ok please only experienced users,vets,pros..etc reply....
I am 21 yrs old.used to lift heavy and hard a fews ago(sad to peak at 18,lol) but now I am looking to get shredded and gain about 40 pds and keep 25 to 30. I am going to do tons of research before i do but just wondering... Now I know that you inject into your stomach but is it Intra-muscular or is it like slin just grab some fat and shoot... i would guess that a IM shoot would hurt like hell in the abs. Also besides slin what else should i take with it to... Have gotten so lazy and fat its sad! my arms are like wet noodles and I think a man bra is in order soon! lol! but seriously I don't feel like taking a yr to do things properly... so save the boyscout posts and give the facts ...
[email protected]

Thank you for reading .....