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  1. #1
    RAM2500's Avatar
    RAM2500 is offline Member
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    Jul 2004

    Steroid Epidural Shot & Piss Test

    I'm taking 800mg of Test E-Cyp and 50mg of Tren ED, supose my co-workers knew I was juicing and was forced to take a piss test for steroids , over the last 4 months I've had 4 Steroid Epidural Shots for a ruptured disc in C5-C6. could I just claim that is what was detected in the test if it came back positive.

  2. #2
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    Mar 2002
    Your epidural shots were probably CORTICO-steroids , not anabolic steroids. They are for most purposes complete opposites. You can't use corticosteroids to mask anabolics, I don't think.

    If you want an alibi for a dirty test, and if you are old enough, get hooked up with a rejuve clinic like Oasis. Place a modest order, say 3-4 jugs of test and one or two of deca , and keep the boxes safe somewhere. Then do a test/deca cycle and if you get tested for gear, you are covered. You got a scrip. You can produce the medications you are taking and the packaging with your scrip info on it. If you need to travel, don't take UG or BM gear... take you prescribed medications with you. You might even decide to just go with only prescribed stuff, anyway, all the time.

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