

    Last edited by BigAJ; 07-04-2005 at 03:23 AM.

  2. #2
    dirtyvegas's Avatar
    dirtyvegas is offline Senior Member
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    i think thats too much var 100+..if you have to take that much of it just use somthing else other the anavar .. i wouldent think it matters am/pm your still taking it, you might have problems sleeping if you take it in the pm anyone else wanna help out with this one??


  3. #3
    ***xxx***'s Avatar
    ***xxx*** is offline Anabolic Member
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    u want constan blood levels and no peaks and if u r taking it once a day u won t reach that. take some test then u won t have problems with ur stomach.

  4. #4
    SprinterOne's Avatar
    SprinterOne is offline Senior Member
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    I think the reasoning behind not going over a certain dose with var is that the returns you gain begin to lessen so it isn't worth the extra cost. Meaning the difference between 40mg - 60mg may be noticeable and worth the price increase, but the difference between 100mg - 120mg may not be noticeable and not worth the cash.

    I would drop it and use something else, but since you never stated your goals I can't suggest anything. Maybe tbol since it is a cheap alternative to var, though there are differences between the 2.

  5. #5
    inevitable's Avatar
    inevitable is offline Member
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    u could take some b-12 .. that should boost ur hunger

  6. #6
    dazbo's Avatar
    dazbo is offline Senior Member
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    I think the half life of the Var is 9hrs and the thing to do is to keep the blood levels as stable as possible by taking them regularly. If you only do it once per day then there is a big period with none in you, followed by a big period with lots in you and so on. This will cause a lot of bad unneccessary sides.

    I agree with sprinter on the above too. Ive actually noticed a good jump in positives with my var from 50mg to 60 mg.

  7. #7
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazbo
    I think the half life of the Var is 9hrs and the thing to do is to keep the blood levels as stable as possible by taking them regularly. If you only do it once per day then there is a big period with none in you, followed by a big period with lots in you and so on. This will cause a lot of bad unneccessary sides.

    I agree with sprinter on the above too. Ive actually noticed a good jump in positives with my var from 50mg to 60 mg.

    I like 75-80mg's, and the halflife being 9hours you would always have a good amount in you if taken once daily. Personally I would take half in the morning and half mid day, cause the stuff can cause sleeping problems.

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