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Thread: Is this B/S?

  1. #1
    Hydroponics's Avatar
    Hydroponics is offline Associate Member
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    Exclamation Is this B/S?

    Ive been trying to decide to do Enan or Sust for my 1st cycle. Is my source correct here?

    I really don't know what
    forums guys are telling you but Sust. is the best injectible for first
    cycle. Here's the problem with Test E.

    Test E


    Good for power
    Good for size
    Kicks in very quickly


    lots of water retention (so you'll lose some weight at the end of the
    Should not be taken in large quantities
    Should be stacked with another compound

    Inever take more than 500mg of Test E per week. I load on Sust or
    Omnadren .
    As a bodybuilder I don't want to look bloated. Sustanon provides solid
    gains. I use Test E to shock my body by giving it another compound
    it is not my favorite. Power lifters should take it because for them
    all about power not looks. If you want to get big in powerlifting style
    Test E is the way to go. If you still want to look good than Sustanon.
    anybody thinks otherwise they lack experience bigtime.

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Hydroponics's Avatar
    Hydroponics is offline Associate Member
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    He also says to just do 500mg of Sust every sunday for 10 weeks, if im gonna do Sust

  3. #3
    freakintraining's Avatar
    freakintraining is offline Associate Member
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    sounds like your getting bogus info to a few of the threads in here now

  4. #4
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hydroponics

    Test E


    Good for power
    Good for size
    Kicks in very quickly


    lots of water retention (so you'll lose some weight at the end of the
    Should not be taken in large quantities
    Should be stacked with another compound
    The water retention can be easily controlled
    Test E is taken in large quantities more than any other compound that I'm aware of.
    For a first cycle Test E by itself is perfectly OK.
    Last edited by eGGz; 08-01-2005 at 04:09 PM.

  5. #5
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    not where I want to be
    I don't think your supplier is very keen on this. Test E doesn't kick in quickly, and is perfectly fine to be run by itself or with other compounds. And doses over 500mg/week are very common. Is he charging more for the sust? If so that's probably why he's trying to sway your opinion that way. I'd stick with the test E.

  6. #6
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    You have been handed garbage information. The maximum water bloat/retension you get from a dose of about 500 mg a week of testosterone enanthate is about a grand total of about 5 lbs. Let me explain, this is not water bloat under the skin or water bloat of the fat cells, this is 90% water bloating of the "muscles" in a very similar fashion to that of creatine. This moderate amount of water bloating results is better strength and gains because this water bloat is not all water, it is highly retentive of excess proteins, vitamins and nutrients and thus having this nutrients and nitrogen available to the muscles at the time they are stressed in the gym results in dramatically improved he****g and better muscle growth. The water bloat of the muscles is the very mechanism that causes you to get rapid muscle growth. Without this water bloat/retension, your gains will be poor or sad. Thus steroid that causes less water bloat = steroid that is waste of time and results and less gains and strength.

    BTW, To take sust only once a week is someone showing their ignorance and complete lack of understanding of sustenon. Half of sustenon is 2 day release formula, which means you are on a roller coaster ride with testosterone , 2 days after injection you are sky high on testosterone, the other 5 days you are really low. When you want to grow on steroids , consistency is the key and you need consistent levels of testosterone or else you will inhibit potential gains. When taking sust, you should divide your 500 mg into thirds (like 175 mgs), take 175 mg every other day which will add up to 500 mg a week. You will feel like a pin cushion taking 3 injections a week because thats how sust is supposed to be done. Test e or test cyp is just fine and dandy to take all 500 mg once a week.

  7. #7
    j martini is offline Member
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    He hasnt a clue.

    Sus will not cause less water retention than enanthate . Water retention is caused by test aromatizing to estrogen. It has nothing to do with the esther atached to the test molecule.

    Some people think that a test ether with a short half life will cause less water retention than a long ether, if this is what he believes then he is wrong about sus holding less water than enanthate because sus has the decanoate ether in it which has a longer half life than enanthate.

    Why should it not be taken in large quantities if that goes back to his theory about more water retention then let him read the above.
    Test enanthate can be used on its own as can sus ask him to explain why Test E must be stacked with something else.

    Sus will not cause clean gains you will hold water on it as you will on Test E.

    If the guy has as much experience that he says he does ask him why he thinks what he dose about Test E and Sus, because as far as im concerned he hasnt got a clue.

  8. #8
    Hydroponics's Avatar
    Hydroponics is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys, much help!

  9. #9
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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