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  1. #1
    Mr. Trenton is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Question Sustanon/deca???

    Hey everyone, I just finished an Eq. only cycle and got preety good results especially in the lower body, so that's gonna help me out alot in my show in 7 weeks. Anyway I'm thinking of doing another cycle in August or maybe a little after. So, here's my question, the cycle I was thinking of doing is Sustanon and Deca . Some bb at my gym told me that, that is a good cycle to run but I wanted to get some of you guy's advice on the cycle. What could I expect to gain from that cycle or should I maybe run D-bol with it. And how should I run the cycle, meaning how many weeks and mgs? Well any help on the matter would be appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Redneck is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Austin, Tx
    I'm about to start a deca , sust whinny cycle and I was debating throughing in d-bol but deciced to hold off. Sense it's my first cycle. Two of my buddies are on the same cycle and getting hugh results from it.they've been on it a month and have gained between 15-20lbs this is what I'm going to run there's is a little heavier.
    wk1 750sust, deca 400
    wk2-8 500 sust, deca 400
    wk6-11 whinny 50mg evd
    arimidex .5mg evod
    From everything I've read you are pretty much going to keep all your gains on a cycle like this, because the whinny will solidify the gains from the sust and deca.Thats why you run it three weeks after them.

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