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  1. #1
    Angel of death's Avatar
    Angel of death is offline Senior Member
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    What cycle have you done thats exceeded your expectations?

    Deffinitely my m1t cycle. My previous cycle was test at 500mgs a week for 10 weeks and I expected so much from that and was just pretty satisfied at the end. But this 4 week m1t cycle at 15mgs gave me like 10 more lbs and a significant drop in bodyfat, did NOT see that coming.

  2. #2
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    1-16 500mg test e
    1-8 50mg anavar split
    1-4 50mg dbol (don't recommend doing 2 orals)
    1-14 600mg eq

    holy strength.. but i haven't run tren yet.. this fall..

    3iu of GH for 6 months.. 2 before cycle.. and during.. and then after..
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  3. #3
    Cmore's Avatar
    Cmore is offline Associate Member
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    Wk 1 : 30 mg Tbol ED
    Wk 2-4: 40 mg Tbol ED
    Wk 5-10: 50 mg Var ED

    Was going to be 30 mg Tbol for the 4 weeks, but I upped the dose after week 1. I still have a couple weeks left in the var, but the 4 weeks of tbol impressed me. I gained 15 pounds in the 4 weeks of tbol, and now have gained another 2 pounds from the 4 weeks of var. Bench has gone up 15-20 pounds.

  4. #4
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Doesn't it seem your bench should of gone up more with a 15lb weight gain? 15-20lb up in bench isn't much. Not doggin ya bro but that's my opinion. I know I gain around 30-50lbs on my banch when I gain 10+lbs of good muscle. I really should get off the bench press and go dumbells only. I'm starting to do that.

  5. #5
    Cmore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Doesn't it seem your bench should of gone up more with a 15lb weight gain? 15-20lb up in bench isn't much. Not doggin ya bro but that's my opinion. I know I gain around 30-50lbs on my banch when I gain 10+lbs of good muscle. I really should get off the bench press and go dumbells only. I'm starting to do that.
    You have to take into consideration how little I was to start. I started at 136 pounds, gained 15 to put me at 151. Bench went from 205 to 220 in 5 weeks, which was 4 weeks tbol 1 week var. I'm a few more weeks into var now and bench has gone up more and I have only gained 1-2 pounds more. I only put 15-20 pound gain because that was the last time I maxed. Will max again in about a week and know exactly how much it went up.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    wk 1-14 test e 500mg weekly
    wk1-12 deca 400mg weekly
    wk 1-4 test prop

    that cycle gave me great gains!!!

  7. #7
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cmore
    You have to take into consideration how little I was to start. I started at 136 pounds, gained 15 to put me at 151. Bench went from 205 to 220 in 5 weeks, which was 4 weeks tbol 1 week var. I'm a few more weeks into var now and bench has gone up more and I have only gained 1-2 pounds more. I only put 15-20 pound gain because that was the last time I maxed. Will max again in about a week and know exactly how much it went up.
    Oh, I see. So percentage wise that's pretty good. Good job cmore. Sorry bout that.

    My first sustanon cycle of 500mgs a week exceeded my expectations quite a bit. But then again, I didn't know shit. I was 21 years old and went from 185lbs to 205lbs in a few months. Changed my whole physique and made me look freakish compared to what I was before. That was my first real cycle. I took small amounts for short periods before that. Didn't know what I was doing.

  8. #8
    Cmore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Oh, I see. So percentage wise that's pretty good. Good job cmore. Sorry bout that.

    My first sustanon cycle of 500mgs a week exceeded my expectations quite a bit. But then again, I didn't know shit. I was 21 years old and went from 185lbs to 205lbs in a few months. Changed my whole physique and made me look freakish compared to what I was before. That was my first real cycle. I took small amounts for short periods before that. Didn't know what I was doing.
    No problem at all. Thanks. I'm hoping to have gained 17-18 pounds total by the very end, which is about 2 more weeks away. And I'm hoping my bench will be 235. Fairly sure I will reach that. Got 205 4 reps other day, and have done 215 twice after 3-4 other sets.

  9. #9
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Prop/tren /winny (or var) That cycle with proper training and diet will amaze even the most experienced user.

  10. #10
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cmore
    No problem at all. Thanks. I'm hoping to have gained 17-18 pounds total by the very end, which is about 2 more weeks away. And I'm hoping my bench will be 235. Fairly sure I will reach that. Got 205 4 reps other day, and have done 215 twice after 3-4 other sets.

    Wk 1 : 30 mg Tbol ED
    Wk 2-4: 40 mg Tbol ED
    Wk 5-10: 50 mg Var ED
    You have to put some injectable test in there next time. You will see incredible results with frontloanding your tbol then staying on 500mgs/week of test e,c or p or sustanon . Oral only cycle is ok but not for what you need. You need to build your base bro. So you need test in there for sure. You don't need to cut up with var, you need size first. Your next cycle should looks something like this:

    Wk 1-2 : 30 mg Tbol ED
    Wk 2-4: 40-50 mg Tbol ED
    Wk 1-12: 500 mg Test E or sustanon

    You got to get over needle phobia if you have it. Injecting is much safer and better on your body. I have a friend of mine who still does dbol only to this day and he developed crones disease years ago. I know it's from the partying as well since he does that quite a bit but mixing in the orals is what probably gave him that. Don't drink while doing orals.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 07-25-2005 at 12:07 PM.

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