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  1. #1
    bigitaly is offline New Member
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    best advice for muscle retention

    I'm going backpacking in europe in the middle of June for about 3 weeks. I will have just finished up a post-cycle of HCG and clomid by the first week in June.

    My question is while I'm in Europe, is there anything I can take that will help me retain the muscle and (some) definition I've attained from my last cycle? I'm not a monster by any means, but I look pretty good.

    I was thinking about taking clomid with me, and doing something like 50mg/day, 100mg/day, 50mg/day for each week, respectively. I want to avoid injections b/c I'm traveling with a wonderful companion, and the last thing I want to do is piss her off or scare her.

    What does everyone think?

  2. #2
    flex321's Avatar
    flex321 is offline Member
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    personally if your that concerned, I would recommend taking clen to keep you out of a catabolic state.

  3. #3
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    a good healthy diet. stay in positive nitrogen retention and avoid going into a calorie deficit.

  4. #4
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    do what doc evil as clean as possible with high protein, enough calories, and lots of water.


  5. #5
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    OK. Traveling is my thing and I've done my share of backapcking, so I'll add a bit here.

    If you have finsihed the Clomid post cycle, no reason to take more.

    Eating well is going to be the key, but eating 'well' while you travel (esp. budget travel) can be tricky; long train or bus rides, not knowing where to find 'the right' food, limited mobility, difficulty getting around in a strange city all mean that you will be at the mercy of eating whatever you can get! It will be hard to find good, low-fat, high protien food on a regular basis. Plus you will be doing a lot of walking, so you will burn off a lot of calories!

    Here's muy suggestions:

    Take a bowl, plate, swiss army knife (w/ can opener), spoon and fork in your pack so you can whip up small snacks. (Don't go overboard and bring a cook stove--it's too much of a hassle!)

    If you can tote a bit of protien powder, great; keep that as a reserve.

    Keep a small stock of quality food with you--and keep stocking up as you go. Canned Tuna. Dried fruit. Good hard German rye bread. Pickled herring. Stop by a grocery store when you see one and buy some healthy food.

    Mueseli, Yogurt & Milk make a good meal (high protien & lots of carbs for energy) that you can buy at a store & carry w/ you on a train or keep in your hotel room.

    Remember, food is a big part of any culture. Don't be too slavish in keeping a strict diet. It might be the trip of a lifetime, so enjoy all the aspects--including some fattening foods. You can diet when you get home, but you may never get another cahnce to travel like that again!

    Once a week you might want to check into an upscale hotel instead of a youth hostel; it's nice to get a break form dorm-living & be able to take a good shower, watch TV and relax. If you do, pick one with a gym and do a quick workout!

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