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  1. #81
    MMA's Avatar
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    chris, i'm sorry you lack the discipline and inner strength to use these very powerful drugs safely. i'll be the first to tell you they're not for everyone. but don't project your weaknesses onto the people that are using them successfully.

  2. #82
    Liftgod84's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    chris, i'm sorry you lack the discipline and inner strength to use these very powerful drugs safely. i'll be the first to tell you they're not for everyone. but don't project your weaknesses onto the people that are using them successfully.
    Nicely put.

  3. #83
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by Liftgod84
    Nicely put.

    ditto brother...

  4. #84
    Rider's Avatar
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    I am in my 30's I started workin out 6 years ago naturally ,I was an ectomorph and hell yea I wanted and I still want to be big ..okay maybe not as big as a pro! At a weight of 125lbs I started eating and training but then I hit a plateau,I couldn't gain was nasty and I was already 31..even my natural Testo was in the lower spectrum so I made a choice! I would do AAS! I started my research and now I am on my 2nd cycle,feeling great and I wanna keep it that way.I have no lower self esteem I just want to be smart and take back some of the things that mother nature got me lol...
    P.S I have a good job a nice gf and I am very optimistic...

  5. #85
    grimnlock's Avatar
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  6. #86
    MMA's Avatar
    MMA is offline VET
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    bump, because not enough people got to read my brilliant and insightful retort

    swole beat me to it, but i'll chime in anyway. not a flame, just constructive criticism. do not project your weaknesses, insecurities and problems onto everybody else, that is the height of arrogance. yes, maybe you were doing steroids for the wrong reasons, and you didn't have the inner strength and discipline necessarry to use them properly. instead you engaged in "addictive behavior". i guarantee you have an addictive personality, and have this problem in many areas of your life.

    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    After a year and a half or so of experimenting in steroids I must say, everything weighed in, steroids are a bad choice to make in life..

    for who? for you, but its arrogant to assume that everyone has the same limitations as you. the football player who gets a full scholarship to top school, and is smart enough to avoid the side effects, was it a "bad choice" for him? a former minor league ballplayer who now has a million dollar contract, instead of living in hios hometown pumping gas? the guy who looks great, feels great, doesn't have any health problems/sides? bad idea for him?

    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    The only logical reason someone would subject their body to a harmful chemical is because of an addiction..

    addiction is by definition not logical behavior. also, almost every medication that we take has some harmful effect, so basicly you're saying that most of modern medecine is worthless "those antibiotics give you a rash, don't take them, better to die instead!"

    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    Whether you snort coke or shoot steroids you're doing it to fullfill a subconscious addiction. And if you aren't addicted physically, but still snort coke, then that means you have an addiction to the need for friends and fitting in. Its the same thing, and addiction is an addiction..

    what the hell is a "subconcious addiction" for someone who isn't physically addicted? maybe a man is simply making a choice.

    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    When I started using steroids I promised myself I'd be in control, no overuse or overstacking.

    After a year and half, I must say I am bigger. Its nice.

    But what has it gotten me in life? I got laid the same amount I got laid before.... .

    your game or your regimen must be seriously weak if your body looks dramaticly better, but you still don't get laid more. this just doesn't make sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    And as for respect muscles won't get you it..

    a loser with muscles is still a loser, but a great physique always enhances the respect a winner gets.

    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    As for sleepiness, acne, and overall bodily harm like hurting natural test production, I had plenty of that..

    then you're a fool and should have done more research, because most intelligent users don't have serious sides.

    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    Is getting laid or getting noticed physically really that important in life that you put your one tue thing in life, your body, at risk?.

    make up your mind, does it get you laid/respect or doesn't it? you can't argue it both ways - either the getting laid/respect isn't worth the risk, or it doesn't get you laid/respect. you can't argue both positions.

    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    Theres a much healthier and effective way, I've noticed. And that is by furthering your mind. The most respect I have gotten in the past year and a half, after using steroids, was the fact that I had gotten my act together and did great in school. I got my bachelors, many certifications in things like Linux and Security, etc etc. And the respect from people was overwhelming, something I never recieved from simply gaining muscle..

    many of us choose to succeed professionally/academically AND look great.

    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    You may get laid or get checked out when youre muscular, but remember the scrawny guy who pulls up in a Porsche still outweighs you in many other ways. Important ways that matter to people.

    which is why i prefer to be a huge guy in a porsche.

    to be continued when i have more time.
    Last edited by MMA; 08-28-2005 at 05:55 PM.

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